On our way to Minnesota

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        "Does that mean Sam likes me?" Cassidy stuttered.

        "i think so." I mumbled.

        My hangover was finally starting to end when everyone else started getting up. Cassidy and I talked and helped people getting Sprite and Advil.

        The other boys came down. Kian seemed not to bad, but JC seemed so miserable. Bailey hadn't drank to much the night before and was fine. Tyler seemed almost amune to hangovers and just took and Advil and was fine. Same with Shane, but Joey also sat there and looked miserable.

        "Shouldn't you be miserable?" JC was venting towards me.

        "I've been awake longer than you." I stated, "and trust me, this headache is killing me."

        Justin rolled his eyes. Cassidy and I were talking to Tyler and Shane when Asiah burst in, "Asiah?"

        "Lani." She seemed to freeze, "I came here to get Cassidy."

        She took a deep breath then held her self higher. She looked ready to say something when she fell onto the couch crying. "I'm sorry." We all rushed over to her.

        "What's wrong?" Cassidy asked.

        Asiah sat up and sobbed, "I'm so sorry Lani. I'm being selfish. You deserve what makes you happy. I shouldn't take that from you! You were just trying to help Connor, and I don't know where we would be if you hadn't. I need you back as a friend. You can come back. I miss you." She had tears running down her face. I wrapped her in a hug. I was crying to.

        "Of course I forgive you!" I sobbed.

        Asiah and Cassidy had to leave because they had plans, but I still didn't feel good and needed to make sure I had everything for the flight the next day.

        Then it was just Tyler, Shane, and I, and Joey, but he was asleep. "So." Shane said in his Shanaynay voice, "What's up with you and Connor gurl?"

        "Well, "I said, "Connor and I are dating and have done nothing worst than kiss. Why does everyone think I would do that kind of stuff?"

        "Honey." Shane said," I'm Shane. It's my job to think like that.'

        "Literally." Tyler laughed.

        Eventually everyone left and it was just me and the boys. I went up to Connor's room where he was talking to Ricky, "Hey." I smiled. My headache was almost compleyley gone and I didn't feel nauseous.

        Ricky got up and walked out giving me a hug. "Not sure whether to apologize or to kill Sam."  I muttered to Connor.

        He laughed and replied with, "Both."

        "Sorry." I mumbled.

        "It's fine." He was sitting on his bed and motioned for me to sit in his lap. I sat down and he set his head ontop of mine, "You ready to see my sister tomorow?"

        "Yep." I mumbled. Connor and I fell asleep cuddling. I woke up in the morning to Connor's alarm clock at 5:00AM.

        "Uhg." I mumbled getting up and getting into the shower. I got ready and dressed. I wore a pair of sweats and I grabbed one of Connor's sweatshirts from his closet.

        I went downstairs where Connor was drinking his coffee, "That's my sweater." He giggled.

        "I know." I laughed going over to him. I grabbed his mug out of his hand and took a sip of his coffee then gave it back to him. He sighed and kissed my forhead.

        I smiled up at him. The rest of the morning was uneventful. The plane ride was boring. When we got off I went up to his family. Me and all of the boy's family were close.

        "Hi." I said.

        There was just a sad feeling in the air.

        We went to the hospital later that day. They didn't want a lot of people in there at a time, so I went in with Connor, after his parents both went in.

        I walked in and saw Nicole on the bed. She was badly injured. She had stiches along the top of her head. She had bruises and scrapes on her arms, and cuts on her arms.

        She looked horrible. Connor began crying the moment we got there. I sat there hugging him. One tear escaped my eyes that day.

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