Chapter Fourteen: Surprise?

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June 18th:

I woke up to Alex rubbing my head. I barley opened my eyes and saw it was still dark. "Happy Birthday Baby." He said kissing me. Even though I still hadn't gotten up. I opened my eyes. He looked down at me.

"Thanks." I laughed. He grabbed my arm.

"Come here." He said tugging on my arm. He pulled me up to his face and kissed me.

"Alex.." I said. He smiled and moved back from me. "I'm scared." I said playing with his fingers.

"I know." He said breathy. "I am too." He said moving his hand closer too me. I continued to play with it.

"I just don't want anything to happen to her." I said holding my stomach. Alex rubbed my arm. "I want to talk to my mom about it." I said moving my arm.

"After the appointment?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said, knowing I was going to get suggestions and pointers today. Alex hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.

"Please be happy." Alex said. "Your 18 today." He said.

"I will be." I said, "After this appointment." I frowned and let go of Alex. I laid back. I laid in Alex's bed and felt a tear go down my face. Alex laid beside me and looked at me.

"Don't cry." He said wiping the tear off my face. I just looked at him. He rubbed my head. I started to doze off and woke myself up.

"I don't know if I can take this." I said putting both of my hands on my face. I shifted my body. "I don't think I'm strong enough." I whined.

"Jack, you are the strongest person I know." Alex said pulling my hand off my face. "I know you can get through this." He said kissing my cheek.

"Do you really think that?" I asked him.

"I know that." He said grabbing my hand. I kissed his cheek and laid back. I kept thinking of how my moms side of the family was going to treat me.


I sat in Alex's car and leaned my face on the window. I felt sick. I didn't eat for about 24 hours, like I was told. I wasn't hungry. I was just tired. Alex was holding my hand. He was humming with the music on the radio. "Alex, where are we?" I said still with my face on the window.

"Five more minutes." He said squeezing my hand tighter. I felt like I was going to faint. I leaned my head back and held my breath. I saw police sirens behind us. "Fuck." Alex said hitting his steering wheel. The cops sped past him. I looked over at him. He was breathing heavy and going slower. He turned down a road and pulled in. He let me out of the car and walked me inside. "Jack?" He said looking at me.

"What?" I said holding my stomach.

"I'm scared." Alex said sitting down in the waiting room.

"I am too." I said wiping a tear off my face. Alex got up and signed me in. I sat there and looked around. I was confused about how this place looked. I was throwing up continuously last time I was here and it just didn't feel this same. Alex sat down beside me and rubbed my arm. I laid my head on his shoulder.


About ten minutes later:

"Jack?" I heard a nurse say. Both me and Alex stood up and walked into the long hall. The nurse showed us into a room. "About five minutes." She said closing the door behind her. Alex was pacing the room. He looked more worried than scared.

"What's wrong baby?" I said to him.

"I just hope everything with her is okay." Alex said, completely confusing me.

"Alex. Its okay." I said to him. He walked over toward me and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him. I put my head in his chest. He was breathing really heavy. The doctor came in and I let go of him. He backed up and sat down in the chair.

"Hi Jack. How are you?" The doctor asked me.

"Fine." I said partially smiling. The doctor went through all the same stuff as before. Alex continued to sit down he was playing with his hair and staring at me. Whenever the doctor was showing us the ultra-sound Alex had weird looks on his face. 

"She is healthy and doing well." The doctor smiled.

"Hang on..." Alex said, "This is our baby?" He said. The doctor nodded.  Alex smiled and grabbed my hand. When the appointment was finally over we walked back out to Alex's car. He turned on the car and turned on the air conditioning. "Jack, were really doing this." Alex said smiling. He looked at me. I started to smile back.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I never thought we would be able to go through this." He said to me. I smiled.

"Me neither." I said as Alex backed out of the parking space. He took a shorter way back to my house. When we walked in the door my mom was in the kitchen making a cake.

"Happy Birthday Jack." My mom said giving me a hug.

"Thanks Mom." I smiled.

"So how was it?" My mom asked.

"Great." Alex said, "She is healthy." He said to my mom. My mom gave us both hugs.

"That's wonderful news." My mom said smiling. "Jack, sweetie, your cake is almost done." My mom said to me. I smiled back.

"Thank You." I said to her. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with Alex. Alex rubbed my arm.

Alex pulled out a tiny little plastic box and handed it to me. "I know its not much, but Happy Birthday baby." He said to me. I opened up the box and it was a ring that matched the one Alex was wearing on his ring finger.

"Thanks Alex." I said kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you too." Alex said hugging me. My mom looked over at us and I let go of Alex. My mom took a cake out of the oven. I sat at the table and looked at the ring. I basically fell in love with it. I put it on my ring finger. I started walking up the steps so I could put real clothes on and Alex followed. When he shut the door of my room. He pulled me into him and kissed me.

"A-lexxxx." I hissed. He backed up and patted my head.

"What?" He said. I laughed faintly and jumped on him.

"Get off me prego!" He teased. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Stop that." He said smiling at me. He grabbed my hair and tugged back. I heard a knock on my door. I jumped up off Alex and ran toward my door. I opened up the door and saw my mom standing.

"Hi mom." I said shyly.

"Come here baby." She said, "I'm gonna show you your present." She said walking down the hall. I followed her and Alex caught up with me. She opened up the door of the guest room. I looked inside. I saw the walls painted and everything was set up. "This is from me, your dad, May, and Alex." I looked back at Alex and smiled.

"Thank you." I said tearing up. I turned around and hugged my mom and Alex. May came out of her room and smiled at me. I let go and walked into the room. Alex followed me.

"Jack, I'm sorry Joe shut you out. He's just not ready." Alex said standing in the door. I just nodded. "Watch." Alex said hitting the light switch. What looked like 400 little stars projected onto the ceiling.

"Woah." I said astonished. "Alex this is beautiful." I said to him.

"I wanted it to be something you'd like." He said to me, "I know you best." I just gazed at the purple and pink room. He smiled at me.

"I love it." I said hugging him. "This is the best birthday ever." I said to him. He rubbed my back. He walked me downstairs where my mom was making plates of food. She put them on the table. I sat down and started eating. Alex sat beside me.

"Do you like it sweetie?" My mom asked me. "The room.." She added.

"Mom, I love it thank you."  I said looking up at her.

"I'm glad." She laughed. I couldn't stop smiling. Alex put his hand on my leg. My mom surprisingly didn't say anything.  I put my hand on Alex's and he looked up at me. He sometimes acts like we aren't together. It didn't bother me. I just played along and tried to get through life..

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