Chapter 28 // Coming Home

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This part is totally random and I don’t know what I’m doing, I haven’t updated in so long & it’s like 10pm so why not!


Dan's POV:

I awake feeling better but still very beaten down. But I knew I had to pull through and be my best for Phil. Because he will be home very soon. And before picking him up I needed to restock the food supply, clean & tidy myself up. I am feeling hopeful of the days to come because I’d have Phil back beside me. He makes me feel liberated. I look around the room trying to think about how to use my time wisely before pushing my blanket down and sitting up on the side of the bed. I see my phone so I pick it up and check the time. Its only 4:30pm wow. Well I guess I should fix myself up and go stock up on food. A little part of me is fearful for the future. I also feel mournful for Emma’s family. Yes, she was a bad person. But maybe she has some of her own problems. I didn’t give her a chance to speak? Her family is probably heartbroken. I took her away from them. I shake the thoughts out of my head, I have to distract myself.


It’s the next morning and everything is ready for Phil to come home. I feel warm and filled with joy. I’m finally getting something good out of life. The past couple of months I really didn’t think I’d make it nor Phil would make it. But I’m still here and so is Phil. As that thought passes through, I remember all my feelings for Phil, had I pushed them away and ignored them with Emma? Now she was gone were they bubbling back up? I feel nervous. But it was time to go bring Phil home! I smile and exit the apartment feeling ecstatic.


I reach the hospital, I am basically running to the front desk. ''Hi, yes, I am here to pick up Philip Lester.'' I say giving off a bright smile. The desk lady smiles back and says ''Room 43.'' I waste no time, I race off to his room. I walk through the door to see him sitting in the chair with his bags packed ready to come home. It was so different seeing him out of his bed. I could see his tall figure. I had missed seeing him like this. I walked towards him. ''Phil, ah, are you ready to go home.'' He nods and gives me a huge smile.

Phil's POV:

I feel so refreshed to be going home, to be outside. I’m so thankful to be alive, to not be injured. I feel like I have a second chance. I feel so alive and joyful. I’m happy to see Dan still being positive. He has been through a lot. At least I know our friendship is strong and real. I can’t even explain my emotions, just to be breathing... ON MY OWN. I remember I’m sitting on the bus with Dan and probably being unsocial. I turn to Dan. ''So update on life I guess.'' He looks distant and like he was deep in thinking. He rises his hanging head. ''Oh uhm, well Emma & I are not a thing anymore, she went away with her parents also, so yeah but I’m fine it wasn’t real I guess.'' He laughs it off. ''Oh Dan, I’m so sorry, are you alright?'' I ask feeling sorry for him. ''Yeah like I said, I was kinda getting over it anyway.'' He laughs then continues. ''But I did you know, sleep with her... And thinking of it now it was weird and awkward, it just wasn’t me. I felt so out of place. I was very uncomfortable. I just, have a lot of regret'' He smiles. ''Well we are both practically the same people again, so yay to new starts I guess. I am so thankful to be alive and use my time wisely.'' I say feeling glad.

Dan's POV:

''Well we are both practically the same people again, so yay to new starts I guess. I am so thankful to be alive and use my time wisely.'' Those words... Oh if only he knew how shit of a person I was. I will never be the same. I am a complete different person. The things I’ve done over the months... Things I’ve thought of, things I’ve said. I can't tell him. He will be so disgusted and disappointed. He can’t handle that at the moment anyway. We spend the remaining bus ride home in silence.

Phil's POV:

We are home and I fill up with glee as I get excited to be back. Dan starts to open the door and then stops. ''Are you ready Phil, I even cleaned for you.'' He gives a grin. We walk through. And I feel a wave of relief to be home and safe. I drop my bags. I rush to my room. My bed freshly made, everything in place, the way I left it. I felt so happy I could cry. Dan walks in behind me. ''How are you feeling, why don’t you sit down for a bit?'' I turn to him and I couldn’t hold it. I was so enthused, I let out a few tears. He laughs and opens his arms for an embrace. Hugging Dan made me feel complete, a hug from him after all this is all I needed.

Dan's POV:

UGH this hug is literally so warm and comfortable. I don’t want to let go. I can feel his heart beat against mine and I feel so at peace. My heart slows down and feel myself easing into the embrace a lot more. In that moment Phil pulls away. ''Well I want a shower and maybe some real food.'' he laughs. ''Chinese, I’ll get it delivered?'' He smiles and gives me his order then leaves and heads for the shower. Oh how I wish he was mine, so I could pull him back into the embrace and hold in tight as I lay my head on his shoulder.


I hang up the phone after placing the order. I place my phone on the kitchen counter. ''Ugh get him out of your mind, you don’t love him.'' I tell myself quietly. My mind then flashes back to the night of the murder. I remember the pain. Her family. ''Dan?'' Phil says worried. I pick my head up as my thoughts get cut off. ''You alright?'' He asks. ''Yeah.'' I then rush over to the TV and switch the TV on.

Phil's POV:

Dan has been so weird and distant today. I hope he is alright. I’ve noticed a lot about him today, I’m worried. He must be just getting over Emma still. I am going to try my best to cheer him up.


Another shitty chapter i know but i just really wanted to start posting and i wanted to get the process started. Hope it was okay. Nothing really happened but yeah. Also thank you so so much for 8k reads!! Thats so amazing. Thank you everyone. Bye for now guys xx 

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