Truth or Dare

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Soon enough we had finished filming our video and were in the car discussing the details of Ricky’s brilliant plan and I used a wet wash cloth to try to wash the makeup off my face.

                The plan was simple, well simple, but still amazing. We were going to pretend to date, then somehow have a major breakup, then the teasing would hopefully stop.

                We went inside laughing at some joke Ricky told. To be honest, that night past getting out of the car went by in a blur. All the O2L boys were at the house hanging out when we got there.

                We very specifically intertwined our fingers as we walked in. Even with us we didn’t hold hands. We would watch movies together and snuggle, but we never held hands… weird right.

                All the boys eyes fell on us as walked into the room. It was already dark, but I didn’t care, I lived on my own already at age 17. My Mom would call me at around 9:00 every night to say goodnight, but I got that call a lot at the boy’s house so it wasn’t a big deal.

                We sat next to each other on the empty seat on the couch pulling are connected hands on our lap making it even more apparent to see than it was before.

                Connor cleared his throat then giggled slightly eyeing our hands, “Oh yah. Did we forget to tell them?” I asked Ricky. I was being a horrible actress. Ricky sighed and rolled his eyes and said in a much more normal tone,

                “We did forget to tell them.” He redirected his attention to the boys who were watching us like they watched thier T.V. shows, “We are finally ready to announce… we are dating. Have been for about two weeks now.”

                I smiled up at Ricky like a girlfriend would. All the boys erupted in applause and JC even whistled. I rolled my eyes at that.

                We stayed up for a while talking about it. I couldn’t believe how many they came up with to ask us. I started laughing halfway through at JC’s question, “So you’re sure you still not available.” Everyone started laughing after me.

                After a long time of random talking and rounds of snacks Connor called out, ‘Truth or Dare!” I almost spit my Arizona tea all over the carpet. All the boys knew I didn’t like that game. The boys had horrible dares and even worse truths.

                All the boys whooped and we squished into a circle on the floor. I was squished between Trevor and Ricky.

                “You go first Connor!” One of the boys yelled.

                “JC!” Connor called out, “Truth or dare!”

                “Dare!” JC called out as if it was completely obvious.

                Connor sat contemplating then said, “Eat a pickle and banana sandwich!” He looked over at Ricky. Everyone started laughing.

                JC got up and went into the kitchen. After a while of us sitting there talking about random things. Mainly talking about JC ‘Behind his back’. Everytime anyone mentioned JC they would start talking really loud.

                JC came in the living room with a pickle and Banana sandwich and stuffed the whole thing in his mouth quickly, getting more of it on the floor than in his mouth. We all laughed and JC sat down again in the circle, “Now.” He said, “Ricky. Truth or dare.”

                Ricky looked at me, then at JC, “Truth.” He sighed.

                The whole group started to protest then immediately stopped. Than JC asked, “How long have you secretly like Lani?”

                Ricky went white as a sheet. He looked down at me, “Tell the truth.” I urged. 

                Ricky gulped and said, “A while.” I was very quiet. The boys looked confused at his response, or the way he delivered it.

                “How long?” Kian asked, “Specifically.”

                “A few…………………………. Years.” Ricky mumbled quietly

                I must have looked shocked.  The boys only smirked. Kian gave me a weird look at how shocked I looked. I knew Ricky really well. He never lied when playing Truth or Dare.

                Ricky and I didn’t look at each other for a while. Several weird dares were given out when Trevor looked at me and asked, “Truth or Dare?”

                I had to say Dare or the boys would tease me for it, “Dare.” I said more confident than I felt.

                Trevor looked at the other boys. He motioned them with his hand and they followed them into the kitchen, but Ricky was sent out. “Was it true?” I asked still looking straight ahead.

                I could see out of the corner of my eye Ricky nod. I felt bad I had never had feelings for Ricky before, not even then did I. Well, not a lot. Maybe a tiny bit.

                I was about to say something but then the boys came back in. Trevor said, “Just had to check with the boys before I said this. Here we go, Kiss Ricky.”

                My face must have been whiter than Ricky’s was, and that’s saying something. His face was so white it was like you could see through his eyelids when he blinked.

                All the boys looked at us like we were insane, A few of them had their eyebrows raised in suspicion.

                Before I even realized what was going on I felt lips on mine. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it felt like the one second lasted a lifetime. With me doing nothing, with my eyes wide open in shock, before I kissed him back.    

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