31DoHF: Chapter One

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IG: shakesqueerbooks
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Lance felt the hot water rush over his head, down his shoulders, running down his back and then splashing to the bottom of the tub.

Long, slender fingers washed over his face as dirty nails dig into his scalp, soapy suds going down the side of his face and droplets of water dripping from his nose and lips.

It was a frigid October night, two days before Halloween. Lance had gotten home from school from fall break only yesterday, which worked out perfectly since any Halloween shenanigans could be easily put into his now free schedule.

Lance loved Halloween, free candy and a whole night of fright and tricks. He especially liked getting to watch his older brothers and sisters create their costumes for that year.

But now he was the last child left in the nest. It was only him, Mama, and occasionally his dad would be around but not usually.

Lance frowned, letting the thought slide off his mind like the water that fell around him. This Halloween would be his last at home, last as a child, as he would be turning eighteen next July.

It had to be perfect, and you can bet he already had plans for the spooky holiday.

Turning off the water and stepping out of the scalding shower, Lance grabbed his favorite blue shark towel and wrapped it around his waist.

The boy found himself humming a Maluma song, and by internal design he would turn it on as he got ready for bed.

He turned, content in his humming, and went to grab for his phone on the edge of the bathroom sink. That's where he had left it coming in.

But that's not where it was now.

A small flicker of panic flared in his gut that came with the prospect of a lost phone, and Lance looked around the sink and on the floor for it.

Nothing, no phone. That was weird.

He was sure that's where he left it?

Sliding on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, he did a quick once over of the bathroom and still couldn't find the device.

"I know I brought it in here..." He mumbled, concerned and quickly left in search of his phone. Maybe he really had left it in his bedroom or something.

So the boy went to the small room with the blue walls, looking for the device that connected him to all of humanity, and was the source of a good portion of his life.

Maybe he was just a little attached to it.
Give him a break, he's a teenager.

He had only been messaging Pidge a few minutes prior to him getting in the shower, and had sent her a mirror picture so he knew he'd had the phone in there!

Alas, his phone was not in his bedroom, and Lance was defeated. What was he to do? It would turn up eventually wouldn't it?

Lance didn't want to worry his mother over it, because of he really HAD lost it, for good this time, she would want to get him a new one.

He didn't need to put that kind of expense on her, especially since his father's lack of financial support for the family as of late.

It would have to be settled later, he was tired.

Lance sighed, groaning and covered his eyes, flipping onto his bed. His friends could wait until morning. Lance would get up and go find his phone and things would be fine.

For now, he was exhausted and wished to fall asleep then and there. If anything, Lance would message them on his laptop the following morning.

The boy dragged the blankets over himself, turning off his bedside lamp, and felt sleep come over him.

His eyelids closed heavily upon blue eyes, and the darkness of unconsciousness consumed him.

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