Chapter Seven: Silent

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May 31st:

I sat on my bed and waited. I was waiting for graduation. I was miserable and wearing a suit. Alex was at his house and I was home. This is the longest we've been apart since I told him. I threw up six times today and I just wanted to sleep. "Jack! C'mon! You don't want to be late." I heard my mom yell from down the steps.

"Please allow me to be." I said to myself. We rushed to the school. When I got there I sat beside Alex and his friends. On the other side was Rian and Cassadee. Alex held my hand and rubbed his thumb across mine. I felt weird considering I had only been pregnant one month.


I had never been more bored in my life when it was over I followed Alex to his family. I had to introduce myself to his  grandma. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jack. Alex's boyfriend." I was in shock because that came out of my mouth. Alex just looked and smiled. Obviously he didn't care.

"Nice to meet you Jack." She said to me. That night I was going to a dinner with his whole family. He decided not to have a huge party. Just with his family. We stayed at the school and hugged it out with a bunch of our friends. Then Lisa came up to Alex.

"Lisa." Alex said negatively.

"Hi Alex." She said, "Can we talk?"

"Sure." He said. I turned around and talked to Rian. Every so often I'd look back to see her.

"Lisa. You are such a bitch!" I heard him scream. He turned around and stood beside me.

"What was that about?" I asked looking at him.

"You." He said, "Don't worry its no big deal."

"Uhg. Alex." I moaned.

"Jack." He said. "I promise." I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder.


I left the school with Alex. I got in his car with him and his grandma. I sat in the back. I was looking around his car. I hadn't been in the back. I just saw notebooks and guitar picks all over the floor. A lot of sheet music too. Some where songs that said: Alexander William. I thought it was cool. I didn't know that he wrote music. We pulled into his driveway and he helped his grandma out. He walked her to the door and I followed closely behind. He took her over to the table and sat her down. We ran up the steps into his room.

"Uhg I love you." He said running over to me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. He wouldn't let me speak. I just kissed back. Though I was confused.

"I-" I was stopped by him putting his lips on mine. He stopped. "-love you too." I finished saying. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and put them on. I had to wear girls jeans that wear stretchy so my mom didn't have to keep buying me new pants. So I grabbed a pair. And I put on a baggy tee-shirt Alex gave me. "Are we telling you family?"" I asked him.

"If you want." He said messing up my hair so it looked natural.

"Well we told a bunch of other people." I said.

"Lets do it." He said, "Are we telling your family tomorrow?"

"No. They hate the fact gays exist. They think it the women's job to carry a baby." I said.

"That's harsh." He said checking his phone.  I started messing with my earing.

"Yeah, a little." I said taking it out. I changed it because it was annoying me.

"You okay?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, it hurts but I'm good." I said. Alex hugged me and kissed my neck. We started walking down the steps. There was two open spots at the table. They were next to each other. I planned on eating. Considering I was surprisingly hungry.

I sat down and Alex sat beside me. His mom brought out dishes and sat them in the middle of the table. After everyone got food I introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Jack, Alex's boyfriend." I smiled. Everyone looked at me. I felt like a fool.

"Awh, that's really cute." Alex's other grandma said to us. Alex grabbed my hand under the table. With my other hand I held my stomach.

"Do you wanna tell?" He asked me.

"Well, um, how about desert time?" I asked him.

"Sounds better." Alex held my hand and we started eating. His mom came in and took me into the kitchen.

"Jack, sweetie. Are you doing okay? You look miserable." She said.

"I'm fine. Its just the dinner tomorrow with my family they don't like gays." I said.

"Jack, you and Alex are happy and I don't understand why anyone would change that." She added. She hugged me and rubbed my back. She treated me as if I was her second son. And I loved it. She walked back in the dining room with me.


About thirty minutes passed. Alex's mom brought out pies and ice cream. Me and Alex split a piece. We were holding hands again. He looked around. "I have an announcement." He said, "I feel like since we graduated I should tell everyone." I nodded and looked at him. "Jack, is pregnant with a beautiful baby girl." Everyone congratulated us. About five minutes later questions arose.

"How far along are you?" His aunt asked me.

"Umh, about a two months." I replied, I took a bite of pie.

"Do you guys have a name picked out?" Alex's cousin asked.

"Yeah, Lyric Marie." Alex said, putting his arm around me.

"Oh yeah, Jack and Alex? Who's last name?" His mom said looking at us.

"Mine." Alex said  smiling. I sat up and put my hand on my stomach.


One hour later:

Everyone had left and Alex's mom went to the store. We were in his room. He took off his pants and shirt and was standing in his boxers looking for gymshorts. I kept trying not to look at him. He jumped onto his bed and laid on me. He took off my shirt. I took off my pants and reached for my sweats that were laying on the floor. He grabbed my arm. "Alex stop." I started laughing.

"Come here." He said rolling off of me. He laid beside me and started sitting up. He looked over and kissed me. He kept grabbing my thighs. He had a habit of it. He did it the day of the party and he did it a lot in his sleep.

"Alex." I moaned. He kept kissing me but now he was ontop of me. He made me moan again. He just sat on me. He rubbed my back and stared at me. He eventually sat down beside me and covered up with the blankets. I laid my head on his chest and got under the blankets. He put his arm around me.

"Are you good?" Alex asked me. 

"Mhm." I said. Alex rubbed my back. He had his arm around me. He kissed my forehead. I kept touching Alex's hair.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I said holding onto the sheet. He rolled over onto his stomach and laid next to me. I laid on my back because I couldn't flip over. He leaned over and put his lips on mine. He had his arm right above my underwear line. He kissed down my cheek and then on my neck. He kept kissing my neck making me moan. He rubbed my arm. He then kissed my chest and stomach and my waistline. I rubbed my hands through his hair. "Alex-" I moaned. He stopped and kissed my lips again. Then he balled up next to me. I wrapped my entire body around him. He was warm. Almost to warm. "Babe?" I asked him.

"Yeah?" He said, looking at me.

"You really warm." I said rubbing him.

"Yeah." He said, "Its hot in here." I kissed his lips.

"Your sick Alex." I said to him.

"I'm fine." He said, "I'm not warm, I feel fine."

"Okay." I said. He looked up. I kissed him because I knew that's what he wanted. He had his hand across my waist. I fell asleep holding onto Alex. He rubbed my stomach until he fell asleep.

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