Chapter Nineteen: Baby Trouble

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Alex was sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed sound asleep when I woke up. It was dark outside and I couldn't see the clock. I tried to fall back asleep. I just sat there and thought about what happened. The fact that a little push that knocked me off balance put me in the hospital. It was my second night there. I really wanted Alex in my bed with me. I grabbed his hand, which I guess was the second best thing.

"Baby, go to sleep." Alex said in his sleep.

"I'm not tired." I said trying to roll over. I felt sharp pains in my back. "Alex... my back hurts."

"Go to sleep it'll be fine." He said to me.

"No, Alex, seriously..." I said, "It's killing me."

"Jack," Alex said grabbing his phone and looking at the time, "Its 1:30am... do you want me to go get someone?" He asked me.

"Yes, please." I said. Alex moaned and stood up. He walked out the door into a bright hallway. He started talking to her. I couldn't read lips, so I couldn't see what he was saying. She nodded and followed him into the room. He turned on the light which blinded me.

"Hi Jack, I understand your back hurts?" She said to me.

"Yeah..." I said trying not to move.

"Okay, well I'm going to give you a painkiller. I'm sure this is because of the little incident, but I'm going to bring a doctor just in case." She said. I nodded looking pathetic. Alex yawned and sat down on the chair across the room. He curled in a ball.  The nurse walked out of the room.

"Thank you." I said quietly. Alex made a little noise and fell asleep. I tried to sit up. It made me want to throw up. The nurse came in with a new water and pills. She handed them to me.

"A doctor will be here in ten minutes." She said, "If you need me pull this string behind you. It'll alert us. All of our pregnant patients have them." She said, sounding like she wanted to comfort me but failed. I nodded. I looked over at Alex. He was sound asleep. I could tell he wasn't happy with me. The doctor came in the room in three minutes....


The doctor quickly woke Alex up and started talking to him. He told me that Lyric shifted and her position was hurting me. He said it was how I was sleeping. "I don't know... he was laying flat.. I think?" Alex said. The doctor nodded. He sat my bed up.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked me.

"As of now yes... I only feel it laying down.." I said. "Is she hurt?" I asked nervously for more of the baby's health over mine.

"Yes... She's fine. She is growing right now. She wasn't before. This is going to be easier in birth for everyone." He said, "Your going to feel strong pain for a few days until your body is used to it." I sighed. Alex came over and sat on the side of my hospital bed.

"Can he go home soon? Or.." Alex said.

"He needs to stay until his pain is gone. Unless you can take care of him yourself." The doctor said back to Alex.

"Which way is cheaper?" Alex asked him.

"Taking him home in the morning." The doctor said. "His bill now is only $200"

"Okay. I'll take care  of him." Alex smiled. He grabbed my hand. I still had IV lines in my arms. The doctor nodded and left the room. He left the light on.

"Alex, I'm sorry." I said referring to the bills.

"This is my dads fault." He said, "I never should have let you into the house. Its more my fault."

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