Chapter 24 // The Abusive Ex

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 Dan's POV:

I’m at a club with Matilda, she’s currently getting drinks for us. But I kind of need to go to the toilet. Maybe I should quickly go before she gets back. I make my way to the toilet, pushing myself through the crowd of people. There is way too many people here... I don’t even know I’m doing here actually. I’m tired. I finally find the bathrooms. It’s a messy in here. It stinks. Ugh.

After I finish I find a sink to wash my hands at. My phone beeps. Oh that’s right I still have that message from before. I reach into my pocket and slide my phone out. 9 text messages and 3 missed calls from Emma, shit. The messages read were

''We need to talk, wanna meet up.''

''Dan please.''

''Are you ignoring me?’’

''Answer me please.''

''I thought you loved me.''

''I need to see you.''



''Ugh, whatever.''

Oh my god, I wasn’t even ignoring her... I just hadn’t checked my phone. She seems a bit obsessed and crazy... This isn’t like her. Maybe I should text back or call? As I go to text her back, I get an incoming call from Matilda. I answer confused. ''Where did you get too?'' She laughs into the phone. ''Just in the toilets.'' I answer then continue, ''Be out now.''

I get back to the spot to see Matildas bubbly smile awaiting me at the table. ''Can we have some fun now?'' She asks me while giving me a cheeky smile. I like having a friend, a new friend I mean. A friend like Matilda. She makes you feel alive and happy. She gives your life a little more spice if you know what I mean. I laugh to myself.


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