The history of Ricky and I

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   I walked over to Ricky and smacked his arm sitting down next to him. I was guest staring on his channel I walked inside followed closely by Connor. Ricky was lounging on the couch wearing a Spongebob costume. He was watching Pretty Little Liars. He looked at me and started laughing. I must have been a weird site. We were doing dare day. I was dared to wear the weirdest outfit I had and sing in the middle of Walmart. This was big for me. I would never be able to do the things the boys do. I was too shy for that kind of stuff.

                I was wearing bright, gross colored, orange jeans, a neon green tutu, an inside out rainbow t-shirt and a jean vest with huge jewels all over it. I was also wearing a hat that was way too big for me. It was one of those oversized beanies people wear to cover their hair after they’ve done it all perfect. It was light blue. I also had to do my makeup weird. I wore bright purple eye shadow, way too much blush, and bright, bright red lipstick.

for dare day and we had dared each other.Ricky had me on his channel alot, and whenever I was on it we would do something weird and crazy. His dare was to stand in the middle of a busy street with his Spongebob costume and “direct” traffic. As you can see I’m not as mean as Ricky.

                Connor was in the kitchen, trying not to laugh his Arizona Tea all over the floor. Kian was coming down the stairs, and after seeing me, tripped on the last step. Soon enough all of us were laughing, Arizona tea spit was all over the floor, and Kian stated complaining that it was my fault he fell and messed up his hair.

                Soon enough Kian had left to fix his hair for his date with Andrea, and Connor had cleaned up his mess. When he came back into the living room I was snuggled up against Ricky. Most people would think we were dating, but we weren’t. I had never had feelings for Ricky. I never even thought about the fact we act like a couple until the O2L gang pointed it out.

                It was five years earlier and Ricky and I were in the same position watching Supernatural at his house. Connor, Kian, and JC were over watching with us.

                We were all just talking about random things when JC said way to loud, “Are you guys dating?” He seemed to have been trying to ask me and Ricky but the room decided to get really quiet as he said that, figures.

                “No.” Me and Ricky both said. I slid a few inches away from Ricky.

                “So you’re available?” Sam asked jokingly. I gave him a death stare and he moved farther away from me on the small couch and fell off the edge. That made the whole group erupt in laughter, except for me and Ricky, we both just sat there awkwardly.

                Connor was watching us watch pretty Little Liars and was just smiling, “what?” I asked, even though I knew what must have been going through his head.

                “Nothing.” He laughed as he walked back into the kitchen for another Arizona, or maybe a cup of coffee, who knows?!

                Pretty Little Liars ended and Ricky stood up making over exaggerated stretching. I laughed looking at him with a glare, “We should go.” He said. I nodded and we went outside to Ricky’s car.

                “I’ll beat ya there!” Ricky called out in his Spongbob voice. I chased after him. I somehow beat him to the car and hopped into the driver’s seat, “Heey!” Ricky squealed like a five year old, “It’s my car!”

                “Poor sport.” I laughed grabbing the keys out of Ricky’s out stretched hand. He sat in the shot gun seat by me.

                Compared to our normal conversation filled car rides, we weren’t talking. It was as if what Connor had done, affected him as much as it did me.

                “Did what Connor do get to you to?” Ricky asked as we neared the corner where he would be “directing” traffic.

                I didn’t say anything for a minute while I pulled into the nearby Taco Bell parking lot. When the car engine stopped humming and I put on the emergency brake I replied, “I just think they don’t believe were not together. Ever since the ‘Sam fell off the couch’ day, they’ve been acting weird. It’s been going on for five years! I’m sick of it! I wish they would just shut up!”

                I hadn’t told anyone, not even Ricky, but what they’ve said had hurt me. Sam had even made some pretty sexual comments. The weird thing was though, I hadn’t dated anyone yet. I didn’t feel the need to. I had everything I wanted. I didn’t need a boyfriend, but the boys acted like it was a big deal. In private, they actually asked me out on dates, then after I would say no, they would bug me for weeks after about me and Ricky. It had hurt me for so long what they would do. It had still hurt me then.

                Ricky put his hand comfortingly on my shoulder, “We could always talk to them.”

                We both knew we couldn’t do that. It was social suicide. Or friendship suicide. They would take it too personally and then it would be even more awkward between all of us. I shook Ricky’s hand off my shoulder, “Never mind. Let’s just get this video over with.”

                I slammed my hand on the seatbelt ejector then opened the door quickly and slammed it behind me. I opened the trunk with a huge motion of my hand sending the trunk hitting the car with a bang. Everyone who wasn’t already looking at me looked at me as I slid down and threw my head against the tire behind me screaming out in frustration. Ricky was already out of the car and sitting next to me, “Stop it!” He almost shouted. He seemed to want to say something then he got a devilish grin, “I have an Idea.”

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