A bunch of messages

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I ran down the street. I tried to keep the tears out of my eyes as I ran. I didn't want to deal with anyone. I didn't want to deal with any of the boys, I didn't even want to heat the sympathy from Asiah and Cassisy. I needed time on my own.

        I raced several blocks away to a small park that was poorly made, and people almost never played on it. No one was there that day. I sat down on the swings and cried. I couldn't do anything else. My emotions were so messed up that I couldn't function. My body wouldn't move, all I could do was cry.

        What finally made me snap out of my crying was the sound of a car pulling up to the park. I looked up to see Connor, "Lani!" He called.

        "Hey Connie." I held back tears.

        He sat on the swing next to me. He held my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes. He sighed and wiped the tears off my face. "The house has thinner walls than you would think."

        "What?" I asked.

        "I'm in the room right next to Ricky, and there are thin walls." He said, "I heard everything."

        I started crying again. Connor wrapped me in a huge hug. He led us off the swings and onto a park bench. I sat there crying for a while, just sitting there in Connor's arms. I couldn't think.

        After a while I stopped crying. I wipped my eyes with the edge of my shirt. I sat there laying on Connors chest, in his lap for at least 5 more minutes, "The boys were freaking out when you left." Connor mumbled, "What should I tell them?"

        "Don't tell them anything." I said, "All I ask is that you break Ricky's nose for me."

        Connor chuckled, "Maybe I'll have JC do that. I don't want to be the one blamed for that." I laughed with him.

        "I probably need to get home." I said, "and please don't tell the boys anything. and if Ricky asks about it say you couldn't find me."

        "If your going home let me give you a ride." Connor said.

        "Fine." I replied. I climbed into his car. Most of the car ride was uneventful, but I had to tell Connor, "You don't need to tell the boys about your depression because of me."

        "But it would make your life so much easier." Connor said not taking his eyes off the road.

        "But it wouldn't help your life any." I said climbing out of the car and going into my house.

        The moment I walked through the doors I heard, "Lani! Lani! What happened! Where have you been?"

        I still was red under my eyes and tear stains on my cheeks. I was engulfed in hugs before I could even process what they said. I was crying all over again. I couldn't help but be an emotional wreck.

        Asiah and Cassidy let me cry before asking what happened again. "I really don't want to." I started.        

        "You can tell us anything." Asiah said.

        "He broke up with me." I sobbed.

        " That &@$%@^#" Asiah screamed, "He doesn't know what's coming to him!" She was almost to the door when Cassidy grabbed her.

        "Please don't. This is between me and him." I said.

        "Okay." Asiah nodded.

        I got up and went to my room. I looked at my phone. I had put it on silence, but I looked and had a bunch of messages. I turned the volume back on then looked through the messages. The boys had all texted me asking what was wrong, Connor sent a text saying that if I need somone to talk to he was there. Aww. He was so sweet. Then the majority of the texts were from the girls asking where I was and why the boys were texting them worried about me. The only person who hadn't texted me was Trevor.

        I layed on my bed trying to just control my emotions when my phone went off.

Trevor: Hey. was waiting for things to calm down for me to text you. So you and Ricky broke up?

Me: Connor needs to learn how to take orders. wow.

Trevor: Connor didn't say anything, I just found it really obvious.

Me: Like I say kid, you know to much for your own good.

Trevor: Haha. So you okay?

Me: What do you think?

Trevor: Sorry.....

Me: I gotta go. Talk to you later.


        I didn't actually have to go anywhere. I didn't need to do anything. I just needed time to rest and think.

        Then my mom calls

        "Hey Mom." I said. My mom was really nice, and I could trust her with everything, but if she didn't already know about the breakup, I wasn't going to worry her.

        "I found some old boxes if you want to go through them, but you need to come quick. I don't want these boxes taking up room in my house for to long."

        "I'll be over tomorow." I laughed. I tried to make my laugh sound normal, but it came out sounding very forced.

        "See you then sweety." She said. Then she hung up, and I finally got some sleep.



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