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                Lani walked up the stairs and into my room, “Your clothes are in the back of the closet and your makeup’s in the back of the mirror cupboard!” She called some sort of thanks and I sat next to Connor on the couch.

                “Dude.” Connor sighed.

                That plain, “Dude.” Was so heavy. It carried so much and I knew what questions it held

                “What are you going to do now?”

                “What is really going on now?”

                “What did the kiss mean?”

                “How was the kiss?”

                “This can’t still be a prank anymore can it?”

                “Does this mean you are a couple?”

                That last one was huge for me. Ever since our first high school dance I had like Lani. We had gone together, as friends. I wanted it to mean we were a couple. It’s something I had wanted for a long time.

                “I know.” I sighed.

                Connor pated my shoulder. He disappeared into the kitchen. I buried my head in my hands. I let out a soft sob. When Connor came back he handed me an Arizona and held his up for a ‘clink’. I put mine up half-heartedly and Connor hit his cup against mine. After a few minutes of awkward silence and few sips I heard someone coming down the stairs.


                After I finished putting on the little makeup I had stored at the O2L house I went down stairs. As I neared the bottom of the stairs I could see Ricky and Connor sitting in the living room. As I hit the second to last step my foot made a thud noise. Both boys’ heads shot around to look at me.

                Connor just looked a Ricky and left. It was as if the two boys were telepathic.

                I sat on the couch next to Ricky. He looked sad, or worried. “What’s up?” I asked. My voice cracked. We were both worried. It wasn’t just him. No matter what I tried to make myself believe this changed everything.

                “Not much.” He mumbled. He had been staring at his Arizona Tea this whole time. It was like he was inspecting the bottle for some reason.

                “So.” Was all I could get out. It was awkward in the room. It was as if the awkward was forming a wall between Ricky and I. And the weirdest thing of all, was Ricky and I had never been awkward around each other, “Okay!” I almost yelled. Let’s just say said with a commanding voice, “We need to deal with this. Awkward silence isn’t gonna help anything!”

                Ricky looked up at me like I was being perfectly reasonable in my shouting, and he was doing something awful. “Okay.” He muttered.

                I nodded and sat on the couch next to him. “Now.” I said more calmly this time, “What is going on between us?”

                Ricky was back to staring at his Arizona. He talked with his eyes still trained to the can, “That’s what you need to answer, because you’re the one who kissed me.”

                “No.” I said holding back shouts, “You kissed me last night.”

                “That was only to keep up appearances.” Ricky said setting his can on the table in front of him.

                I sighed. He looked down at me. He had always been taller than me. I had never understood why people said we would be a cute couple. He was tall with deep, dark, brown eyes with light brown hair that would flop onto the sides of his ears when he didn’t brush it, or even when he didn’t gel it. He had a long nose with a bump in the middle of it. I on the other hand had always been short. Or maybe just felt short because my best friends had always been tall boys. I had hazel eyes that seemed more green than anything else. My nose was small and more wide than long. My hair was a brown with natural blonde highlights that went down past the middle of my back.

                “What was that kiss for?” Ricky asked after several minutes of silence.

                I looked at my lap and didn’t say anything. I heard someone come in and I looked up slightly to see Connor handing me a mug of hot coco with a huge pile of giant marshmallows threatening to fall over the edge of the mug with cinnamon sprinkled on top.

                I took the mug gratefully and took a sip of the warm liquid. Connor smiled and then left the room. Then it was back to it being just Ricky and I. Ricky looked over at me, then stared intently on my favorite drink. (My hot chocolate.)

                I finally said something, “I.. maybe.. It just…” Ricky looked at me as if I was the most interesting thing in the world. His eyes were telling me to continue, “I just. It was… maybe I like you as much as you like me.”

                Ricky looked like I had just told him he had won the lottery. A huge smile played on his face. His face soon flew down so I couldn’t see the blush creeping up on his cheeks.

                I laughed. Ricky started laughing too. He wrapped hi arm around me and pulled me into a huge hug, and a peck on the lips. I looked up to Trevor, with his messy morning hair going, “Ooooohhh.”

                I rolled my eyes. Ricky gave Trevor a ‘Whhhhhyyyyyy!’ look. Trevor just smirked and walked into the kitchen, “Come on.” I said to Ricky, “Let’s get some food.”

                He gave an over exaggerated sigh as we both got up and went to the kitchen. Connor was sitting on the counter eating an apple, while Trevor had his head in the cupboard looking for snacks. After a little bit he popped out with a box of Pop Tarts. He gave an accomplished sigh then looked at us and asked, “Want one?” Holding up the box.

                I nodded as Trevor stuck two Pop Tarts in the toaster, but Ricky shook his head and grabbed a banana. He sat on the counter next to Connor while I slipped into one of the kitchen chairs, sipping slowly on my hot chocolate.

                After a few minutes of silence Trevor handed me a warm Pop Tart. I gave a nod of thanks and he smiled at me, as if he was trying to telepathically communicate with me. It was like he was saying, “You and Ricky… Huh.. Huh!” It was like he was making fun of me with his eyes. The thing was, Trevor was the one who never made fun of us too much. Just being silly.

                I replied with a small smile. He replied to that with a genuine smile. He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a small hug, “I’ll be right back.” He said walking to the door, “Bathroom.”

                When he was out of ear shot Connor blurted out, “What’s going on with you two? Are you guys actually dating now?”

                I looked at Ricky as if for permission to say we were a couple. He gave a small nod and I replied to Connor with, “It’s official.”

                Connor smiled and took a long sip of coffee. Trevor burst in and yelled, “I knew it wasn’t real last night!”

                “You little…! How dare…! Eeeeerrrrggg!” I screamed, “How dare you eavesdrop!”

                Trevor just sat on a chair and smiled. I hated that kid sometimes. He just knew everything.

                I ran over to his chair and tipped it over. Trevor hit the ground and started laughing. He sat up and sat against the wall. After he stopped laughing he stood up. I was still fuming until he said, “I don’t care. We all knew it was coming. And why would it make a difference to us if you guys were dating this morning or last night? I just like messing with you.”

                I calmed down a little bit, but before I sat down I smacked Trevor in the face. Not hard, but he gave me a weird look. We both sat down again.

It's Complicated- an O2L Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now