Ch. 24 Are We Lost? (Edited)

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Dedicated to @rainbow6e for reading the book even tho it's so bad, and she or he has been a great enthusiast😊😊. THANK YOU SO MUCH Well here es el chapter (My Spanish is great.)

Breanna's POV
We have been driving for the past 30 minutes.

"Ashton really I know tomorrow is Saturday but I have photoshoot's that I shouldn't miss," I try to explain but he doesn't listen.

"Pleeease Ashton tell me where we are going before I explode, I can't be out too late unless you want me to pass out tomorrow," I beg with pleading eyes, pursing my lips, and put my hands together.

Ashton looks at me and his eyebrows furrow, he has a look on his face that makes him seem like he is making the hardest decision ever.

My ultimate weapon, my adorable pleading face...who can say no.

"No," he says calmly then turning to a driveway. I frown looking around I noticed that we were no longer on the highway. How did I not notice this before...

Because you were to busy drooling over Ashton you nutjob.

Thanks for that brain, just when I need you.

But I quickly wipe my mouth just in case......just in case.

Ashton pulls to a stop in front of a beautiful lake house and I gape in awe at the scene before my eyes. It wasn't big but it looked beautiful.

"You just gonna sit there with your mouth wide open or you gonna get out," Ashton opens the door to the passenger seat and I step out.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I ask still looking at the house.

"We're going camping!!" Ashton says in a childish voice.

"We are going camping!" I shout shaking my finger at Ashton, "You want me to go camping while I have so many fricken things to do!"

"Calm down babe," he says then quickly covers his mouth and I see slight pink in his cheeks. "Sorry didn't mean too say-..."

I interrupt him, "It's okay," I say, "But you still have some explaining to do."

"Well," he says scratching the back of his head, "I thought you were swamped and wanted to take you for a break before you get even more stressed out."

I stare at him and a smile plays onto my lips. "Thank you, I love it but camping isn't my fortay."

My legs were tired from the photoshoot and I kind of didn't want to walk. Then a lightbulb flickered above my head, since we are still in the driveway and not the house he can carry me there.

I smirk, and he looks at me with a confused look. Then I run towards him and jump onto his back. He stumbles forward a little then gains his balance.

"Onwards my noble steed!" I shout slapping his chest, "We have places to be and things to do."

He chuckles and heads towards the lake house, "Let us go, and explore the wonders of this houses fridge!" he shouts laughing.

We enter the house and I get off his back and take a minute to look around. It was pretty and simple at the same time.

It wasn't like my house it felt welcoming, and very warm inside. It didn't look like much on the outside but inside is a wonderland. I run around the house exploring cabinets, drawers, and jumping on beds.

"Slow down, or you will run out of energy before the main stuff starts," Ashton says amused at my exited nature.

"What are we gonna do, hike?" I ask sarcastically.

"Ya, pretty much," he says.

I stare at him, what is he thinking I can't go hiking in these clothes...I mean look at me, not really hiking material. But before I could protest Ashton throws a set of clothes to me.

I catch it with ease and noticed it was for hiking, and walking. I didn't come prepared but he did and for me too. Such a gentleman, I put the clothes on and pose in front of Ashton.

"How do I look?" I ask.

He gives me a once over and I stop posing slightly embarrassed.

"You look exceptionally cute, and beautiful at the same time," he smiles walking over to me.

I smile and walk close to him he leans in but quickly turns away. He looks at me sheepishly and says, "Let's go hiking, or walking, or whatever you want to call it."

I smirk, "Let's call it probably getting lost in the woods, creative right."

He frowns and opens the door, we walk out of the house and enter the woods. It feels great to have a break from my job, and the city. That reminds me it's almost the end of August, soon it's gonna be September and it's starting to get chilly.

We walk through the woods on a small dirt trail, it gets thinner and thinner until I can't see it anymore. But we just keep walking in a comfortable silence.

Before I know it started getting dark. But I didn't notice Ashton stop in front of me and I bump into him. I almost fall back but Ashton stabilizes me just in time.

He looks at me with a worried look on his face and scratches the back of his neck, "Hey Breanna, we are kind of....lost."

I look at him with a blank expression but really inside I was fuming. I quickly walk to a tree trunk and sit on it, dusting it off before just in case there are bugs.

Ashton sits next to me and I scoot farther away. "I'm sorry I thought I knew where I was going I haven't walked here in a while," he says looking at me.

"You should have thought of that before we went out," I snap and look at him.


I throw my phone down in frustration, then quickly pick it up and wipe the screen off.

"We will just sit here until our energy is back and then we will continue," Ashton says a hint of dread in his voice.

"Ok," I say and finally look at him, I felt a lump in my throat and noticed I was crying. I quickly wipe the tears away but Ashton saw them. He quickly pulls me into an embrace, and this was the time I decided to ask the question I have been wanting to ask him since.

Yep....CHAPTER BISH TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, OR READ IT. My mom is watching Boy Band in the living room and it was so annoying.😤😤😤😤 But I'll stop talking now, have a picture.

😤😤😤😤 But I'll stop talking now, have a picture

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JOHN CENA TO THE FACE...ok but As Always:


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