The attack

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A week later everything was still going great. Ricky and I were back to being friends, but it still wasn't like it was before.

        "Come one Connor!" I called. I was sitting on the bottom step of the stairs waiting for Connor. The boy, Asiah, Cassidy, and I were going to Starbucks since all of us hadn't hung out together in a while.

        "I'm coming!" Connor called back. After another minute of waiting I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

        "Finally." I smiled, "Now come one Connie, let's go."

        I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the door, where all of the boys were waiting for us in the car. Ricky was in the drivers seat and the rest of us were disspersed throughout the car.

        "Theres not enough seats." A voice sighed.

        "What do you mean?" I asked.        

        JC popped out from the other side of the car with a girl. The girl was a little taller than me. She had average length blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing jeans and a shirt with cookie monster on it that said 'Me want cookies'.

        "This is Bailey." JC said, "She's my girlfriend, I didn't think you'd mind if she tagged along."

        "Of course not." I said, "It's really nice to meet you."

        She smiled and shook my hand, "What's your name?"

        "Oh." I replied, "I'm Lani."

        "Nice to meet you Lani." She said.

        "Now the problem with the seats." JC said.        

        "Wow." I sighed, "You act like you've never met me. Everyone in the car we're leaving!"

        Everyone else started getting in the car. I got in last and crawled onto Connor's lap, "Off we go!"

        We all left to Starbucks. We got our drinks, I got my usual peppermint hot chocolate.

        We all sat there talking about random things. When Connor said, "I gotta take this."

        He went outside and was talking on the phone. I was facing away from the window, so I didn't see him, but Ricky randomly stopped what he was saying and said, "Lani!" very worriedly, "Connor!"

        I turned around and looked out the window. Connor was out there shaking. He was frozen in place other than his shaking.

        I started running out there and just to my luck there was a bunch of fangirls at the door. "Move!" I yelled. I looked over all of the girls and saw Connor collapse, "Move!" I was close to tears.

        It wasn't easy to get through untill Ricky came up behind me and screamed, "Move now!"

        I ran outside of the building and went over to Connor, followed closely by Ricky, then everyone else. Connor's chest wasn't rising or falling. I put my fingers on his throat and couldn't feel any air moving through it. Ricky went to is wrist, "No pulse!"

        "He's not breathing!" I said.

        "Someone call 9-1-1!" Ricky said to the boys who all whipped out their phones.

        "Remember 5 pushes for every breath." I said. Ricky nodded. We had taken life guard classes with Connor when we were teenagers. We had learned CPR.

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