Chapter 30

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Ky's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting them to the light. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 10 am. I had jogged to Lauren's at 7 am to leave her some stuff and I had slept 3 more hours. I stretched out and I sat up. As sleepy as I was, I looked at the clock again for the date and it read October 31st. I soon recognized the date even in my grogginess: Lauren's last day here.

I had been planning different dates for the past five days. Today, I had the most special night planned.

I grabbed my phone, opened my messages and my conversation with Lauren.

"Hey beautiful, today you have all the day for yourself until 8 pm, then you're all mine for the night ;)" I texted her.

I sent it and left my phone on the night table until it buzzed and I grabbed it again, reading.

"Ahh I can't wait. I'll make sure to be ready by 6." She replied.

"Great, I left you something at your door earlier, to guide you through the day."

Lauren's P.O.V.

"Great, I left you something at your door earlier, to guide you through the day." He said. "Good luck."

I slowly got up from my shared bed and quietly walked to the hotel door. I opened it and looked down searching for that 'something'. I saw a medium sized pink box. I lifted it up and took it back to my room, closing the door behind me. I sat on my bed and removed the top of the box and removed the covering paper at the top of its contents. Beneath it, there was a beautiful black dress, alongside some black shoes and a golden necklace. I smiled at myself at his gesture: he had bought me clothes for tonight's date. Then there was a note on one side. I picked it up and read it.

Put on the dress and the shoes with the necklace and at 6, head to place where we made flowers fly to the melody of your voice.

I wondered for a while but then noticed he was talking about our last location for the Honeymoon Avenue video shoot, which was on his block. I guessed that the next instruction would be there. I had to wait until six, but I honestly was too anxious.

Ky's P.O,V.

After some minutes, I remembered I needed a favor from Dani, so I took my phone out again and started texting her.

"Hey Dan, I need something from you." I said.

"What is it?" She replied after a few minutes.

"I'm planning something for Lauren for tonight and for the final touch I need to get something sent to you."

"Okay. What do I have to do?"

"I will just order them to your hotel and you have to go receive them and spread it in your and Lauren's room before you and your family go out for dinner (Lauren told me about that lol)."

"Okay, tell the shop to bring it here by 6:30 pm."

"Will do, thank you."

"You're welcome and oh one small detail: what is the thing I have to receive exactly?"

Lauren's P.O.V.

I got up from the bed and before leaving the room I looked back to see Dani smiling at her phone. I kept on walking and sat at our table (which was already set) for breakfast, which always took place in Christina, Dani and my room for soe reason. Dani soon joined us all and we started stuffing ourselves.

"What are we doing today?" Nick asked to no one in particular.

"Well, we are spending the day at a theme park called Rainbow's End! It's for everyone and super fun! We can also have lunch there." Mom replied. We all smiled as we knew we were gonna have a good time.

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now