Chapter 35 // Beautiful Sites

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Dan's POV:

I awake to the smell of something incredible. Is Phil cooking? I roll over and press the button on my phone making it become alight. It was nine, time to awake. I push the sheets down and stand and follow the delicious smell.

I enter the kitchen to see Phil making pancakes. ''I haven’t had pancakes in so long!'' I say sounding like a 10 year old on Christmas. Phil turns around making eye contact, holding a butter knife in his right hand. Phil’s eyes were doing that beautiful thing today, where they are blue as blue can be but with a spark of green through them. His face just looked so warm and kind. He is giving me so many happy vibes.

''Who said I was cooking for two?'' He jokes walking over to me. I laugh and open my arms for a hug. He enters my embrace and kisses me firmly on the lips. His lips tasted of pancakes. ''I see you’ve already started.'' I laugh and hug him tighter. He smiles and returns to the pancakes cooking on the stove. ''How'd you sleep?'' He asks. ''Best sleep ever, in a while actually, you?'' I ask back. ''Slept through the whole night and thought I’d spoil you for breakfast.'' He takes a breath then continues. ''And I’ve planned a special day for the two of us.'' He turns and I can see him smiling, he seems so excited. I suddenly feel as light as a feather and lucky to have him. Butterflies enter my stomach. ''What, what are we doing?'' I say. ''It’s a surprise.'' ''But how will I know how to dress?'' I ask curious. ''Formal but not really, just casual, if that makes any sense.'' He responds. I take a seat with my plate of pancakes. Phil joins me.


We are both ready to go. I am dressed in a jacket because it’s bloody freezing out tonight. Not to mention I’m confused because what could we be doing at night? Oh and just some casual but formal black jeans. And ordinary black flats. I love the hoodie I chose to wear, it’s a jacket/hoodie thing with horns on the top, and it’s just really cool. I exit my room. Phil is wearing a sweater type jumper thing which fits him perfectly. It’s black with polar bears on. With just some black jeans also. I can’t take my eyes off of him. And I love being able to notice these things about Phil and being able to just kiss him whenever. He is so cute, like this night felt so special. We then leave the apartment.


We are walking on the pathway on the main streets, it doesn’t feel special yet. ''So, what exactly are we doing?'' I inquire. ''You’ll see, almost there.'' We then turn down some streets I’ve never really noticed before. It then gets dark and smelly. It seems like a place homeless people go and stay. Which is sad really, it’s an awful place. It’s a dark street, it seems as if there is no one really here. I have to admit I get a little nervous of what was next. It was filled with puddles and mouldy walls. It was very unpleasant. ''Phil... You aren’t planning to go crazy and chop me into pieces and eat me, are you?'' I joke but wanting an answer. He just laughs and grabs hold of my hand. ''Tempting but no.'' He pulls me towards a dark green door. He drags it open and gestures for me to enter. Anxious of what was inside, I entered. I hear him switch a light on behind me. Lights flicker on. All I see is stairs... To be honest this has been a weird day, what the hell? ''Dan just walk up the stairs.'' Phil laughs behind me. ''I did not agree to exercise, what sort of evil plan is this?!'' I joke back. I then make my way up a few flights of stairs, well probably more. I was getting pretty tired but knowing Phil it is going to be worth it. We come to a door. He barges in front of me, covering the door. ''Okay this is cheesy and lame and I feel embarrassed now, can we go home!'' He begs. ''No way, it’s just started.'' I reply. ''I just wanted us to do something nice, to...  celebrate what has happened through this past year... and to us.. And not just our relationship, but our friendship.'' He then covers my eyes before I can respond. I hear the door swing open. I can hear traffic in the faint distance. I feel wind hit my face. It was nice though. I felt like I was on top of a mountain. He uncovers my eyes, to reveal us to be standing on top of a building in the main streets, but it seems as no one has discovered it. Its small but cosy. He had hung fairy lights around the edge. It looked so peaceful and romantic. I was so in love with Phil, he always seemed to surprise me with something new. This is so lovely. Its special, I can already tell. And it doesn’t even smell gross, it smells refreshing and kind of like cooked food? Strange.

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