Chapter 19 // A helpful Friend

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Dan's POV:

I turn to see a young lady standing by the mini bathroom in Phil's private hospital room. She looked nervous. She had her hands behind her back, bitting on her lip. She had orange hair with a blonde kind of tint, it was tied up in a messy but tight bun, skinny figure and tan skin. She was very beautiful. Her eyes looked at me with anxiety and nerves. I stare back at her with hesitance before letting out the words, ''What''?! My voice is shaky. I’m still so confused and unsure. ''How long have you been here''?! I continue. Her lip starts to shake. ''I’m sorry, I just uh was checking up on Philip when I heard his mother come into the room crying so I quickly hid in the bathroom, then shortly after you came in and I stayed in there, and I overheard everything. And I wanted to come out and tell you everything but I just couldn’t, I could lose my job... I just know you care a lot about him and I know how you feel, I lost my husband 5 years ago''. She goes quite. ''I’m sorry about your husband but please... Tell me what''? My mind goes blank. What does she know that could result in her getting fired?!?! ''Dan, is it? Well uh a couple of days when you came for your first visit in a while, after you left... The hospital told his mother that uh he is getting better, and very quickly. There is 85% chance he will pull through, but we don’t know how much longer it could take... And she asked us not to tell anyone and made the decision. To turn his life support off anyway''. I feel the anger rush through my body again. ''So she is just willing to give up everything and let me lose the biggest part of my life... HER OWN SON. SHE ISNT GOING TO FIGHT FOR HER OWN SON''! I take a breath. ''Thank you for telling me, you’re such an amazing and kind person. What is your name''? I say thankful. ''Its Matilda, glad to help, I don’t know if there is much you can do though, I’m so sorry''. She said looking into my eyes with sympathy. ''I have to go'' she trembled. She rushed past me and left the room in a hurry.

I pull out my phone and dial Phil's mother’s number. ''HOW COULD YOU''! I scream through the phone. ''Dan''?? She says confused. ''HE HAS A CHANCE AND YOU WANT TO LET HIM GO''! I hear her breath. ''Dan please, I don’t have time for this. It’s been a hard choice but I can’t wait forever, I’m going into debt. I’m putting all my money towards the hospital''. I can hear her voice go shaky and her voice lower. ''But, you can’t, you can’t just give his life away like that''. I start to feel sick. ''Dan, I have to go, I’m done discussing this, goodbye''.  The phone hangs up. I feel so anger and hurt. And just feel so sick. How could someone throw so much away after coming so far! Ugh she’s not thinking about it at all. The door opens, it’s a security guard. ''A call was just made, his mother wants no further visitors. Time to go''. I don’t argue with him, I just leave.


It’s about 1pm now, and I just can't believe the week I have had. I feel so stressed, like I can’t possible take anymore. I don’t know how people go through this much and still can proudly say they are happy. I hear a knock at the door so I make my way towards the door. I open it to see my beautiful girlfriend. ''I called Pj and got your address I didn’t want to bother you. How are you''? She asks as she walks in and hugs me. It feels nice, a hug is defiantly making me feel better. I hug her back. ''What’s been happening Dan''? ''She wants to stop his life support'' I say groaning. She hugs me again but for longer this time.


‘‘Its 6pm come on lets go get some food'' Emma says grabbing my hands pulling me up off the couch. I smile back at her. I feel a little bit nervous last time I went for dinner, something horrible and life changing happened.


We arrive at a little diner, it’s small and really cute. It’s not that busy which settles my nerves a bit. There are little fairy lights hung around outside, with all the tables set out in a cute order. It was such a lovely place. This is kind of like a second date. And I must say she is taking my mind off Phil. She is beautifully dressed. In a black high waisted skirt and a cute little grey crop top that sat perfectly above her skirt. She had waved her hair, she just looked stunning. We take a seat outside and order simple foods like salad/pasta type stuff. ''Dan, when are you planning on coming back'' she questions randomly. ''Uh, I don’t know if I want to go back. I much prefer London to be honest''. Her smile disappears. ''BUT I want you to move back with me''. ''I know we haven’t known each other long but I really like you and see this going further, I need someone like you at this time in my life, I want you with me'' I add. She smiles, her face lights up. ''Dan, I would love too, you make me very happy, and you’re not like all the other guys that just hurt you and leave, you make my life worth living''. We both start to laugh. ''So cheesy'' she says while laughing. My phone starts to ring, it’s a number I don’t know so I decline it. ''You can answer that, it could be important'' Emma inquires. ''Narh, I have you which is very important'' I smile. It calls again, so I decline it again. ''Dan, I think it’s important'' she says concerned. Shortly it calls again. Emma reaches across the table and grabs my phone. She answers it. Her face goes blank and her mouth drops. She hands the phone to me. ''It’s about Phil'' she gulps. In that few seconds my heart speeds up and I feel my body tense up. What has happened? Is he really gone? Can I handle this? My mind fades and I drift off. ''Dan'' she says a bit louder. I grab the phone worried about what’s next. ''Hello Dan this is Matilda, I wanted to be the one to tell you''.


Thought I would end it here, was going to put it all in one but I thought why not make them wait c': Hahaha, will update the rest tonight because I’m not that mean haha. Thank you so much for nearly 2.9k reads! xx

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