Chapter 33: Florida

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Kaitlin’s POV:

It has been about a week or two after California, this summer was flying by and I can’t believe it, only a few more days left until I surprise Zayn in Florida, I am so excited, I have been planning this for a while and its finally going to happen. Harry has been so helpful for this whole thing,  all that is running through my mind is how surprised Zayn is going to be.  My mind was everywhere, my anxiety was so high, everyday at work I have a countdown with Ellie.

Two days later, It is finally Thursday, I am flying down to Florida TONIGHT. I text messaged Harry as much as I could, to make sure everything is set.  He told me that I was going to stay with him for the night,  and during the day when the boys were doing soundcheck and meet and greets I would be at the hotel just hanging out, or go shopping or something to keep me preoccupied. Harry reminded me that I had pajamas and an outfit for Friday in his luggage still, being the cheeky person he is he told me all I need to bring is lingerie for Zayn, workout clothes if I want to go the hotel gym, shoes,and the bathroom essentials.  I smiled and put away my phone, the day went by and then I got home, got my bag that I just threw everything else into, I had my tickets for the concert and got my plane ticket to Florida, and my mom drove me to the airport and I was off to Florida.

The plane ride there, which wasn’t that long at all I bbm’d Zayn so he wouldn’t be suspicious. I told him that I was having a sleepover with Jessica and Ellie. All three of us hung out a few days before, just incase he got suspicious we took a bunch of photos on my phone of all three of us just to keep him thinking that this sleepover was legit. We just talked about how crazy it is how everything happened so fast, and how quickly the tour happened.  I told him I was going to sleep,  but I was really landing in Florida, and I was on my way to the hotel. I text messaged Harry saying I was here.

I went to the hotel’s front desk and showed my school ID to the guy at the desk, he checked his notes and he gave me the key. I called Harry letting him know it went smoothly, he told me that Zayn was sleeping in his room, so it was perfect timing to go upstairs, and security would let me through on the floor.

I went into the elevator and pressed the button and went up listening to the calm elevator music. I saw Andy, who was one of their security guards who was huge and muscular, he was bald and scared me a bit, but he was really friendly.

Andy: You must be Kaitlin.

Kaitlin:  Hi! Yeah im Kaitlin!

I had to be extremely quiet still, Andy escorted me to Harry's room, Harry let

me inside his room with a a dimpled smile and a hug, he thanked Andy and I did

too. He shut the door and we just hung out, I kind of felt weird sleeping in the

same room alone with my best friends boyfriend, I know we aren't doing anything

and we are just friends but I could never imagine Zayn in bed with another girl

when he is in a relationship, I would never do the he gave me my pajamas and I

took a quick shower and got changed, we just did what friends do and just hung

out and talked about tomorrow and watched some films together until we fell

asleep. I am always a nervous wreck so I kept waking up in the middle of the

night, the hotel room was huge so I slept on the pull out bed, Harry offered to

sleep on the pull out bed and said I could sleep on the nice bed, I refused, he

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