Chapter 3 // Tragedy Strikes

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Dan's POV:

I'm sitting on lounge with Phil, he's crying. He's telling me everything. He's saying he regrets everything with her. I couldn't help but feel a bit happy when he said that. I know it's rude, but I know it's best. I just don't know how to make him happy or feel better. Maybe I can ask him if he wants to go get some food. I don't know.

Phil's POV:

I CANT BELIEVE IT. Just when I thought she was perfect and everything was perfect, she does this. I saw her phone, I saw the message. Who is this guy, and why is she with me then. I still haven't told Dan what actually happened. All I know is I feel stupid because I should have listened to Dan, and been a better friend. I start to tell him about the perfect day, walk and then kiss. I then go on to tell him how she asked me to hold her phone while she goes to the toilet. As she was at the toilets, her phone made a sound, I looked down she had a message from someone called 'Baby Boo x' so I opened it. ''Phil!" Dan said. ''I know it was wrong but I needed to know what the hell was going on." I continue to tell him the story. The message said,

''Hey babe, can I come over tonight, I miss you, and I miss your cuddles & kisses."

I couldn't continue to tell him, I started crying again. Why am I being so weak, it's just a girl? But I guess it's my fault for thinking she was good for me straight away, why did I let her in so quickly. WHY DID I KISS HER OH GOD? I feel like shit, I'm so tired I just want to go to bed. "And what a stupid name 'baby boo' that's so embarrassing and weird, is she 12." Dan says.

Dan's POV:

Phil's crying again, I'm not good with this stuff... What do I do? ''Want me to get you a coffee?" I asked awkwardly. He nodded. I walk into the kitchen grabbing a mug thinking of how bad this must have hurt Phil. I hate seeing my best friend like this. He doesn't deserve this, he deserves much better. I'm starting to feel down about the whole situation. I should probably take Phil out for some dinner; get it off his mind for a bit. I walk back to the lounge room, handing him the mug. He takes it, and then takes a sip. ''Hey Phil, I hate seeing you like this and I know you don't feel like talking and all you want to do is go to bed but you're my best friend and it's my job to make you feel better and take care of you." He looks up at me... I'm so nervous about what he's going to say, I'm just trying to help, and hopefully he understands that. ''How are you going to do that, thank you for caring but no one could make me happy right now." The sadness in his eyes is killing me. I'm staring into those bright blue watery eyes and all I can do is feel disappointed in me. I then begin to feel as if I've failed him. I think he noticed the look on my face and felt bad so he stands up and looks at me.

Phil's POV:

''Hey sorry, how about we go get some food." I say beginning to feel so bad for what I had said. It was a bit rude of me. But it was true not even Dan could make me happy at the moment and that's so strange, he is normally the only person ever to make me happy. When I feel sad, all I ever want is to sit on the couch and watch Buffy & anime with him... Why is it different this time? He agrees. We are ready to go in about 30 minutes. We shut the door, and then decide where we are actually going to go eat. Dan told me the other day that a Chinese place opened up the road the other day. We end up going there because my favourite food is Chinese. We get there; we are sat at a little green table near the window. The place here is actually quite lovely. I ordered some honey chicken; Dan got some sweet & sour pork and some other stuff.

Dan's POV:

Phil really hasn't said much about Amber at all. Which is good, this might have taken his mind off it. I can't help but noticed how amazing his eyes look today. Why have I never noticed them? They are such a light beautiful blue. Okay this is weird why am I thinking about Phil's eyes. I get interrupted by a shouting. A guy comes running into the restaurant with a hoodie on, holding a gun. I get scared, I look at Phil he looks as worried as me. Is this really happening, I can't believe it, I really can't. He's pointing the gun at families around the room asking for all their money, soon he's going to get to us, and I'm panicking. As long as we hand over our money we won't get hurt, right. I also couldn't help but think why he would be robbing this place, its new it wouldn't have much money. A woman is shouting and screaming. The man is pointing a gun at her head. She's crying, screaming to her kids on the other side of the table. The kids are in tears, screaming ''mummy I'm scared'', they look only 5.

Phil looks a bit shaky, I hope he's okay. I don't know if I really want to talk or not, he might come over here. Phil looks over at me and says ''Dan, what do we do. Is someone calling the police or?" "HEY YOU TWO GUYS!" He shouts at us. ''Watch this." *BANG* Everyone's screaming, crying & sobbing out for help. I start to tear up, that innocent woman got shot because of us. I need to get out. That was sick, he's insane! Phil and I need to get out! He stares right at me, I know I'm next. I'm actually going to die. I can't help but think about Phil, the radio show, my fans. It's all over. ''WAIT." I scream. ''Don't shoot please, Phil needs me, I need him!" "Oh so his your best friend... boyfriend?" He asks me like he is my best friend and not about to shoot me. ''B- Best friend." I say stuttering. ''Well this is going to be fun. How would you like to watch him die?" ''WHAT KIND OF SICK PERSON ARE YOU!" I shout. I see Phil glancing at the door, he has found a way to escape and get help. I hope he gets away safe, as long as he's okay I don't mind if I get hurt. The guy raises his hand and points it at me. ''One last thing to say?'' He asks laughing. I feel weak because now I'm crying in front of Phil; I can see he's trying not to cry. Phil throws a plate over in the kitchen to distract the guy, the guy runs to the kitchen telling us all to shut up and stay down. Phil runs out the doorway. I scream telling him not too. I look out the window I can see him he made it; we are going to be okay. I close my eyes and take a deep breath of relief. As I hear the biggest crash. I open my eyes, Phil's on the road, he got hit. HE HAS BEEN HIT. There's blood everywhere, he's not moving. I see the biggest, brightest lights speed off. I'm screaming but I can't believe it I'm crying so much I can't even see what I'm doing. I'm trying to smash the window it won't smash. I fall to the floor; I can't help but break down. He's gone. My best friend is gone. The man gets scared and panicked as he hears sirens, he runs out with his money. I push my hands up against the glass screaming. ''PHIL NO PLEASE BE OKAY, FOR ME OKAY BE OKAY. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. I NEED YOU.'' I'm too shaky to even get up, I collapse completely. I can't breathe; I'm lying on the floor unable to breathe. Everything goes black.


Oh god I'm getting worse at this. Anyway sorry it took so long to post, I've been so busy lately. Next chapter should be up this Friday/Saturday or Sunday c: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if not oops sorry. I don't even know what to call this chapter??

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