Chapter Twenty-Three: Suprise

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"We're what?!" I said loudly to my mom. "We can't move!"

"Jack, baby... we have too!" My mom said.

"Mom, I can't leave Alex." I whined.

"Jack, you can't argue."  My dad said, "My job is moving me to California."

"Its moving you. Not me!" I yelled. I tried not to yell, because Lyric was sleeping upstairs.  

"I'm sorry." My mom said, "This is the same reason we ended up in Towson..." I sighed.

"This is for you." I said, I got up and stomped to my room. Alex ran up after me. I went into my room and sobbed. Alex rubbed my hair.

"Baby, I won't let them do this.." Alex said.

"My dad made me move from Lebanon. Lebanon is in Asia! We are half way across the world. He moved me. I was a baby! I want to stay here. I love it here. You're here, Rian's here, Cass is here, Tay, and my daughter is here!" I said, "I can't."

"My mom is here! I will let you stay. She won't take us apart.." Alex stopped and hugged me. I felt his hug and I stopped crying. "She can't take us apart." He wiped the tears of my face with his thumb. "Jack, I'll go to Lebanon if it means staying with you."

"Alex, you don't understand. Its not safe if you go outside after night you die. You'll get killed. I can't risk you.. or the baby. Everyone there is drunk and partying. I'm so scared." I said holding his arm. He put his arms around my waist.

"Stop crying." Alex said. "I am keeping you with me. In Towson."


"An apartment." Alex said pulling me into him. He kissed my nose. "I love you, Jack. I won't let it happen."

"I know." I smiled at him. I leaned in to kiss him and heard Lyric start crying. I got up and ran into her room. I grabbed her and rocked her back and forth. "Shhhh Lyric." I said trying to calm her down. Alex walked in the room, he kissed me.

"There." He said making me smile. Alex grabbed Lyric, he changed her and then sat down in the chair. He started singing to her. He'd look up at me and smile. I stood against the wall and waited for him to put her back in her crib. He covered her up and followed me into my room.


"Alex, I don't know how we can move in the rain." I said looking at my phone.

Hey J! Call Me! -M

I quickly dialed May's number. "Hey." She said picking up the line.

"What's up?"

"Are you going with mom and dad?" She said.

"To Lebanon?"

"Yes.." She continued.

"No, Alex want to go. Its not safe, so we are gonna find an apartment." I said.

"Good, cool. So an old man that lived on the same floor as me just passed. The apartment is for rent. Its like $55 a month. Do you want me to put a down payment on it?" She said.

"No, we will. Is it nice?"

"Its like the top floor of mom and dads house. Three bed rooms. Full bathroom, kitchen, and like four closets." May said. "The landlord said painting is allowed."

"I'll check it out tomorrow! Send me pictures." I said.

"Okay. Bye Jack! I love you!"

"Love you too!" I said hanging up.

"Was that May?" Alex asked playing with Lyric.

"Yes. She said there is a huge apartment for like $55 a month. We are gonna check it out tomorrow." I said, "I'm gonna leave Lyric with May."

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