Chapter Thirty-Two: My Only One (Part Three)

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I watched as nurses helped my baby breathe. I was hugging Alex and we were both silently bawling. He rubbed his hand along my waistline. "Stop crying," I whispered, "It'll all be okay." Alex wiped his face and laid it in my neck. "Please." I said.

"I'm trying." He said, "I don't want anything to happen to her."

"I know." I said wiping the tears off Alex's face. One of the nurses came toward us. We quickly looked at her.

"Okay, Lyric is breathing on her own now. She isn't stable enough to take her off. She has an IV line in her leg and she is refusing food." The nurse said, "If you want to try to feed her you are more than welcome too." She said, "Will  she eat for one of you?"

"She eats for Alex pretty well." I said, "She won't eat for my or my sister." Alex wiped his face. The nurse handed him food and a spoon.

"She won't survive much longer without food." The other nurse said. Alex sat down in the chair where one of the nurses was. She walked out of the room, but left the door open. The other nurse turned off the machine breathing for Lyric and slowly sat Lyric up. Lyric was starving. The nurse held her in a sitting position. Alex tried to feed Lyric put she refused. She babbled slightly.

"Please, Lyric, please eat." He said in tears. I saw his facial expression change. He tried again to give her food. She opened her mouth slightly and ate off the spoon. Alex continued giving her food. She ate about half of the tiny jar and refused to eat more. She stopped opening her mouth. She wasn't breathing. I watched Alex start bawling. He stood up and walked to me as they put the machine back on her. "I'm not going to watch her suffer." Alex said quietly. "I can't do it." He said crying.

"What are you saying?" I said wrapping my arms around him.

"She's dying, Jack!" He said looking into my eyes. We heard a beep noise and looked over toward the nurse and Lyric.

"Its a heart monitor." The nurse said in a soothing voice. Alex turned back at me.

"I don't want to watch her die." He said.

"Please, Alex, don't say that." I said rubbing his arm. He looked down at his phone. It lit up and was vibrating. Lisa's number was across the screen. He answered it and walked out into the hall.

"What the hell do you want?" He said trying not to sound like he was crying. He paused, "No, I'm doing something important." She talked. I could hear her annoying voice on the phone. "My fucking daughter is dying." He said, "And you're a bitch." He said softly, "God dammit, Lisa!" He said hanging up.

"What?" I said leaning on the wall.

"She is such a fucking bitch. She is always talking about getting together."  He said, "She doesn't know."

"Tell her." I said running my fingers down his side.

"Jack, its not easy. She's Lisa. She doesn't understand shit." Alex said putting his hand over mine making me chuckle.

"I know." I said turning around and walking into the room. The two nurses and a doctor were talking. I walked back into the hall and slid down the wall bawling. They walked out and saw me crying against the wall and Alex trying to calm me down.

"Boys, can we talk to you?" They said looking down at us. Alex helped me stand up. I was an emotional wreck. "Lyric has a 10% chance of surviving. I think we need to take her off." The male doctor stated. I couldn't talk. I just bawled, as did Alex.

"Is there anything you can do?" Alex said crying. He was holding onto me trying to keep me as calm as possible.

"There is one thing." He said, Alex nodded back. "We will keep her on the machines until tomorrow at this time. When we take her off we are going to feed her and have her do things like sit up and move her limbs." He said, "If she can't we take her off." He said.

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