Chapter 25 // The End? (Part 1)

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I had to delete this chapter and rewrite the end because the last part didnt upload so you should go read the ending to this chapter c: Im so sorry.


''Do you remember much?'' A tall man says standing over my hospital bed. He looks intimidating from his height. It doesn’t help that he has a strangely deep voice. ''Uh I remember getting slammed into a wall and then thrown to the floor and he kicked me for a while and ran off soon after.'' I replied obviously lying. ''And what made the man run away?'' He asks. I knew for sure it was Emma, and I still remember her words, ''and next time I will kill you.'' But I couldn’t tell him that. But I can tell him the true part of it. ''He was kicking into me when a man ran over shouting for him to leave me alone.'' I say trying to sound convincing. ''Okay, well why don’t you rest up. You are going to be alright. You have some really bad bruising, but that should heal quickly. Oh and you just got a couple of stiches so be careful. And stay out of trouble.'' He tells me as picking up his note pad and existing the room. I rest my head back on the pillow, thinking about how fucked I was.

Phil's POV:

''YOU NEED TO TAKE ME TO SEE HIM NOW, I HAVE TO SEE HIM!'' I shout feeling anxious and worried. ''Don't worry Dan is doing just fine, you shouldn’t be too much walking at this point.'' The skinny pale looking nurse tells me. Her hair is tied up in a tight strict bun, making her look smart and just a bit uptight. ''Please, I won’t stop worrying until I see him.'' I beg. ''Okay Mr. Lester just because you’re looking much shaken by this. What a shame you look very cute when you're looking worried.'' IS SHE TRYING TO FLIRT WITH ME? DID SHE JUST COMPLIMENT ME. I am feeling very uncomfortable right now oh god. I just give her a smile, trying to make it look as if I am comfortable. ''Let me go get you a wheel chair, so I can take you there.'' She says placing her clip board down and walking over to the wheel chair sat by my door. She then wheels it over to me. I push down my sheets as sitting up and hanging my feet off the bed. ''First time I’ve been up in a while, it feels weird.'' I say trying to break the awkwardness. ''Well I think you will be able to leave soon, so you should be going for little walks to steady your feet.'' She helps me down and into the wheel chair. She then wheels me out of my room and down the hall. As she wheels me around the hospital, well actually it feels like we have travelled the world. Because hospitals are huge, I’d probably get lost. Anyway, I am looking around to see so many different types of people. There is the sick ones, really sick ones, grieving ones, people who are anxiously waiting sipping hospital coffee. It then takes my mind to think about Dan. This was Dan, Dan did this for so long. Sitting, waiting, grieving. His anxiety must have gotten a lot worse. I feel bad, for making him go through that. My thoughts get cut when she comes to a stop and let’s go of the wheel chair. ''This is it.'' She pushes the door open and wheels me through. I see Dan laying there. ''OMG.'' He laughs. ''I’m so happy that in my life time I got to see Phil Lester in a wheel chair dressed in a gown.'' He continues to laugh. ''Glad to see you’re laughing.'' I then give him a sarcastic smile. The nurse lets go of the wheel chair and I wheel myself towards him. ''I heard what happened, you don’t look so good, why did they do it, and who was it?'' I ask remembering that this is a serious matter.

Dan's POV:

''I heard what happened, you don’t look so good, why did they do it, and who was it?'' Phil asked. Oh god the question I was dreading. I couldn’t tell him, I didn’t want to bother him. He had his own problems. ''I don’t know, I guess they were just angry and I was their victim. Just some random man, but I’m okay now so yeah, that’s all that matters really.'' I say. He looks at me. ''Well I’m glad you’re okay.'' He then continues. ''I get out in a couple of days so that’s some good news!'' Phil’s raises his voice with excitement. I’m going to be so happy when I have Phil home with me. And this time no hearts will be broken. I will not let it happen. Seeming all this has been happening I’ve forgotten the fact that I’m kind of in love with Phil! But I’m happy I forgot for a bit, I have to get over my little preschool crush I have going. I’m sure it means nothing. Plus he has Amber....

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