Chapter 20

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Peter's P.O.V.

After our incredible night, I left Lauren at her hotel door, we kissed and she got in. Then I started heading towards my house. As I walked, I felt the breeze pass right through me. I smiled thinking about her and how perfect this night had been. I'd been planning it for a long long time, and it came out just the way I wanted it to. I was so happy everything was falling into place so well. All the small pieces of my life coming together, and Lauren was the missing one to solve my puzzle. I knew we would have to say goodbye in not so much time, but I didn't care right now. I wanted to enjoy her for all of this time all I could. I wouldn't let go of her or these memories so easily, I wanted to remember forever and ever. Nothing could ruin this, ruin us, at least not that fast or without trying to fight for it. I was ready to fight for what we had against all odds, and I wouldn't stop fighting for us.

It suddenly hit me: I was dating her. The girl I'd always seen as perfect, unreachable. Her eyes were so deep, full of emotion; her lips, ah so soft and nice, I could go on all day. All of her personality and her looks were just flawless. She was funny, she was cute, she was kind, she really was perfect. I honestly thought that people who didn't get to have her in their life were missing half of it.

I finally got to my my door, turned the key and got inside. It was all dark, I could barely see anything. I wanted some water, so I moved towards the kitchen, that was right after the living room. Then suddenly, a light turned on behind me.

"Why were you out this late on a Thursday night?" I turned to see a voice coming from my mom, who sat on the armchair. She stood up. "Don't you have homework? Don't you have to sleep early? And more importantly, don't you have something to tell me?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorry it got a bit late, but I've already done all my homework and I'll be okay as long as I go to sleep now." I replied. "And what should I tell you?" I asked confused. She gave me a look of disbelief.

"I went into your room today—" She began, but I cut her off.

"I told you not to go there." I stated, reminding her.

"I was just going to pick Jus, but then I saw something on your night table." She continued and turned to grab something. She took out four sheets of paper. Oh no, I knew what they were. "What is this?" She asked, demanding my immediate answer.

"Paper?" I asked trying to get away.

"Don't act all innocent." She stopped me. "You failed four tests? Math, Science, English, Literature? Those are some of your strongest subjects!" She pointed out.

"Um, yeah I kinda did." I answered shyly.

"Why? When were you gonna tell me?"

"Well, I thought if I told you, you wouldn't have let me go to the concert, so I tried to hide it."

"So this is because of them. Because of her." She stated, making emphasis on the Lauren reference.

"No, you don't get it! She makes me happy." I answered back, in a bit of a loud voice.

"Lower your voice." She warned me. "And don't you think I have a say in your happiness?"

"No, it's my happiness, not yours."

"Well, I don't care, I don't want you to see her anymore." She said and my jaw dropped.

"What? You can't do that!" I complained.

"Oh, yes I can and I'm doing it. I forbid you from seeing her again. You're grounded, you'll consult me before making any plans." She told me, basically making me go nuts.

"Look, mom, you can't forbid me from seeing my girlfriend-"

"Oh, please, you've known her for two weeks!" She cut me off.

"I don't care! Listen, I will see her, I will be with her..." I said and got closer to her, looking down to her since I was taller. "and we'll be together as much as I want to."

"Over my dead body." She simply replied, in a tone she had never used, it scared me, but I had to remain still. "Now go to bed." She tried to reach for my arm but I shook her off quickly.

"Leave me alone." I finally told her and went to my room.

I got in there silently, so as not to wake Andy and Jus up. They were both fast asleep in their bunk, and I smiled, they were so young and innocent, I wanted them to always remain that way. I headed to my bed and unlocked my phone to text Lauren.

"My mom just grounded me."

"What for?" She replied.

"Failing at school... She said I see you without her permission."


"Don't worry, I'll find a way to see you, she said I just have to consult her before going out, I can say whatever."

"Won't that get you into more trouble?"

"Only if she finds out ;)"

"Okay, but we need to be careful, I don't want you to have it even worse."

"Worse than not seeing you? Impossible. Don't worry, I'll make it."

"Ugh, okay. Good night, Ky."

"Good night, Lauren."

I left my phone and fell asleep very fast. I went into a profound dream state.

I woke up sweaty and screaming, but it was a muffled scream, since Andrew and Justin were still asleep. I'd had a nightmare, but couldn't remember what it was about. I checked my clock and read 5 am. Only 2 hours until I had to wake up. I tried to fall asleep again but I just couldn't manage to do it. So instead, I stayed up, looking at the ceiling, just thinking how we'd get to see each other without my mom knowing it. Because I needed to see her. I needed her.

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now