Bad news, and he's home!

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        "She's.. she's dead." He finally sobbed out.

        "Nicola?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

        Kian nodded, and thats when I lost it. I started sobbing and crying. Nicola didn't deserve this. She was so amazing and kind. She was an awsome person. I just sat there for a while, Kian hugging me, both of us crying.

        After a while, Kian left me there for a little bit, then went outside. I could see from the window,  he stood ontop of a table and yelled for everyone to leave. It took a little bit, but everyone cleared out, after trying to figure out what was going on.

        I saw him talking to the boys, and I could tell the moment that he said it. You could see their demenor imediatley change. I started crying again. This was a huge loss for all of us. We were all close with each others families. When my great grandma died after battling alshiemers, Ricky cried harder than I did.

        The feeling was something that can't be explained. It was like every cell in your body is being ripped apart. It feels like every ounce of happiness is being ripped from you, but worse. It was like never ending suffering stuffed into each second.

        I didn't know how long I was sitting in there just crying. Eventually Ricky came in. He didn't say anything, he just sat next to me and wraped me in his arms.

        I fell asleep in that room. I stayed at the O2L house the next day. We all kind of kept to ourselves. I didn't think about it untill the next day, but I went into Kian's room. He was laying on his bed, looking at the cieling, in deep thought.

        He looked at me when I came in, "Hey Lani."

        I nodded, "Has anyone talked to Conn?" I asked.

        Kian sat up and nodded.

        "How is he?" I asked.

        "I haven't talked to him," Kian mumbled, "It was Asiah. Connor tried calling you, but your phone was inside so she answered it. She heard, and she knew you had all this stuff to do, so she left to go get on a plane to Minnesota. She told me right before she left, and thats when I went and got you."

        I started crying again. Kian wrapped me in a hug, "I shouldn't have left. He didn't want me to. He was right, I should be the one there right now. Not Asiah."

        "It's okay." Kian hugged me, "and Asiah was right, you have all the stuff going on with your finals."

        "But, I'm his girlfriend, i'm his friend. I should  have never even left."

        "It's okay." He said, sounding close to tears himself hugging me.

        A couple days later there was still a sadness in the air, but things were going back to normal. The boys had taken a week off o2l, but needed to start planning for the upcoming one.

        Cassidy stayed with me at the apartment so I wasn't by myself, because she knew I was going through alot.

        I had called Connor a couple times. Everytime he reassured me that it was okay if I stayed to finish my finals.

        "Hey Conn." I choked out the first time I called him.

        "Hi Lani." He mumbled.

        We talked for a while, just about, everything. I had talked to Asiah too. She promised me she would make sure that everything was okay with Connor, and that he took his anti-depressents and stuff.

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