Meeting up with Cassidy

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   I woke up in the morning in Ricky's arms. I slowly peeled his arms off me and moved the still open laptop to the bedside table. I yawned and went across the hall to the bathroom. I grabbed a brush from the drawer. It was JC's, but I didn't care. I yanked it through my knotted hair and then washed my hair.

   I went back into Ricky's room and he was already getting dressed. He was just finishing pulling up his pants. I smiled when he turned around walked to me, putting his hands around my waist. He hugged me, I hugged him back.

   He backed up and slipped on his shirt. He turned back to me and I smiled, "I gotta go home and get my stuff. I'm having a girls day with Cassidy."

   He frowned, but it was a joke.

   I kissed him on the cheek, leaning on my tip toes to reach his cheek. I grabbed my purse from their living room as I walked out the door, "Bye Ricky!" I called.

   "Bye!" He called stepping just off the steps to say good bye.

   I walked out the door and started walking down the street to my house. It was around 9:00, so the air was still slightly chilly. I finally got home in my same clothes I had worn the day before. I went inside, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible.

   I was only 17, but I had an apartment with a roommate. I tried to walk in quietly. She was the type of roommate who was fun to be around, but would freak out when I was away from the apartment for a long time, especially when I was with the boys. Except Connor. She had always had a crush on Connor though she'd never admit it.

   I close the door with a soft, thud. I walk a few steps in the direction of my bedroom in the two bedroom apartment, when I hear someone clear their throat. I spin on my heels to see Asiah.

   She was sitting on the couch with a cup of Starbucks coffee, reading a book. She had a carmel skin tone, she had dark brown eyes, she had her long brown hair straightened and was already dressed and ready to go for the day. She was wearing a pair of grey pants, a white shirt with a partly open mouth on it, and a pair of black strappy sandals.

   "Soooo." She said. She took a long sip of coffee, "I've seen your Twitter post. Just so you know #lackyPdillion is trending."

   I sat next to her as she took another long sip of coffee, "Sorry?" It was more of a question than an actual apology.

   "I'm not angry." She was being calm, not breaking from her calm monotone voice, still looking at her book, but not actually reading.

   "Then what's your problem!" This wasn't completely weird of Asiah to be calm cool and collected. She had been like that for a while, buy if she wanted to, she could be mean. I have no problem other than... I missed you!" She wrapped me in a huge hug after setting down her coffee and book. This was the Asiah I loved.

   "Awww! I missed you too!" I hugged her back.

    "So why have you been gone so long! And you didn't call me when you and Ricky got together!" She gave a sarcastic sigh, "Shameful!"

   I laughed, "Sorry. A lot of stuff has been going on. Our old friend Cassidy came into town, Ricky and I of course, and, well, that's it..."

   Asiah smiled and asked, "What's your plans for today?"

   "Cassidy and I were gonna go shopping at the mall. Wanna come?"

   "Yah. When are you guys leaving?"

   Suddenly I remember Cassidy didn't know where I lived, we hadn't set a time for us hanging out, and  I didn't have her new number.

   "No idea." I replied, "I'll figure out then tell you."

   She nodded then went back to her book, but put it down after only a few minutes, then she was on her phone. There was the Asiah I knew. 

   I went in my small room and flopped on my bed. Who would have Cassidy's number. Sam! I whipped out my phone. I started texting Sam.

ME: Saaaaaammmmm!

Sam: What?

Me: What's Cassidy's number?

Sam: Y do you need it?

Me: I wanna talk to my best friend


Me: Thanks!!!

   I opened a new window and texted the number Sam gave me.

Me: Is this Cassidy?

#: Yah.... who is this? 

Me: Lani!!!!!

Cassidy: Hey!!!

ME: When are we planning to go to the mall?

Cassidy: How about around 11:30. I'll meet you there!

Me: Kk! Cu then. Do you mind if my roommate Asiah tags along?

Cassidy: of course not! the more the merrier!

Me: Thanks! See u l8r!!!!!!

   I set my phone down on my bed and got ready. I wore ripped, black jeans, a tan shirt with Minnie mouse on it. I paired it with a grey pair or converses. I showered, brushed my teeth and hair, and did my makeup.  After that I went onto the kitchen and saw Asiah snacking on some chips.

   I looked at the all clock. It was already 11: 15.

   "We have to go!" I sputtered.

   "When are we meeting your friend?" Asiah asked.

   "11:30!!!' I screamed grabbing my purse and keys running out the door.

   Asiah followed behind me and we quickly ran to the car.


   I was standing outside the mall waiting for Lani and her roommate to show up. It was sort of cold as I pulled my jacket around me. I was wearing jeans, a red 1D T-Shirt, and a green jacket.

   After what felt like hours of jus standing there, I saw a teal Rav 4 pull into a nearby parking spot. Lani came out followed by a girl with carmel skin and long brown hair. "Hey!" Lani said coming up to me engulfing me in a hug, "This is my roommate Asiah.  

   Asiah stuck out her hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you Asiah. I'm Cassidy."

   "Nice to meet you too Cassidy." Asiah said.

   "Wanna go get some lunch?" Lani asked.

   "Sure." Asiah and I said at the same time. We started laughing.

   After a few minutes of walking and discussing we decided to go up to a Chinese restaurant. we sat down and began eating. We talked about the most random stuff, then Lani brought up the sore subject of Sam. "What's going on between you and Sam?"

   I felt my face go red. Lani giggled. "Come on! Tell us!" Lani whinned.

   "Fine." I sighed, "Sam and I...."

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