Chapter 7: Leaving the hotel

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Ellie and I made our way down the hall, to the elevator, we were kind of nervous to go back down stairs, we didn't know what do expect. We went to the lobby and we must have saw 200 people outside shouting for the boys. The hotel management was trying to tell all the girls outside that the boys aren't there, but of course no one believed them. Manangers told us to stay inside for 10 more minutes because it will calm down, well hopefully. Ellie called her mom saying that we were going to be home much later than we expected and we will explain everything when we get back to her house. Ten minutes passed and it was still hetic, but we managed to leave the hotel, we heard girls calling us horrible things, because they noticed that I was wearing Zayn's jacket and that Ellie was wearing Harry's sweatshirt. They started shouting that we were whores,sluts, and other horrible things but we didn't let it bother us.because we knew they were jealous. We started walking back to Penn Station, it was almost 8:30 we made the 9:00 train. We got on the train, finally we could sit. We found a seat together and sat. I took my blackberry out and tweeted, on my personal twitter. "met @zaynmalik @real_liam_payne @louis_tomilinson @nialloffical and @harry_styles today, you guys are so sweet :)x" and on my "fangirl" account I tweeted "best day of my entire life meeting the boys with my best friend @1DHOOPLA" then I tweeted a photo of me with and Zayn saying " it was so nice meeting you today @zaynmalik your so sweet and I hope you liked my letter ")x" I felt my phone vibrate and I figured it was a text message or a mention from twitter, I got an email saying Zayn Malik 1D is now following you on twitter. I was so excited, Zayn ended up following both of my twitters. Ellie retweeted my tweets and Harry ended up following her, Zayn tweeted me back saying "@KaitlinBonnott it was no problem love, your so sweet thank you I had a lot of fun today, we will do this together.xx" I favorited the tweet being the fan girl I was. 

I couldn't believe today happened, it was almost 10pm we were both exausted, I was so happy I was sleeping over Ellie's house, I wanted to colapse once I got home. Ellie called her mom and told her that we just about to get off the train, and her mom said she would be there in 10 minutes. We waited, the first question Ellie's mom asked, whose sweatshirt was Ellie wearing. Ellie said mom, its Harry Styles sweatshirt. Her mom thought we were kidding, but we weren't she jokingly asked, Kaitlin are you going to tell me that is Zayn's jacket? I told her yes it is, we were trying to tell her that we met them and we were hanging out all day. We told her we will show her the pictures when we got back to her house. We showed her the photos, she couldn't believe that our dreams came true. Once we got home we took off our shoes that we have been wearing all day, we got changed into our PJ's and went on Ellie's computer to leave a video in our Fangirl FaceBook group to tell our friends about our day. We uploaded most of the pictures to FaceBook, we didn't upload the ones of us in their hotel rooms or the ones of us kissing them on the lips because we didn't want any drama to start. We kept pinching ourselves asking ourselves "Is this real life?" All of the sudden I got a message on FaceBook, it was Zayn, he asked if we could video chat, I told him Ellie was in the room with me and he said it was fine. So we turned on the webcam.

Ellie's POV:

Why is Zayn asking Kaitlin to video chat at almost 11pm? I guess he just wanted to make sure she was okay, I thought it was so cool that we are going to video chat with Zayn Malik, in my bedroom. I guess it couldn't be too important whatever he wanted to talk about it because I am here, if it was something super serious I think he would just wait until Kaitlin was alone. 




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