Ch. 22 Throwback (Edited)

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I have been trying test out POV of the characters, so it might go to characters that you wouldn't expect.

(Jason POV)

Gym class, don't get me wrong I love this class, the girls, the rush, and everything. But I am not in the mood today for this class. I watch as Jake smirks as he looks at Breanna, what is with him and that girl.....he probably likes the nerd. I know he made a deal with her but it seems to be more than cleaning his room. But why should I care, he is probably only doing this to be the first one to get her V-card.

I smirk just thinking about what I have taught him, about girls.

"Posten get your arse on the field or you will have to run extra laps," Coach says, I frown but get on the field.

"We are playing football today, but don't worry girls we will separate you two," Coach frowns, "If I get any complaints or see anything happening that I don't want to see it's a detention, during school hours."

I smirk, thinking that I can get a few people into detention.

"Just remember this isn't real football, I don't want anyone to get any concussions before I get fired, and I already have a warning because of that little pranked you pulled Posten," he huffs walking to the sideline of the field and starts looking at a clipboard.

I remember that prank I pulled on the gym teacher. First of all, even though I am not the greatest pranker I had some help from Ashton, one of my friends. He does not go to this school and as a matter of fact, I think he is a much older than me. Even though we don't talk he really pulled through last time, last I saw him he was at the movies with some hot girl.

We came up with the idea after Coach sent me to detention because he didn't like how I was kissing.....I forgot her name, well I kissed her and got detention. So I called up Ashton to help me out, we did it after school hours so that we wouldn't be caught. First, we T-ped the locker rooms, and also glued Coaches office door shut.

Then we blasted out an email to the all the students in the school and told them all to bring furry onesies for the next day and arrive 2 hours before school started so that the teachers wouldn't be there. We emailed the student body and told them to wear pajamas to school.

Then Ashton and I took all the furniture that could come off the ground and put it all in the gym. Gluing them to walls the ground, and also tieing some of them to bleachers and the basketball pole.

We felt a great deal of accomplishment but it still wasn't enough, we decided to take a lawn mower and draw a big banana in the field, if you know what I mean. On top of that, we also told everyone to park in front of the all the school doors.

I know it seems a lot for one detention but it was a dumb reason. The next day all the students arrived, and we all crowded into the gym and when Coach finally found a way to come to the school, we surprised him when he entered the gym.

We asked everyone to sit down on the basketball court in the gym and when Coach came in we all got up and yelled. We had signs and everything then we carried coach into the locker room and left him there.

After that everyone was sent to the gym for an assembly on why we shouldn't prank and all that. Then the principal asked who did it and I was sent to the office. I not only got an in-school suspension but I still got Coach in trouble and that was my goal the whole time.

"Posten, stop spacing out!" Coach yells. I look at him and scowl, time to play some football.

(Breanna's POV)
Gym class, I dread it because everyone I hate is in this class, and it's fall so it's getting chilly. Soon we will have to move indoors, which means more sweat and odor.....gross.

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