Chapter Three: Truths.

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Rian just so happened to be at Cassadee's six miles from here. So I walked toward Alex's house. I knocked on the door.

"Hi, Can I help you?" Alex's mom said with a strong British accent.

"Yeah, I'm here to see Alex." I said.

"Go on up, he's in his room."


When I got upstairs I saw him sitting on his bed crying.

"Hey man." I said opening the door. He wiped his face.

"Hey Jack. Why are you here?" He said really questioningly.

"We need to talk." I told him.

"Okay. What about." He said motioning me to sit.

"Well.. uh. I'm pregnant." Alex looked at me and then looked at my stomach then shook his head.

"Is it mine?" He asked me.

"Well....... yes." I said seeing a tear fall down his cheek. I started crying and then I put my hand on my stomach. "I'm really sorry." I told him wiping my face. He grabbed my hand.

"Don't be. This is my fault. I didn't wear a condom. And we slept together, here." He said. I was almost sobbing. "Did you say anything to your mother?"

"Well... yeah. She's pissed." I said he put his hand on my leg, "That's why I came here." Tears were running down my face. He wiped my face.

"Please don't cry." He said, he pulled me into him.

"Sorry." I said, I heard Alex start to whimper. We made a mistake. A big mistake.

"Are you like....... gay? He asked me.

"Yes." I whined. "Are you?"

"Considering I was crying because I liked you and I just dumped Lisa. I am." He started crying. He looked as if he felt bad. "Jack, I have never been more sorry in my life. "

"Alex, why are you sorry?" I said, putting my arm around him.

"I did this to you." He said. I looked up at him and I saw him cry. I had never seen him cry and I didn't like him crying. It made me even more upset.

"Alex. Stop crying. Please." I pleaded him. I started to cry.

"I feel really bad." He laid back on his bed and covered his face with a pillow. He was bawling. I felt a warm tear slowly fall down my cheek. I quickly wiped my face. I looked back at Alex. He sat up. "J-Jack?" He stuttered.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What do we do now?" He said grabbing my hand.

"Well, my mom is pissed. I told her before I came here." I paused, "All we need to do is tell your mom."

"No." He said, "I can't do that!"

"Should I?" I told  him.

"No," He paused and looked at me. "Hey Mom!" He yelled. She ran in the door.

"Honey. Are you alright?" She said to him.

"Well... how do I put this." He said looking  over to me. "Mom, I threw a party 3 weeks ago during break when you were on you trip and I slept with Jack." He motioned my way.

"And, I'm pregnant." I felt the urge to vomit. But I didn't. She just looked at us.

"Jack, I need to talk to Alex." She said to me. I stood up and walked out in the hall. I waited for like ten minutes. It was almost silent. Every so often Alex would say 'I know' but that was it. His mom walked out and I came in.

"Okay. She's mad, but she said its fine. We're 17 and we can do this ourselves. She said she's glad it wasn't Lisa." Alex said, "But she said you can stay here for a few days. I told her about your mom."

"Will you drive me home so I can get clothes?" I said, "Please, walking isn't good for my feet."

"No problem." He smiled and stood up. He gave me a hug.


"Mom" I said walking in the house, "I'm staying with Alex."

"Okay. One question." She paused. "How long have you liked boys?" It made me shutter. I looked out the window and saw Alex sitting in his car.

"7th grade." I said, "I'm sorry, I'm a fuck up." I said to my mom.

"Watch your mouth." She said, "You are not. Your perfect. It was just a surprise. I hope you can reconsider staying with Alex. ALL week." She said making 'All' loud.

"I'm staying tonight. Were gonna talk." I said walking toward her. She hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Bye sweetie." She said letting me go up stairs. I ran up the steps and grabbed a pair of boxers and sweat pants. I also grabbed one of my bigger tee-shirts and a new pair of socks. I walked toward the door and then went back outside to Alex.

"You good?" Alex said looking into my eyes.

"Yep." I said looking back at him.

"Your really cute Jack." He said almost caught of guard.

"You are too Alex." I said, I really wanted to kiss him.

"I just don't know what the guys at school are gonna say. I mean, were together." He said, backing out of the driveway.

"What do you mean, together?" I said looking at him.

"Well... I was thinking we could date, considering your carrying my baby. And, Jack, I'm in love with you." Alex said. He stopped at the stop light and looked at me.

"I'd love to go out with you." I said looking at him. He grabbed my hand. I started getting really happy minded. "I love you too." I looked at him. He started driving again. He moved his hand up a little. Once we got back to his house we walked up to his room.


"Alex." I said watching him put on gym shorts for bed.

"What's wrong?" He said sitting down next to me.

"Where's your dad?" I said looking at him.

"Well, my mom and dad divorced when I was a kid and me and my mom moved here from England." He said looking down at my stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said.

"Its not that big of a deal." He said still looking at my stomach. "It just gave me anxiety."

"Oh. Why are you looking at my stomach?" I said putting my hand just above it.

"I don't know." He said looking at me, "Can I feel it? Your stomach- I mean."

"Yeah, I don't  care." I said grabbing  his hand and pulling it close. I put it on my stomach. Alex smiled, I had never seen him smile this  much.

"When is your next appointment?" He asked me.

"Tuesday." I said looking over at his phone.

"Can I come?" He said putting his hand on my thy.

"Yes, I'd love that." I said giving him a hug. I laid back on one of his pillows. He put his arms around me and laid back. We both fell asleep and his arms stayed wrapped around my torso all night.

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