Ch. 40 On My Mind (Edited)

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(Breanna's POV)

"What?" I ask, he was staring at me and it's been getting a little awkward.

He looks away, "Dunno."

We sit in silence, I can't wait for this plane to land so that I can get out of here.

Yep, we're on a plane the show in Germany went really well. The dresses were amazing, and when I was on the runway it felt like I belonged there. People cheered and hollered I smiled and after it was over thanked everyone.

I try not to remember what happened there, just remember how much fun I had. Jake and I got closer together, I was actually beginning to enjoy spending every second with him. He was a gentleman, he cared for me sincerely, and always had his eye on me.

"Attention passengers the plane is soon going to land please put your seatbelt on and wait till the plane comes to a complete stop until you get out," the intercom says.

I wait patiently until the plane lands and as soon as it stopped I got off. Happy to escape the awkwardness between Jake and me.

Now back to boring life, and secret life and worst of all school where nobody knows who I am and where everything seems to work against me.

Again in a limo and head home, ready to see my parents and my little brother. I haven't seen them in a week and it feels like it's been forever.

As soon as I reach my house I jumped out of the limo and head inside. When I open the door standing there were Ashton, my mom, my dad, and my brother. I've smiled and hugged them all, I was quite surprised to see Ashton there and it feels a little weird to see him too.

After everything that's happened to me and Jake. I don't know what to feel but who cares my feelings will soon reveal themselves hopefully.

After the hug my mom, dad, and brother went upstairs to go do whatever they were doing, Ashton stayed behind.

"How about a kiss?" he says looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"You wish," I say hugging him.

"That's better than nothing," he smiles looking satisfied, "So how was the trip?"

"It was quite something," I say not wanting to give any details.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks looking worried.

"Everything is just peachy!" I put on my best smile looking at him.

He nods but I can tell he didn't believe me, "Well if you don't mind I'm going to head upstairs I am in great need of a shower," I quickly walk up the stairs not wanting him to question me anymore.

"Okay see you later Anna," he says walking out the door.

I'm so awkward around him what is wrong with me. Before I felt so comfortable but now it's just..... I don't know what it is, but I hope it passes soon. I can tell he's going to get hurt if I keep doing this.

It's getting dark so I could decide to head to bed early and think about what been happening. I drift off to sleep ready for the next day.

(Jake's POV)

Why can't I get her off my mind, she has been in my thoughts since that day. The day Anna kissed me, on the plane a few days after that I couldn't help but stare at her.

I looked at every single one of her features, taking in everything. She's so beautiful, oh no I'm becoming a pussy, I am so whipped. This is why I got to keep this girl out of my mind, I'm in high school I'm supposed to be having fun and living it up. But really I'm just thinking about one girl. One that I can't have.....

I get up from my bed my alarm ringing in my ears. I reach out to turn it off, I haven't slept in 2 days these thoughts are persistent and staying in my mind.

I get up, take a shower, and get ready for school...ugh school the one thing I dreaded about coming home.

I head to my black Mustang and hop in, turning the key in the engine. Time to get this day over with, I might as well just skip but I know it would affect my grades and I can't let that happen again.

I head to school, the crowds of people parting as I walked along. My friends greet me and I nod back at them. Soon Jason catches up with me he puts his arm around my shoulder, "What's up bro?"

"Not much," I say smiling at him.

"How was Germany?" he asks winking as we walk past a few girls.

"Dude it was awesome!" I say and he high fives me.

"So tell me did you get any of the girls there?" He asks staring at me.

"There was one, but I was mostly occupied and couldn't do anything," I say.

"Damn are they as hot as you said they would be?" he laughs.

"They were pretty hot but work got in the way," I say. Typical Jason always has girls on his mind. While I can't get one out of my mind.

We walked down the hall, and I spot Breanna, she is looking down at the ground as usual and walking.

"See you later," I say to Jason walking to Breanna.

"Hey Breanna," I say smirking at her.

She looks up into my eyes and I see the joy in them, but she soon masks it with fear....or what I think is fear.

"Month 2, one month to go," I say, "Now what should I have you do this month."


Before she could reply a pair of hands turns me around. "Oh, hey Sarah," I say. Ok Jason is cool but Sarah is starting to get on my nerves, these two are twins and the only similarity between them is their parents. Also, they both can't control their hormones.

"Hey," she says whipping her hair, "Why are you hanging out with that nerd?"

"Because I want to," I shrug attempting to turn away.

She turns my head back to her and kisses me. Well, here it is guys, my makeout session of the day. By instinct I respond back to her, we went on until we both lost air and stopped.

Sarah smirked and looked at me and walked away. I look to see Breanna there, staring at me with pure anger on her face, but her eyes had the emotion of sadness in them.

Before I could speak she storms away, into the ladies bathroom.

I looked at the date and noticed I hadn't updated in 7 days so here ya go.

《《《《《《《《》》》》》》》》I looked at the date and noticed I hadn't updated in 7 days so here ya go

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I found the Illuminati sign in Mt. Wachusett..... <-- I think that's how you spell it.

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