Ch. 19 Americano (Edited)

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I am so sorry I just love the first song so much, the remix too.

(Ashton's POV)
For some reason, she actually agreed to this date thingy I asked her to. She is so beautiful, I feel as if this isn't a one-night stand type of girl.

"Are, you ok?" Breanna asks looking at me questionably.

"Sorry, just deep in thought," I smile and it makes her smile also.

At that moment the waitress walks up to us and asks us what we would like to drink. She looks at Breanna then looks at me, then her face lights up immediately. Oh no...hopefully this doesn't mean anything bad.

"May I take your order?" she asks gaping at me.

"We will take water's please, no alcohol," Breanna says looking at the waitress.

But instead of the waitress jotting it down or going to get the drinks she put a hand up to Breanna's face and said, "I wasn't talking to you girl, I was talking to him."

She winks at me and bites her lip, she then walks away in a model like way as I watch in astonishment.

"Wow, people can be so--," before Breanna could say anything the waitress was there looking at me again with our drinks.

She sets Breanna's down and when she was about to put mine down she accidentally"
(emphasis on the quotations) spilled my drink all over my clothes and my favorite pants.

"Sorry! Sorry!," she says looking at me.

I sigh, "It's alright," I say standing up.

"Can you be any more annoying!" Breanna shouts, I look at her and smirk as she talks. "Can't you see that were trying to have a nice date and you keep trying to flirt with him, just to let you know he is not interested, if he was he would be sitting with you and not me, so for once can you get your petty little āss back to the kitchen and actually do your job!" she takes a breath and sits back down in embarrassment, since everyone was now looking at us.

The waitress doesn't say anything and just glared at Breanna the rest of the time, when the bill came I saw a phone number on the bottom half of the receipt. I ripped it off and winked at the waitress and paid for the bill. Thankfully Breanna didn't see, then we headed to the car to go to the movies.

As we were walking out I took the paper out of my pocket and gave it to some creepy looking guy standing outside.

"That cute waitress over there told me to give this to you," I say smirking.

The guy licks his lips and makes a creepy smirk, "Thanks kid," he says.

I smile and laugh," Your welcome Mr."

"What was that?" Breanna looks at me with a questionable look on her face.

"The, girl that ruined our date gave me her number on the receipt," I smirk as Breanna starts to frown, "I took it and gave it to that guy that looks like a child molester."

She starts to laugh than her face goes all serious, "Don't you think she will get hurt."

"That will be her own problem, since she can't stop flirting with me what makes you think she wouldn't flirt with that man," I say starting to walk to the car.

"Fine, but if she dies it's your fault," Breanna smiles.

"And yours since you were part of the plan," I say proudly as I open the door for her.

She smiles and says a small thank you while entering the car. Then we were off to the movies.

(Breanna's POV)
This date thing wasn't going well, but it has been getting better. Since Ashton gave that annoying girls number to the scary man, it just got a lot better. Hopefully, she won't die and I won't get sent to jail with Ashton.

We are in the car right now, "So tell me about yourself," I say looking at him.

" name is Ashton Drey, I love sports and I am also a part-time actor for a few shows on Nickelodeon." He patiently paused afterwards if waiting for something.

I nod persuading him to continue.

"You will learn more about me when we go on more dates, so tell me about yourself," he winks.

Should I tell him, about my job, or should I not. Hopefully he won't treat me different, I will risk it, he doesn't go to my school and he seems not to like attention so I will.

"Before I say anything else, I am wearing a wig," I smile as he looks at me in horror.

"Are you bald!" he says a little loudly.

"No! No!" I say trying to calm him down, "I wear this because of the Paparazzi, they are so annoying, they're like little kids that won't leave you alone."

"Why do you have Paparazzi, and who are you?" he asks skeptically.

I take off my wig and say "Hi, I am Breanna Hall, also known as Anna Hall, the professional model. I love sports but I am not that good and you will have to find out more when we go on more dates," I with a wink.

He kept quiet and when we got to the movie theater he put the car in park and looked at me. "I am sorry," he says as he looked at me.

"Sorry about what?" I say in a panicked voice, maybe I should not have told him.

"I am sorry that you have to hang out with me and not your probably famous friends," he says sadly.

"You are not my charity case," I say to him, "I decided to hang out with you because I like you so far."

His face lights up, "Really!"

"Yes really," I say, "Now you can't treat me any differently than you did before ok..."

"I wasn't gonna, it hurts people when you do that, now let's go," he says excitedly.

I put my wig back on and as always before I can open the door Ashton is already there opening it for me.

I smile and thank him, then we enter the movie theater.

Hope you liked this chapter...I know it sucked don't have to say it.

Two chapters in one week wooohooo I am on a role.

For those who don't know this is Rika The Snake, if you don't play Mystic Messenger you won't understand

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For those who don't know this is Rika The Snake, if you don't play Mystic Messenger you won't understand.

As Always:

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