Here and Now.

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IG: shakesqueerbooks
Tumblr: writinglangst8703
Birds singing.

A privilege many hear every day but cannot simply take time to genuinely notice.

Six o'clock sharp you'll hear the first robins chirp, and all the species that follow as if an alarm clock for the Earth.

Wake up!
Wake up, beautiful Earth, it's time to be alive! Alive!

Listening to the pit-pit-pattering of rain on cement and asphalt, or the rustling of crisp leaves.

All sounds that are so common that you overlook them and don't think about the way they are sole example of everything.

The Earth speaking to its inhabitants.

It's truly beautiful, when one listens.

Lance was born with his hearing impairment. It was nothing he could help.

The disability didn't had never truly affected him significantly for a good portion of his life.

Only when he was a bit over oneyear old did his parents notice something was up and took him to the doctor to check him out.

Hard of hearing, was all.

From that age forward Lance wore hearing aids, so he could gain back the sense he was without so he could hear the world.

Hear his family; hear his friends.

More importantly hear the world around him so Lance could remain safe in it.

Police sirens.
Gun shots.

Just so he could get on, is all.
And the blue eyed boy did perfectly well in the world. Better than most would think.

But when the adventure into space came about in the young man's life, significant difficulties came about.

August came around, or at least it was supposed to be August back on Earth, and Lance found his hearing aids failing.

It started when they were all eating at the table and he could hear what Allura was addressing.

The following week he couldn't hear Shiro right next to him, asking him quietly if he could do a quick chore.

Lance started to speak louder as he began to be unable to hear his own voice.

That really got on everyone's nerves.
The constant repetition of what they were saying, or how Lance was practically yelling wherever he went.

It was frustrating for Lance, to be constantly told to be quiet or to shut up in general.

He was just asking a question.
He just couldn't hear you.

The team knew of his disability, why couldn't they just be patient with him?

Finally it was suggested that Pudge try her best to fix the things so Lance would be able to go back to the way it had been before.

Unfortunately though, the suggestion only came up when he finally couldn't hear at all.

Lance would have to be completely deaf do a few days, which was something he hadn't had to go through since he was very young.

It wasn't great.

Lance was annoyed by the constant silence, like his ears were stuffed with cotton balls.

He could hear explosions, but they came off as just like if he were listening to a movie.

Lance couldn't go on missions.
He could hear commands, or threats, which was dangerous even though he could see.

So Lance was left to sulk.

Just sulk.

He was cranky and everyone else was cranky with him, so Lance decided to stay holed up in his room so he wasn't any trouble.

The blue paladin dos simply nothing.

Imagine a sense taken away from you.
Albeit hearing, taste, sight, smell, or the sense of touch. Imagine it gone.

You could hear your lover's voice.

You couldn't taste your mother's cooking.

You couldn't see your children grow up.

You couldn't smell the scent of home.

You couldn't feel a friends hug.

Imagine any sense taken from you, big or small or in any portion. Total or slight.

What would you do?
Would you sulk?

Take a could notice of the world around you and appreciate that it's there.

That you're there, living within it all.

You may just discover something more amazing and beautiful than you may have never imagined before.


Langst: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now