Chapter 27 // More Goodbyes

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Dan’s POV:

I lift my head up from my knees, realising I haven’t moved since the 'incident'. All I knew was I wasn’t feeling any better, nor had my head stopped hurting. I’ve been crouched over by my bed for hours it feels like. No sleep at all. No way was I sleeping. I can feel the bags below my eyes, and my hair was in a terrible state. I glance at my phone which was placed about 30cm away from me, as it lights up from a twitter notification. I noticed the time. 8:46 am. Holy fuck. I’ve been here for hours upon hours. I listen out for a noise to try get a clue to as what Matilda was doing. I couldn’t hear a thing. Was she asleep? Or gone? She wouldn’t just leave me would she?

I slowly stand to my feet. Everything I felt last night hadn’t changed a bit. I could still see Emma fall to the ground over & over. The voices and screaming played in my head. It just wouldn’t go away. I walk towards the bathroom in search for the mirror. My hair looks awful. I stand there fixing my hair as the voices in my head only get louder. I stare back at myself in the mirror and I notice how disgusting I look. My eyes are red, puffy, tired looking. I look a mess. I look at myself one last time before wiping away the tears. I try to cover up my tear stained cheeks by rinsing my face. I pick up a towel and dry my face.

I pull the towel down and look up. I get a fright as I see Matilda standing there, eating an apple. ''Oh hey''. I stutter out. She just stares back at me while eating an apple. ''So uh last night, sorry I kind of fell apart on you, just you know everything happened at once, but uh I’m up now''. I say. ''Yeah and you look a mess''. She jokes. I don’t think she gets how serious this is, it is no time for jokes. Does she expect me to laugh? I guess no matter what she always has that go-easy, enjoyable, happy vibe? ''Uh I noticed... U-Uh... The b-''. I find myself chocking on my own words. I just can’t say it. ''The body, yeah I took care of it, it’s alright''. She tells me. My heart beat speeds up. ''What did you do''? I start to panic. ''Dan, just leave it to me, now come eat, you need it''.

I follow her out into the kitchen. I see already cooked bacon & eggs... Even toast. Where does she find the strength for this?! ''I’m not that hungry but thank you''. I tell her taking a seat. I notice she has her bag all packed up. ''Are you leaving straight away''?! I jump to my feet. ''Listen Dan, I’m trying to keep it together for you but truth is I’m scared. I’m terrified, I have to leave for a while. Skip town. I’ll be back and you mustn’t try contact me. Now I’ve been thinking. Tell Phil about it if you think its right. I never wanted this all to happen. I’m so sorry. But you're safe now. I can leave happy''. She says giving me a reassuring smile. ''Matilda, I’m so sorry I brought you into this, I really am. I just-''. I feel my eyes water. ''Dan, shut up, its fine. I’m fine, you’ll be fine. I’m just sorry I can’t stay and help you. I have to go now''. She hurries to her bag and picks it up. ''Dan, I’m going to miss you, you’re fun. See you when I can''. She leans over and kisses me on the check. She then walks towards the door. ''MATILDA''! I yell. She turns back to me. ''Stay safe''. I demand. She smiles and leaves.


I feel so alone. So the only thing I know how to do best during this situation is cry. I lay in my bed and hide away from the world for a while.


A couple hours later, I get a call. I remember my phone is still on the ground beside my bed. I look down and answer it. ''Hello, its Amy Hetchbale, I’m calling to talk to you about Philip Lester's release''. I sit up in shock and excitement. ''Is there a time you’re available to pick him up''? She asks politely. I look around, looking at the mess. And I still look like shit. ''Daniel''? She asks worried. ''Would you like to get him now''? She asks again. ''Oh sorry, uhm, today isn’t a good day... I uhm am with family, how about tomorrow''? ''Sure, I will write that down, anytime tomorrow just come by and take him home''. I do a fake laugh to make things less awkward and well I have nothing to say and I want to get off the phone. ''Have a great day, goodbye now''. She hangs the phone up.

I’m so fucked. I need to make myself look decent and tidy. I need to make things nice for when Phil comes home. I have to make everything perfect. And maybe tomorrow I should pick up some take out. All these thoughts rushing through my head yet I still can’t stop thinking about Emma. What about her friends and family? The flashbacks and voices return. I can’t take it anymore. I sob my hardest for the last time. This is the last time I can do this, no breaking down in front of Phil!


Yeah this chapter was shit but haven’t updated and it needed to be done. Thank you for support up to now, I hope people are enjoying the story a bit more. Took so long to get to this point in the story haha. Bye for now xx


Losing ControlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora