Chapter 9: The Day After

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It was about 10:30am and we both finally woke up from what felt like a dream, but it was reality. I had my first boyfriend, Zayn Malik.Ellie was Harry Style's girlfriend. We weren't going to tell Jessica anything yet, we were kind of afraid to tweet anything or tell anyone because, what if something accidently slipped out. Jessica is so trust worthy though.Jessica goes to school with Ellie and I live a few towns away from them, I met Jessica through a camp and then we didn't speak for years and then we became friends again when Ellie's mom had a suprise birthday party for Ellie. Jessica loved all the boys, but she fancied Niall the most, she loved his beautiful blue eyes, his Irish accent, his care free loving personality, and his love for food. Come on, who doesn't love food? Jessica would be perfect for Niall, beautiful, smart, creative, funny, super sweet. I just wish I could set them up. I took my phone off Ellie's table and checked my text messages, first Jessica texted Ellie and I that she is coming over at 1. Then I noticed Zayn texted me "Good Morning Beautiful, I hope you slept well, remember that I love you :)xx" I smiled down at my phone, Ellie knew it had to be Zayn who texted me, I texted him back "morning babe I slept okay, I hope you slept well too, love you xx, oh by the way is Niall looking for a girlfriend?" I left my phone in Ellie's room and we ate some breakfast, fruit and belgium waffles made by her brother. I loved it, they had the best fruit at their house. We looked at the time and realized we had to get ready, Jessica was comming soon.

It was already 1, Jessica came right on time, her hands full of posters, a t-shirt, her phone and of course the latest Tiger Beat because the boys are right on the cover. Ellie and I both hugged her and Jessica said "Tell me about yesterday, what happened, I am so happy you guys met them, but I am so jealous. How was Niall? Was he nice?" Ellie said, "Jessica, he was the funniest and sweetest person ever, but we have a suprise to tell you, the boys invited us upstairs to their rooms an--" Jessica cut her off. "KAITLIN AND ELLIE DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH THEM" We said NO, they are giving us front row, floor seats and meet and greets for the show!" Jessica started jumping up and down. She couldn't believe it. I asked Ellie if i could use the bathroom, but first I wanted to get my phone, I got my phone then went to the bathroom. I noticed I had a text mesage from Zayn saying "possibly why? Are you gonna leave me for Niall?" I immeditaly responded back "no never, my friend Jessica loves Niall, you think he is interested? Shes comming to the concert she is actually with me and Ellie right now." I flushed and washed my hands and left the bathroom and we all went into Ellie's room where the oak tag, the markers, and shirts were layed out. We got straight to work and then my phone kept vibrating. It was Zayn he wrote back "okay good, and maybe he will be we will just have to wait and find out next week. but I gotta go babe we have rehearsal. xx" I told him to have fun and that I will see him next week. Jessica kept asking who I was texting and who Ellie was texting, we kept saying it was no one, we wanted to keep things very secretive. I was kind of nervous, I hate lying to people, so does Ellie, but there is only 6 more days until the concert. When Jessica meets Niall everything will make sense. We finally finished our signs, we finished our shirts. It was getting late and it was time for me to go home, I said bye to Jessica and Ellie, I took my bag that had all my clothes in it including Zayn's jacket. I couldn't wait. Ellie and Jessica were still hanging out, it was Sunday night, Jessica asked Ellie why we were being so sucpicious but Ellie just said, we were just talking to our camp friends.

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