Chapter 6: Saying goodbye

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Tonight was amazing, I can't believe that I spent my whole day in New York City with One Direction. It was time to go though, Harry and Ellie went back to Harry's room to talk and do whatever, I couldn't believe the best day of our lives was coming to an end. I was just sittling on Zayns lap, he had his arms around my waist. Zayn asked me if he could ask me a question, I said "anything, ask me anything" He said before we left he wanted to play 20 questions, I said okay lets do this,

Favorite Color: Either pink or blue

Favorite Food: Chicken

Favorite Film: The Breakfast Club

Favorite song: Either Moments, or Lego House, but honestly it changes all the time.

Celebrity Crush: I smiled shly and said Zayn.

Favorite Drink: Iced Tea

Then the questions got a little more personal.

What color underwear are you wearing right now *He chuckles*: I think they are pink or black.

First Crush: some kid in my elementary school, haha he told me I was ugly straight to my face sooo yeah the feelings werent mutal.

he stopped for a second, he said Kaitlin don't listen to him, you are beautiful. I blushed and told him thank you you are to Zayn. The questions continuted on...

What do you want to be when you grow up: I want to be a professional photographer, photograph all around the world, visit London, Rome, Paris travel, I want to photograph celebrities or forensics.

Who was your first kiss? I became really quiet, and said I didn't have my first kiss. Im so embarassed. Zayn I am 16 and I haven't kissed a boy.

He stopped me from speaking and kissed me passionatly, he said well now you have, you can be the only person who can say that Zayn Malik was your first kiss. I laughed.

What do you look for in a guy: i look for a personality, someone who can make me feel beautiful, someone I can talk to about anything and everything, someone who doesn't need me to be perfect, someone caring, sweet, sensitive, crazy, someone who can make me laugh.Someone who doesn't judge me because I cut, someone who supports me through everything, Someone who wouldnt change for me or make me change for them.

he asked a few more questions and then ended with this one

He held my arm and rolled up my sleeve and asked me, "why do you do this to yourself?" I took a deep breath and said "because I deserve it, I am stupid, I can't do anything right, no boy will ever love me, I am not good at much, I have low self esteem, whenever I am stressed I just take it out on myself. I never feel beautiful I see every single girl and she is 10 times prettier than I will ever be. That is why I cut myself,  Zayn.

Zayn looked into my eyes, I started tearing again, his beautiful brown eyes, and those long eyelashes looking into my teary dark brown eyes and he just held my arm and kissed my scars he told me that I am beautiful, that I am worth something, that a boy actually does love me. I felt my eyes becoming even more teary. I asked him "who"?

Zayn said "I love you, Kaitlin, I know I just met you, we spent the day together, I know love is a strong word that is thrown around but there is something about you, something so different I can't explain, but what you told me today, I read the letter, I will never forget meeting you. I want to fight our battles together, we both have a reason to stop now. We have eachother. I could not believe he said that to me. It was honestly the sweetest thing any person has ever said. I hugged him. We layed down for a little, laying down ended up becoming a cuddle session that turned into a makeout session. He was a great kisser. I hope I was doing it right.


There are so many things going through my mind right now. Am I doing this whole kissing thing right? Why is Zayn being so nice to me? He told me he loved me, but we barely knew each other but we got on so well. I felt safe with him, his arms around me, For the first time in my entire life I think I felt beautiful.

We slowly stopped making out, we heard the door open and we immediately got up and Harry shouted " Damn Zayn get it" Zayn threw his pillow at Harry and Ellie was laughing. Zayn pushed back his perfectly quoiffed hair and I tried fixing my hair. My phone vibrated and I looked at what time it was. It was 7:30. I noticed that Harry tweeted "that awkward moment when you walk in on someone having a make out session" I get their tweets sent to my phone, I realized it was indirectly tweeted to Zayn and I. I laughed and said "very funny Harry. What were you and Ellie doing in your room?" I noticed he had lipgloss on his cheek. Zayn jokingly said "Nice shade of lipgloss Hazz, looks great on you." We all laughed and realized we had to say goodbye. I hated saying goodbyes, they are always the worst especially knowing I will never see the boys again.

Ellie and Harry curled up together saying goodbyes, I sat beside Zayn and we were talking when he said "take off your sweatshirt, I want it so I can have something that I can remember you by when we are on tour." I said "Fine, but I am going to be cold, it's nighttime and I don't want to freeze" zayn slowly took off his varsity jacket he was wearing and put it over my shoulders saying "so you will never forget this day, to remember I am always here, think of it has a hug, like the roller coaster of life" I laughed and gave him a small peck on the lips.Right before Ellie and I left, they asked us if we were going to their concert, we both responded "Yes, we are going in May with two of our other friends, but we didn't get great seats because the tour sold out so fast." They said that they will work something out with managment and we can bring out friends Jessica and Nicole with us and get first row floor seats and meet and greets. Ellie and I were jumping for joy, it was probably the most fan girl thing we did in front of them, we were embarassed but we all laughed it off and gave them huge hugs. We all thanked them for today and told them to say goodbye and thanks to other boys and the girls.  

Before we left they cheekily asked us "When will we have our second date?" Ellie and I both responded saying "we didn't know this was a date" then Harry responded "because you guys would act different you wouldn't be yourselves knowing you were on a date you would be embarrassed if you had sauce on your mouth instead of laughing it off." We said whenever you guys are in New York again were available. We gave our final hugs and kisses goodbye and walked outside their rooms. I noticed Ellie had on Harry's sweatshirt, and she noticed I had on Zayn's varisty jacket. We couldn't believe we were wearing their clothes.

What will happen when Kaitlin & Ellie leave the hotel? Does this mean that 4/5 of one direction are taken?

Chapter 1: Directioners and the city.Where stories live. Discover now