Chapter 13: Ellie and Jessica's First Day Back

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Jessica's POV: 

It is Monday morning, around 8 I finally woke up after tossing and turning all night. I am head over heels with Niall, he makes me feel beautiful, I am kind of scared to go back to school though, not becasue I am stressed about exams and AP classes, because I know kids in my class saw the talk show when the boys told the whole country who their girlfriends were. Just teenage girls from New York. I know people are going to use me now, at least I have Ellie with me.

Ellie's POV: 

So many things are going through my head right now, I put on my black TOMS, skinny jeans and one of my favorite shirts and made my way to my kitchen. I decided to have a bowl of cereal and some fruit with orange juice. Before I knew it it was time to go to school, facing what others might say. I never really cared what people said or thought about me, because I knew they had no reason to hate me. Now some girls do, the fact that Harry Styles is my boyfriend, the fact that I am just a normal girl who's dreams came true,doesn't change me. I am still the same old Ellie that loves Harry Potter, hanging out with friends and trying my hardest in school. I am kind of worried about Kaitlin, she has no one at her school that understands what she is going through, at least I have Jessica with me, I promised Kaitlin I would talk to her all day if she needed it.

The first period bell rang, time to go to class, the group of girls who were considered "popular" came up to Jessica and I we have never spoken before, but they loved Harry. I knew they were just being nice to me, just to get closer to the boys. We weren't stupid but we let the girls ask whatever. one girl asked "Is he a good kisser?" I responded "Yes" Some girls swooned, Another girl asked me "How big is he?" I said "I would like to keep that private,but I have seen it." Then one girl had the nerve to say "out of all the girls he could have chosen he picked you. my question is why" I responded with my quick witts saying "Oh he think he would like you? The last time I checked he really wasn't into the bitchy, whore type. you can try working a street corner." I was shocked, all that was racing through my mind was "ELLIE DID YOU JUST SAY THAT. DONT LET DATING HARRY GO TO YOUR HEAD!" Jessica was shocked I said that, but I had a reason. She was being completely wrong. The girls went through half of the day with some positive and negative feedback,

Jessica's POV:

Its time for gym, I don't mind gym that much, I had a few acquaintances in that class but I knew things from today on were different, I was still the same Jessica, I just had a famous boyfriend. I knew people were going to ask me about them, like how it happened and they would just use me. I decided to bring my iPhone and headphones becasue we were just running the track and I just needed to relax. I put my headphones on put "Up All Night" on shuffle and ran the track. 

While I was running the track I decided to check my text messages, because I barely checked them during lunch today I was studying for a AP test with Ellie. I had a few texts from Ellie asking if I spoke to Kaitlin because she hasn't answered her phone all day. I replied "No, she hasn't answered me either." I looked down at my phone and smiled. a message popped up from Niall. "Have a great day at school babe, I love you so much:) don't listen to the haters xxNialler" I grinned as my fingers flew across my screen during Niall's solo in "More than This" I told him "I wont, I'm doing okay, hope your day is going great. by the way has Zayn spoken to Kaitlin today? She hasn't been answering me or Ellie" I put my phone back into my sweatshirt pocket and continued running along to the music. I felt a vibration in my pocket, it was a text message from Niall again "He said he hasn't spoken to her today. Is everything okay?" I was getting kind of nervous, Kaitlin answers Ellie, Zayn and I 99.9% of the time, unless she was sick or something was wrong. I wrote back "I have no idea, she usually answers Ellie, Zayn and I right away. I am getting kind of nervous." I know I am being extremely paranoid but what if something happened to Kaitlin? What if she relapsed and started cutting again? What if she couldn't deal with all of the hate? All I want to know is if she is okay. Gym was over and it was time for the class to get changed into their normal clothes and move onto the next class. I kept my phone by me all day, hoping Kaitlin's name would pop up, but nothing. Ellie hasn't heard from her all day, niether has Zayn. I recieved another text message from Niall saying "Don't worry Jess, everything is ok, maybe she just left her phone at home or something. When you get home from school try chatting her on facebook, but I gotta go now! We have some more interviews to do, love you xx" Aside from all of these nerves about Kaitlin, I couldn't help but smile, I must be the luckiest girl in the whole world, Niall does care about me. More than I ever have imagined.

Ellie and Jessica had a pretty decent day back. Niall really does love Jessica. But  IS KAITLIN OKAY? WHATS GOING ON? FIND OUT IN CHAPTER 14!!!

Chapter 1: Directioners and the city.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant