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*Trigger Warning: Mentions of self harm.*
IG: shakesqueerbooks
Tumblr: writinglangst8703

"I didn't---"

"You were screwing around and you COST US THE MISSION!" Shiro bellowed. The man never yelled in stressful situations unless it wa Slav the shout was intended towards.

Lance felt his blood run cold and he looked away, sweat beads forming on his forehead.

"And you know what?! Allura is STUCK THERE for god knows how much longer!"
Shiro was red in the face, fuming.

"Hunk dos as he was told! So did Pidge and Keith! They followed orders and carried through with their parts!"

Lance had to stand straight and stud so his whole body wouldn't shake the way it wanted to.

Everyone was staring.
Lance fucked up.

Again, oh god.

"Now WHY--- why, couldn't you do your part? Are you a paladin of Voltron?!"

The blue eyed boy started to reply, but didn't get that far.

"Start acting like one!" Shiro finished.

The black paladin turned on his heel and promptly exited, ordering the others to their rooms for the night.

The tension was unbelievable.

No one had EVER heard their leader like that, and no one could process what had just happened before their eyes.

It was... Well, nobody wanted to be in Lance's place, that was for certain.

The boy stood there, staring at the ground and his tears welling up. They awaited to fall and then for the waterfalls to evoke.

Yet none of the others offered condolence.
The trio didn't know what to do besides obey their order and hope no trouble would come.

Even Coran left with nothing more than just a sympathetic smile, but he too was upset.

Not at Shiro's outburst, but for the fact that Allura was still out there on that Galra ship.

Lance was left alone.

Although they had all opportunity, his tears never fell and his sons never came. He went numb.

He'd screwed up.

Big time.

Lance decided, later that night when he couldn't sleep, to train. It had been a god awful day and he wanted some sort of release.

Maybe the bot could knock some sense and skill into him while the blue paladin was at it.

Damn did he need it.

The blue paladin wasn't sure how long he had been training, uninterrupted.

It felt like maybe an hour, forty five minutes? The boy had no idea.

Only when Shiro called out his name over the sound of gunfire and the robots clanging did he stop.

Shiro was frowning, and Lance could only imagine the wave of anger and harsh words that were about to come his way.

Those never came.

Shiro frowned, still in his night attire. "Lance, it's nearly 4 a.m., what are you still doing up?"

The blue paladin panted, wiping his forehead and blinked. Was it 4am?

Sure enough, Lance found that he'd been on here for nearly six whole hours.

Holy crap.

His legs shook, and the boy sunk to his knees and bowed his head. Shiro rushed over.

"Lance, are you---"

Finally, the boy was able to cry.

Maybe it was because the constant training was broken, or maybe it was because he was seeing the man that caused him all of this distress.

Either way, he was crying. Hard.

The black paladin put his arm around Lance's shoulder and attempted to hush him, but the boy wouldn't calm.

Lance had his hands over his eyes, his shirt soaked from the sweat of training. Newly formed holes in his jeans and shoes scuffed.

Six hours of training.

Shiro sighed, "Lance, I was too harsh on you earlier. I shouldn't have said what I did, and I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

Lance coughed, sniffling a few times. He knew Shiro meant it but the pain of the words was still there.

The truth of the words was still there.

Not even the slow rubbing up and down of his back seemed to calm him much.

Lance just...hurt. A lot.

Shiro frowned, hating the way Lance was digging his palms into his eyes and his nails into his forehead.


He reached forward, grabbing the boy's wrist, but didn't move further than that. A lump formed in the black Paladin's throat.

Lance didn't.
Shiro couldn't help the guilty tears that stung his eyes as he slowly pulled Lances arms away.

There they were.
Semi fresh, angry red lines that the tri shade haired man new we're only from hours before.

And were HIS fault.

Once Lance realized what Shiro's pause was about, following his gaze, he jerked away and yanked down his sleeves.

"Shiro, Shiro---  I--- Please don't be mad I--- Don't tell the other please--- Look, I'm sorry that I messed up today. I know I suck at being a paladin and being a person in general but---"

Shiro hugged Lance. Tightly, as protecting the younger man in his arms from any more self deprecating thoughts.

It hurt to know that Lance did this to himself. Shiro had seen white scars under the red.

It was the black Paladin's fault that Lance started that again, he just knew it.

He shouldn't have scolded Lance.

A sniffle was heard.

"Shiro...? What's going on? Is Lance okay?" A small voice came from behind.

The black and blue paladin looked up, seeing the rest of the team standing in their pajamas.

All looked tired, and confused.

Shiro let go of Lance with one arm, extending it towards the rest of the family.

Everyone followed suit after a moment's hesitation. A cuddle puddle ensued.

The group surrounded Lance in a massive group hug, only Shiro and the blue paladin of why it was happening.

But that was okay.

It would be okay.

Lance felt himself calm, his tears ceasing.
Everyone was here and they were supporting him and maybe they got into fights but that's what families did.

Lance smiled and nuzzles his face into the nearest neck, face warm and he felt safe.

In later morning they would get Allura back. Make up another plan.

But for now?

Lance was happy right where he was at.

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