Chapter 33 // The News

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Phil's POV:

''Meet me back at home at 1pm.''

I send the text to Dan. I’m so happy he agreed to talk to me.

''Why not now?''

I nervously look around as I get an anxious feeling from the text.

'''I have to go too BBC to update them.'''


Dan's POV:

Phil was still keeping something from me, hiding something. I want to fix this. Why is he still hiding stuff! Maybe I should call BBC and confirm. Because why would he just go by himself. But before that I want to text Phil and ask him to pick up some food somewhere.

''Can you please pick up some food on the way back, would like to eat once I get back.''

''Okay of course, I’ll get food and drinks for us.''

I then call a worker from BBC to ask. I’m having a conversation with one of them they said Phil didn’t mention anything to them ugh.

After the phone call I place my phone in my pocket. Thinking of how to play this day out. I will talk to him, tell him I asked BBC and then tell him that he tells me what he is hiding or I’m done. Al though I didn’t tell him about Emma but that was to protect him and it wasn’t hurting him one bit.

Phil's POV:

I hate doing this to him but I can’t... Not yet. I keep telling myself as I put on my shoes. I’m so scared of today. I wish I didn’t have to do it alone, but its better this way. I can’t hurt him more than I already have. Ugh okay well time to leave. An unsettling feeling sits in my stomach as I leave the apartment.


Dan's POV:

I’m waiting on the couch at home. Its 1 so he should be back soon. I’m getting a little annoyed. I can’t believe him. I’m beyond annoyed actually. As my thoughts stop he rushes through the door of the lounge room.

''Dan! Sorry I’m so late... I uh the bus was late.''

He sat next to me and that’s when I noticed his face was flushed and it looked like he had been crying. He hadn’t slept. The bags under his eyes were worrying. I felt worried. But I had to remain brave. ''Where’s the food?'' I say. ''What food?'' He replies. I look at him with an annoyed face. ''I texted you, you said you were getting food!'' I answer. ''Fuck. I’m so sorry Dan I must have forgotten.''

''So I called BBC, where have you been sneaking off too... Ambers?'' I say seriously. ''No Dan, you've got it all wrong. I broke things off with Amber yesterday. This is what I wanted to tell you. She’s gone, she was okay. I told her you are who I wanted to be with.'' He says looking at me with a face full of sadness. ''Well tell me where you have been going! I’m serious, tell me or we are done. Not to mention what is wrong with you lately! Texting Amber leading her on, forgetting stuff all the time!'' I shout. ''I have been so tired! Give me a break please Dan. And I’m telling the truth when I say I didn’t send that text to Amber!'' He shouts back. I don’t believe any of it. ''I’m done Phil, I can’t stand to talk to you anymore, and maybe we should just leave things for a while yeah?'' I say standing to my feet. ''Dan look, okay I’m going to make it up to you. Let me go get us some food and we can have a movie night, I will show you I care, I will make you happy and tomorrow we will talk about what we want.'' Phil says. I see in his eyes that he is trying his hardest and he wants to make things better so I nod. He then picks his wallet up and leaves. I sink back into the lounge. I try not to think about it too much.

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