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        I knocked on the door to Sam's apartment, "Sam!" I called.

        "Cassidy!" He squealed. Then he threw the door open, but tried to look normal.

        "Excited to see me?" I tried to keep my bubbly additude, but you could here the nervousness in my laugh, and I was doing my nervous habit of twisting my hair around my finger.

        "Um, yah." He mumbled.

        "So I wanted to talk to you about-" Before I could finish I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. At fist I tensed up surprised, but then I relaxed wrapping my arms around his neck. I could feel him smile into the kiss. I smiled in return.

        When we pulled back I chuckled to myself, then started giggling like an idiot. He was an even better kisser than when we were in middle school, but that was to be expected.

        Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me into his apartment. It was messy and there was a pizza box on a table and trash on the floor.

        I sat on the couch next to Sam, "So." Sam mumbled scratching behind his ear. It was so cute to see him so nervous, "I geuss you know how I feel now."

        I looked at Sam waiting for him to continue.

        "So, how do you feel?" He chuckled at himself.

        I looked at Sam with a 'really?' look. He looked at me with a conrfused look. I sighed and pressed my lips against his. Only for a moment.

        I pulled back an  he was smiling, "Nice to see you smiling instead of smirking." I giggled.

        He blushed, reddining his already rosy cheeks. "Aww, is someone blushing." I teased.

        "No." He tried to cover it up. I just laughed more.

        Then we both got quiet when Sam asked, "So what does this mean?"

        I thought for a second, "You have to take me out on a date." I smirked a little as Sam groaned.

        "Fancy or casual?" He asked.

        "You decide, and tell me before so I know what to wear!"

        "Wow, I just kissed you l like 5 seconds ago and you're already bossing me around!" He said sarcastically.

        I hit his arm playfully, "Um, I just needed to talk to you, but I have plans with Asiah."

        "Okay." Sam mumbled, "I'll call you or something."

        I nodded as I got up and left. I went outside to see Asiah already there waiting for me.

        "So?" She questioned as I got in.

        "He may or  may not be taking me on a date." I tried to hide my smile Asiah squealed.

        A day later Sam texted me saying, "Be ready by 6. Wear something beach appropriate."

        I smiled walking over to my closet and picking out my outfit.

        I was applying my light pink lipstick when I heard a knock at the door. I went to go get it but Asiah beat me to it, "Oh hi Sam, Here for Cassidy? Well you better treat her right, and not do anything crazy!" Asiah joked.

        "Oh I promise Sir." Sam replied in the same joking maner.

        I rubbed my lips together and grabbed my purse then went out to see Sam. He smiled looking me up and down. I was wearing a stapless, red dress with a light brown aztec print belt. I paired it with light brown sandals.

        "Like what you see?" I smirked.

        He blushed, "Um.."

        "Go on you two before I change my mind." Asiah joked.

        "Oh, what are you, my dad?" I asked.

        Asiah laughed, then pushed Sam and I out the door. I looked at Sam. He was wearing a blue button up and light blue jeans.

        "You look nice." I commented as I climbed into Sam's car.

        "You look amamzing." He smiled making me blush as he started the car.

        We drove for a while making small talk untill we made it to a small beach side cafee. Sam told me to stay in the car and he came back into the car a little while later with two bags of food, "How do you know what I like?" I asked.

        "Unless your taste buds have dramatically changed sinse seventh grade I think I'm good, we were pretty good friends."

        I sighed, "You better hope they didn't change."

        "Oh stop complaining." Sam said tapping me on the nose."

        We drove for another minute or two untill we got to the beach. He dragged me onto the beach and we had a picnic as the sun set. After we ate Sam dragged me into the water. He pushed me under the water and so I dunked him. Then we both got into a splashing war untill both of us were soaked. Then we sat on the beach and looked at the stars.

        "I think you have earned the right to have me as your girlfriend." I smiled with him sitting cross legged and my head in his lap.

        "Good." Sam laughed, "I would be angry if I planned all this and then didn't get the girl."

        Sam smirked down at Cassidy, "Think we might need to get you home before Mr. Asiah gets too angry."

        I laughed. We both stood up and walked along the beach back to the car hand in hand. 


It's Complicated- an O2L Fan FicWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu