Chapter 26: Ireland

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Jessica's POV:

London has been amazing, I just hope his family likes me. I am now packing my final things before we leave to see Sean. After having dinner we are going on the plane to Mullingar. I am so nervous still, Niall says I have nothing to worry about, I mean I have maybe spoken to Greg one time, but still.

Sean came over for a bit, we were just hanging out Niall wanted to see him before he left, we ended up having Nandos, which I was obviously excited about, Niall seemed more excited about the food then he did spending time with Sean and I.

Niall: Jess, how do you like Nandos?

Jessica: Its pretty good.

Sean: What time is your guy's flight to Mullingar?

Niall: *wipes his hands on a napkin and gets up from the table to check the exact time on the ticket* 10pm.

Sean: Do you want me drive you guys to the airport? I don't mind.

Niall: If you want mate.

Time passed by, and it was 8:30. we left an hour and a half earlier because you never know with traffic and all of the airport security. Niall insisted that we let Paul enjoy his time off and go to the airport without a body guard.

Jessica: Niall, I am so nervous.

Niall: *brings her closer* Jess, listen to me, I love you, there is nothing to be nervous about, if my mum doesn't like you she is crazy. I talk to Greg about you all the time and he seems to love you.

Jessica: What if they don't love me? Are we going to be over?

Niall: No, I am not going to let anything break our relationship. You are my princess remember?

Jessica: *kisses him* Okay, I just hope you are right.

The flight that was only a couple of hours long passed by quickly, taking pictures with Niall on photobooth, cuddling and talking about everything, just made our night perfect. When we arrived it was really late, Niall's brother Greg and his mom Maura were there. There were some fans there but not many, it was so late at night and twitters said that Niall wouldn't be stopping. He did wave to everyone.We ran into the grey car and I wanted Niall to sit in the front with his mom, considering they havent seen each other in months.

Marua to Niall: Niall, I missed you, how was tour?

Niall to Marua: I missed you to mum, it was great, the fans we have are just amazing. I missed home though, I am happy to catch a break.

Marua to Niall: You all deserve to relax. I made your room all nice for you, just how you left it.

Niall to Marua: Thanks mum

We finally arrived at the Horan house, it was super late and I was exauhsted.

Niall: Welcome to the Horan House!

Jessica: *mumbles under her breath* its just like how it imagined it.

Niall: What babe?

Jessica: oh nothing, I was just saying how nice it is. I love you!

Niall: Love you too babe, I will show you to where we will be sleeping.

Jessica: Okay.

We walk upstairs and enter his blue bedroom. We tossed our suitcases on the floor, he changed into his pajamas and I went into the bathroom to change.

Niall: Ready for sleep princess?

Jessica: *falls into his bed* yes, im exahausted.

Niall: At least I know you will be in my arms, I love you Jess, *kisses her softly*

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