Sleeping Powder.

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Song Used:
Sleeping Powder by Gorillaz
IG: shakesqueerbooks
Tumblr: writinglangst8703

She gave me sleeping powder.

Lance rubbed his eyes, staggering along the hallway to his bedroom. He was so tired.

He'd been kept up most of the night, running through ideas on where Shiro could have disappeared to and thinking of home.

If Lance were to ever disappear like that, he would go home. But that was the issue.

No one really knew much about Shiro before the Garrison and the Kerberos mission, so where would he go?

The blue paladin glided through the door as it slid open for him, and he walked to his desk.

It was tiresome.
This was what...? Day five?

Lance hadn't slept more than an hour over the past five days and it was starting to deteriorate his system significantly.

He was seeing shadows that weren't there, hearing buzzes and ringing in his ears that weren't real.

Training went horribly each day, and Lance could hardly pilot Blue correctly.

It wasn't safe, it wasn't healthy, but what could he say to the others? All they could really do was tell him to sleep, maybe they'd let him take breaks.

But nothing would work.

Sitting at his desk, Lance decided he couldn't let this go on. It wasn't healthy for him and it would damage the team's performance.

It took him an hour to will himself up, and back out his room, in search of the princess of the castle.

He found her in the kitchen, watching the mice as they ate. "Princess?"

The Altean looked up, "Oh, Lance, what are you doing up?" She seemed wide awake, eyes bright as ever and voice clear.

Lance was the opposite. "That's what I should be asking you, this is like the third night I've seen you up and about."

Allura smiled and hummed, "I've been a little busy with castle duties, so I've needed to stay up so I can perform them."

The blue paladin rose an eyebrow, "But you don't sleep? How do you manage to stay up?"

Allura picked up a glass she was drinking out of, "This juice has a special Altean powder that I put into it. I found it in storage; it boosts your mental alertness and physical activity quota so one could stay sharp during night long battles. If taken with food, it also doubles as a sleep enabler. That's why I haven't had much of an appetite, because I need to stay awake, not fall asleep."

Lance rose a brow, "And it works?"

He would give anything to sleep, anything to be able to close his eyes and forget his troubles for a little bit.

"It appears so, would you like to try it?" She offered, holding out the glass to the paladin.

Lance's eyes widened a little.

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