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A week later.

"Peter wait up!" Edmund shouted from down the hall as his brother hurried away. "Where are you even going!"

Edmund didn't get an answer instead Peter disappeared around a corner at the end of the castle. Lucy appeared next to Edmund with a terrified look on her face, tears scared her face, her eyes puffy. Edmund turned to her in worry. "Lucy?" He knelt down infront of his little sister and wiped the last year standing.

"I'm scared Eddy" she looks to the floor. She's 15, but she's still a child at heart, and can't handle another war and the feeling of being useless as she watches her siblings go to war and sacrifice there selves as she just stands there praying to Aslan nothing with happen. "I've been listening, keeping it all in.  It's gotten bad hasn't it? Yous I'll can't find any sign of anything. Your going to ambush Telmar? AGAIN!"

Edmund looked at his little sister who he adored with sorrow. He was tall, taller than Susan and the same size as he eldest brother Peter, so he clutched her shoulders. "Lucy, everything's going to be okay! We've all gone to battle numerous times, and where all survivors. Cair Paravel is strong, it really is. We've never lost a war. We haven't because we always win. Okay we have Everlina. They may know she has a small bit of power,but she's got a lot stronger over a week. They don't know her power can be restored easily. Where trying to find out who her mother is also. So maybe we can have a lead on more help. Even though her mothers supposedly dead she must have came from Narnia because she held magic that got passed onto Everlina. Plus Everlinas the most brave girl I've ever met." Edmund spoke in such a calming tone. He's changed. Lucy thinks he has anyway. He used to be a angry teen who got bored. When he found Everlina, he changed and had more purpose to life as he kept her safe. She thinks she's the boy in the prophecy. The one Everlina falls in love with.

She looks at him with no tears in his eyes. "You really like her dont you ed?"

Edmund nods sheepishly and blushed slightly embarrassed by his likeness for this girl he's only knew a couple months.

Edmund stand up and leaves his sister to find Peter. Before all this there here talking about there ambush to Telmar. Edmund said not to do the same thing as last time as it may be slightly predictable. Peter however said it's not the same King and most of them wouldn't remember it anyway because they've restocked on new soldiers. Both were right in there own ways but Edmund remembered the fumbling he had with the touch and how much more difficulty he had. How he had to go backwards off a 100 ft tower and hope to hell the Griffin would catch him. The Griffin did of course, and ever since they've become trusty acquaintances. He's was called Gruff. Short for Gruffiterian.

However they've settled on doing the exact same order, everything the same as its already well prepared and well practiced. Also Peters already got a lot on his plate to come up with a new plan to garner them all victory.

Edmund found Peter dribbling down some notes. "Pete?"

"Oh Edmund leave me alone for one minute will you?" Peter shouted, lifting his head up and giving a harsh look.

"What have I done now Peter?" Edmund didn't move but just stared at his messed up older brother. Who's in fact king.

Peter smashed his hand against the writing bored and turned to his brother angered and stressed. "IF YOU DIDNT START ALL THIS ALL THESE YAARS AGI WE WOULDNT BE HERE CLEARING UP YOUR MESS!" Peters voice was full of fury and annoyance. However he instantly regretted putting all the wars blame on his brothers shoulder, as his had nothing to do with The White Witch. Except her daughter Vatina.

Edmund went up to his brother and punched him in the lip. Edmund hasn't been this indignant in a long time. Edmunds fist hurt after his eyes settle on the busted lip he caused on his brothers lips. "HOW DARE YOU! AFTER ALL THIS TIME IVE BEEN HERE DOING ALL YOUR JOBS AND CLEARING UO YOUR PROBLEMS AND YOU BLAME THIS ON ME!" Edmund let it all out. Peters been to busy to notice that he's right.

Peter stood up about to throw a hit at his younger brother but stopped as Edmund opened his mouth with his fists clenched and his eyes filled with splenetic. "Peter dont. You may be good with a sword, but I'm stronger. So don't." Edmund warned before slamming the door and fisted the wall, his knuckles bruised and bleeding.

Edmund was right though. He was stronger than his brother even 5 years younger. All the anger Edmund had made him strongbox and made it easy for him to burst and explode with fiery danger towards anyone. With a sword or with his fists Edmunds known for his strength. Peters known for his control and stability. Edmunds known for the opposite. He's had trouble in pass staying calm. One time Edmund flipped out on Caspian when he was still alive, infront of everyone. Peter pulled him out. His was when everything was slightly more quiet and less chaotic.

Edmund looked at his hands WoH a blurry bisons s blood oozed out. He hasn't noticed his eyes watering due to stress and the emotion he's currently feeling.

He felt a soft touch on his back and turned around to see Lady Clair at his assistance. He pushed her away as her pleading look for attention followed his fast paced walk away. Lady Clair feared him and Lady Everlina had something unknown going on between them, as they've rumoured to be seen kissing or flirting numerous times.

I UPDATED!! SCEW THE 2K DEAL IVE HAD TOO MANY MSGES TELLING ME TO CARRY ON! X-o SOOOO EHRE U GO! I little insight to how Peter and Edmunds relationship is going atm.

-Gabby xox

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