Asiah's mistake

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        I opened my eyes, expecting to still see Ricky sleeping next to me, but he was already dressed and had his hair done. He was setting up a camera pointing at his desk chair.

        "What are you doing?" I yawned.

        He laughed, "Setting up for a video. Just so you know, the Cassidy called a little bit a go. They are at your place and are going to get pedicures in a hour or two."

        "What time is it?" I asked.

        "A little after noon." He mumbled while centering the camera.

        "Uhg." I sighed, "When did they say they are going."

        "1:30 I think." He had a triumphant look on his face, looking at the screen where the picture is perfectly centered.

        "Then I gotta go." I said. I walked over to Ricky and gave him a hug.

        I went out of the room and went down the stairs. I saw Connor on the couch staring intensley at his phone. "Everything okay Connie?" I asked.

        "Ummm." He mumbled, "I guess you could help."

        I sat down on the couch next him. "What's going on?"

       "I think Asiah likes me."

        At first I was a little shocked. Asiah might have always acted love struck around me, but she wasn't bad at hiding it from Connor. "Why do you think that?" I asked.

        "Sam brought out some drinks last night and....." Then Connor told the story of what had happened that night.

        An our after Ricky and I went upstairs Sam brought out some beer. The guys all automatically took a drink and began drinking, except Trevor, who took the oprotunity to leave. The girls were harder to convince, but the girls started drinking. Except Cassidy and Asiah, who were the  only ones  not even close to drinking age. (A/N I don't know how old the other girls I said were there are, but in this story they are drinkin age or almost.)

        "Come on. Wouldn't you rather have your first time drinking with the people you know rather than in a crowded bar?" Sam temtped Cassidy.

        Cassidy didn't even say anything back to Sam, she simply got up and left. "Come on Asiah don't be a poor sport!" Sam said turning to Asiah.

        She scaned the room. Connor nodded. "Okay." she said.

        The room cheered. She took a brown bottle of beer from Sam and took a swig.

        They stopped watching the movie about 5 minutes later. They sat and talked. By the end of the night Sam was wasted and the other boys were tippsy. Two of the girls had already left and the rest were tipsy. Asiah was drunk, seeing it was her first time drinking and she had 2 beers.

        When the other boys either went up to their room or fell asleep on the couch Connor and Asiah were the only ones who were left. Connor was the most sober out of everyone and was making sure no one tried to drive. After everyone was situated Connor flopped down on the couch.

        Asiah stumbled over to Connor and whispered in his ear, "I..... like..." Hic, "Y-y-y" hic, "you."

        She leaned in to Connor and tried to kiss him. Connor pushed her away, "No Asiah. I can't. Now just... go to sleep."  Connor walked over to the other couch and layed down, since his room already sam and his girlfriend in it.

        "Oh." I mumbled.

        "I don't know if she actually ment it, or if she was just drunk." Connor sighed.
        "Do you like her back?" I asked.

        "I guess." Connor said, " I mean, she's a good friend and stuff. I guess I just never thought about her that way."

        "I'll talk to her today and tell her whats going on. Okay." I said, "And don't think you have to like her just because she likes you. Make a decision based on your heart, not hers."

        "Thanks." Connor smiled. He gave me a quick hug, then I was out the door.

A/N Hey guys!!!! I just want everyone to know something. I am not supportive of drinking or anything, I just needed it so Asiah would have a reason to tell Connor how she felt.

I'm not saying Sam or any of the other boys would get super drunk or anything. This will be explained later in the story, but Sam drank cause he was having trouble dealing with his emotions. He felt drinking could help him. And he did to annoy Cassidy. Also because of his emotional issues.

My biggest apology ever goes out to Asiah. I don't know her personally, but I can't imagine her as the type to get drunk, now or in the future, or to drink underage. I want everyone to know that it helped with the story line, but is not an actual representation on Asiah.

                                        I'M SORRY ASIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus, I'm going to try to update alot when I'm at my dad's house, but at my Mom's house I will be working on something awesome. When I was about 10 I started writing a story. My first story ever. I finished it last summer, and my goal this summer is to type it and edit it. Then the next step is to get it published. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Anyone who reads Memory, thank you for 1K reads!!!! Do you guys think we can ge that on this book by the end of summer? If you don't read Memory, but you ship Dramione, go read my story memory.

don't forget to vote and comment!!!



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