Chapter 12: The Interview

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It was the day after the concert, Niall and Jessica have been texting each other non-stop, they were the cutest couple ever, last night Jessica told Niall that she was cold and gave her his favorite sweatshirt and a Horan Hug. He told her to keep the sweatshirt. I couldn't believe that this was reality, 5/5 members of One Direction, off the market, and 3/5 of the girlfriends were just typical normal fans. It was crazy and still so hard to believe it. 

Since it was Memorial Day weekend we had off from school and decided to all hang out together again, Jessica, Ellie and I. We talked about the concert alot, and the fact that our boyfriends were Niall, Harry and Zayn. I am not going to lie, I am kind of nervous to go onto twitter, my phone had 100+ new mentions on both of my accounts, same for Ellie. We gained like 1000 followers, we knew we were going to get hate. Jessica and Niall haven't confirmed their relationships yet  so her twitter was basically dead, other than some rude fans calling Ellie and I horrible things. Ellie and I checked our facebooks and we had a ton of friend requests from complete strangers trying to find out about us. We obviously blocked them because we weren't going to invite fans into our lives that would just use us for our boyfriends. Ellie and I finally went onto twitter, we saw the things people said, someone tweeted "@KaitlinBonnott isnt pretty at all, what does zayn see in her? she should kill herself" "@kaitlinbonnott kill yourself" the things got worse and worse, little did they know about my dirty little secret, that i cut myself, that before any of this stuff happened I have had suicidal thoughts before. I knew they were just saying that out of jealously, and because they care about the boys, but no one, I mean no one deserves hate. Ellie checked her mentions "@ElOhhEllie is such a slut thats the only reason Harry went for her, becasue she is easy" "@ElOhhEllie how much did you pay Harry to date you?" These tweets were horrible, none of the things they were saying about Ellie and I were true though, Ellie is one of the sweetest most caring people I know. Jessica text messaged Niall about some of the things they were saying about us, I was kind of scared to tell Zayn, Niall ended up telling Harry and Zayn and they called us right before the interview. They told us "Don't listen to them, you have us, the hate should stop sooner or later, were sorry it has to be like this. Make sure you watch the interview on Channel 5 today at 10am, we have something special planned." We all said OK and hung up the phone. Harry got on twitter and said something slightly relevant but something random to just throw everyone off. "He said I guess if I dated this pineapple you would all hate the pineapple too." Zayn tweeted an artsy quote that was about me, but not a direct tweet, you know he has to keep the fans who have no clue guessing “When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.” 

It was slowly approaching 10am, we signed out of twitter because we didn't want to deal with any hate right now. We sat around the TV and grabbed a bowl of cereal and waited for them to come on, first they introduced the boys, from left to right, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis. They asked the standard questions "Did you guys ever think you would make it this far" They all responded "No, we never expected this, it is all because of the fans, we have an amazing support, and it wouldn't be like this without them" Then they asked "How do you deal with the female attention, I understand two of you have girlfriends." Louis and Liam said "Luckily our girlfriends are so supportive of us and  understand our busy schedule, we phone them almost every night and we keep in touch" The interviewer looked over to Niall, Zayn, and Harry and asked how they liked the female attention, they said "It is very flattering I don't think we will ever get used to it."I guess the interviewer didn't hear about what happened last night at the arena. Then the interviewer asked "Raise your hand if your single." A moment that felt like forever passed, NONE OF THE BOYS RAISED THEIR HANDS. We were all on the edge of the couch waiting for what would happen next. Then the interviewer asked, since when, and if the lucky ladies had names. Niall began saying, my girlfriends name is Jessica, shes amazing, she makes me feel like I can do anything as cheesy as it sounds, but I love her, she has a great personality and I hope the fans love her just as much as I do." Then it was Harry's turn, "My girlfriends name is Ellie, we met in New York and she is the most down to earth, beautiful, person he has ever met, and just as Niall said I hope you guys love her as much as I do." then finally it was Zayn's turn. I didn't know what he would say, he likes to keep his private life as private as he can. Zayn said "I met my girlfriend Kaitlin when Harry met Ellie, it was honestly love at first sight, Kaitlin is the sweetest, caring, strongest, non-judgmental, person I have ever met. She is my motivation to quit smoking, she isn't forcing me to, I am not changing myself for her, shes not changing me. She wrote me the sweetest letter that I actually keep with me in my jacket every day. If you love me, and if you love the rest of the boys you wouldn't send any of our girlfriends hate, because they make us happy. We aren't going to dump them because our fans don't want them part of our lives." The interviewer was shocked, just like we were, we didn't know what to say to each other. I couldn't get over it, they didn't tell us, but they just told National TV about US. Holy Flack. We went on twitter and we recived some hate, but some support. There were worldwide trends about us. Kaitlin and Zayn, Ellie and Harry, Niall and Jessica. We text messaged the boys saying we saw what you guys said, thank you, we love you too. We realized what are we going to do about school, now people would just use us to get close to the boys. 


find out in chapter 13

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