Chapter 23 // Getting back to normal.. Slowly.

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Dan's POV:

Matilda said she'd try push Phil's release date forward and I really hope she does. It was nice having a chat with Matilda, she is such a lovely girl. I could see myself being friends with her. Oh and that reminds me, I have to fix things with Amber ugh. I will do that after I get some Starbucks.


Today is actually a really nice day, its actually warm and sun. It’s a great day to be inside! All of a sudden my thoughts get cut short from a girl running towards me. She looks nice. And actually quite pretty. I’m guessing she’s a fan. ''Uh hey, sorry I’m really nervous but uh my names Ayzia and I love you and Phil and it would be great to get a photo. And please try to smile Dan, I think you’re perfect and the phandom loves you.'' I feel a little more at ease now everything is back to normal and I can feel comfortable around fans. I love seeing people come up to me and say hi. ''Of course you can.'' I say opening my arms and hugging her tight. Hugs are always good. She pulled out her iPod and took a couple of photos. I was in no hurry so we took a few, it was nice just to muck around a bit. She then began to tell me how grateful she is of me. She was such a lovely young girl. Blondish, brown hair with purple ends and brown eyes. She had a slim figure and lovely smile. ''It’s also my birthday today so this is officially the best birthday. I live in Australia see, I’m just visiting here with family so this was basically very lucky for me to have met you.'' She looked as if she was going to cry of happiness and joy. ''Aw glad I could make you happy. Oh and I wish you a very happy birthday, hope it’s a great day for you.'' I tell her giving her another hug. ''Okay well I have to go, this has been amazing, thank you.'' She runs off smiling.


Okay so a lot has happened today but I need to give Amber a call and fix things as much as I am dreading it, it needs to be done. It was now 3:20pm and I had put it off all day. I pick my phone up from the kitchen counter and dial her number. I listen to the phone calling, feeling really anxious. The phone picks up and I feel my stomach drop a bit. Like she can actually be a nice girl, what she said to be at the hospital was nice but I don’t know, she hurt Phil. ''Hello.'' She says answering the phone. ''Uh hi, it's Dan... Listen I’m not here to get angry, I want to apologise.'' She goes silent for a bit. ''Thank you Dan, now that Phil is back, I want things to be okay between us. To build our friendship. I have sorted things out with Phil and we are going to go from where we left it. I’ve broken things off with the other guy.'' she tells me. ''That’s great, I’m sorry I was such a dick. I was trying to protect my friend and got caught up in it all but everything is okay now, so when Phil gets out we need to all do something.'' I say feeling calm and forgiving. Maybe things can be okay. But she is what is stopping me from Phil. I don’t know what to do. I need to talk to Emma.


Phil's POV:

I hope Dan visits today so he can catch me up on everything. Amber said it went well so that’s a good sign. Doctors say I’m getting better, faster than ever before. Which is good, because that means earlier release! ''Hello Philip, its Dr. Thomas, I am here to check up on you and your mental health.'' says a tall slim man. He looks about in his 30's. He seems nice though. I give him a polite smile. ''How was life... Before the accident.'' A nurse then walks in. ''A visitor will be seeing you soon when it’s visiting hours. She says before leaving. ''Let’s get straight to the point, I want to spend as much time with Dan, I’m sorry but I missed him.'' I ask him. ''Okay uhm, what was being a coma like, how has it effected you?''  I take a breath before beginning. ''Well I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like those couple of seconds you have before you know you have fallen asleep. But with me, a sleep which lasted a lot longer. And my body fought many times and I would nearly wake up but would fail. And that would feel like, you know when you're asleep, but not. You know how you can still hear and think but you are asleep. I don’t know doctor but something’s from then are coming back to me, a few words from when I was in and out of the coma.'' I begin to feel under pressure. ''And what is it that’s coming back to you Phil?'' ''Please enough for today.'' I say wiping my eyes, not letting myself cry. ''I’ll see you later, get some rest okay.'' He inquires then exits the room. I’m not crazy, sometimes I remember things like mini conversations of people in my room. I just haven’t admitted to myself that is what I heard. Ugh I need some sleep before Dan comes.


Still Phil's POV:

It’s about 4pm and I get woken by Dan standing next to me, looking really nice. He looks well. He takes a seat next to my bed. ''I fixed things with Amber, I’m glad I did.'' he remarked. I need to ask him about what I heard. I need to know the truth. ''Dan, so during my coma, my body would fight and I would come in and out of it. And recently I’ve been remembering small parts. And I honestly thought you were a nice loving, kind guy. But instead you snapped at Amber. You told her she ruined it all and it was basically her fault. Am I right?'' I spoke really disappointed. He looked surprised. ''But Phil, I was angry and depressed. I needed someone to take it out on!'' He reported. ''She was being nice and supportive and you made her feel like rubbish though!'' I raised my voice. ''I know it was wrong! Please forgive me, I can’t do this anymore, please let it go, I need you to be next to me in life. Without you I am nothing okay!'' He sobbed. ''I know, you were put through a lot. But you should have been nicer towards the girl I like. I do everything for you! I am always the second choice to everyone, AFTER YOU AND I HATE IT. I DONT WANT TO BE THAT GUY ANYMORE OKAY.'' I say now bawling my eyes out. Dan stands up and sits on the edge of my bed. He holds my hand. And I am feeling pretty awkward right about now. ''Philip Michael Lester, you will always be my number one, and to anyone else... well fuck em'. You have me and I’ve got you. Together we are unstoppable best friends. Yeah I went through some stuff but YOU SURVIVED A COMA. It’s all about you, we should be happy and celebrating. I did something wrong and I’ve apologised to Amber for it. And now I’m saying sorry to you. I did wrong by you but you are my best friend and I love you. So how about we forget about it okay man?!'' Dan’s says laughing and crying. He leans in and gives me a huge hug. It lasts forever but it’s what I needed. ''I’m sorry Dan, I was over reacting. I need to get out of here though.'' I says joking around. But really, I couldn’t stand another minute here. I want to be home with Amber and Dan. And I want to go to back and see everyone. I want to be Phil again.

Dan's POV:

I let go of Phil and sit back down in the chair. ''Not much longer and I’ll be taking you home okay, everyone misses you like crazy.'' He says nothing but just smiles.

I hear my phone make a noise so I grab it from my pocket but don’t unlock my phone as I hear someone come in. ''Dan! Phil! Hey!'' Matilda says walking over and giving Phil a hug and waving at me. ''Unfortunately visiting hours are over but I’m taking you somewhere tonight okay Dan.'' She added. ''Uhm like where?'' I asked. ''I don’t know, but I need a drink. I have the day off tomorrow so let’s get drunk.'' She tells me. Matilda didn’t seem like she would be the outgoing party animal she is, but I like it. It gives off a fun and adventurous vibe. And a happy sense of being around her. ''Uhm I don’t think drinking is suitable for me right now, I have Phil to worry about. I will have a few and mainly look after you.'' I laugh as getting up and fixing my hair a little bit. ''Have fun you guys.'' Phil says. ''Wish I could join.'' Phil adds again. I feel sorry that he is stuck here. ''When you get out we will make it even better.'' I reassure him. ''Goodbye Phil.'' Matilda remarked while kissing him on the forehead.


Next chapter will actually have something exciting happen. Because nothing has been happening lately sorry. Thank you for 4.3k reads also! Oh and my best internet friend's birthday is tomorrow, on the 2nd of august. So I want to dedicate this chapter to her because she’s absolutely gorgeous and amazing! Her Instagram is @alldaphandoms so follow her please! Happy Birthday Ayzia!! xoxo 

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