Ch. 45 Mushrooms (Edited)

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TIS THE SEASONS PEEPS, IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS BISHESSSSSSSSS, if you don't celebrate Chrismas. than HAPPY HANNUKAH, OR KWANZAA. Hey guys before I start I just want to say thank you for the support, I know my English and writing sucks but the support keeps me going. Also, I am sick if I die halfway through writing this chapter come to my funeral.

(Breanna's POV)

We are walking through the halls waiting for Jake to enter the school...or was he too scared.

Becca, Megan, and I are so excited to see the looks on everyone's faces.

"Speak of the devil," Becca smirks nodding her head towards the schools front doors.

That's when the whispers in the hallway start.

"WTF happened," someone says.

"OMG like he looks so...." some girl whispers.

"AHHHHHHHHH," a group of girls scream, Jake glares at them, they blush and scurry away.

Becca, Megan, and I start laughing. Everyone in the hallway just stares at us, but then they join in.

Jake marches towards us silencing everybody he passes with a deathly look.

He stops in front of us and glares....damn if looks could kill we would be dancing with the devil right now.

We stare at him for a moment, then start laughing again.

"I know you did this Breanna!" he shouts, that was enough to shut us up.

"Me...I'm an angel," I smile.

"Well you must be a fallen angel because you're going straight to hell after I deal with you," he states.

I didn't have enough time to reply because after he said that he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I shiver as his arm circles around my legs.

"What the frick!" I yell.

Megan and Becca just laugh as I am carried off to who knows where.


"Jake you can put me down now," I say as we enter an empty classroom.

He sets me down in a seat and stares at me then sighs.

"Breanna, I don't know what I did to deserve this but thanks to you I have to cancel my shoot with Anna today," he takes out his phone, "Now I have to call Anna and tell her."

Oh shitake mushrooms, if he calls Anna than my phone is going to ring. Quick think of a distraction...I sigh loudly, Jake pauses and looks at me.

"I am sorry," I fake a frown.

He smirks, "Ok so now you're sorry."

He puts his phone down on the table and walks closer to me.

"Yep I am sorry," I smile, "Now step away."

He steps closer and smiles putting his hands on my thigh..."Thanks."

His touch tingles as he takes his hands off....wait one second! Something very wrong just happened...WAS JAKE JUST NICE TO ME!!!

I look at him astonished and surprised...."Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I might as well be nice to you before I kill you," he smirks.

I widen my eyes and get up quickly, but he stops me putting his hands on my shoulder. He levels his face with mine our noses almost touching. "You better watch your back Breanna, cause when you least expect it I'll be there," he whispers.

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