Ch. 48 Personal Alarm

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Ok, I was sitting trying to update but Wattpad was under maintenance. So I decided to continue a book I have been's not on Wattpad but it's private on my Gmail account. When I am done with it I am going to put it on Wattpad and probably get like 2 reads but...whateva. Then I figured out that I could just write the chapter then copy and paste it onto Wattpad when it's no longer on malfunctioning, #1 genius right here...anyway back to the book.

(Jake's POV)

After she ran upstairs I just stood there in her living room expecting her to come downstairs and at least say something to me, but after 10 minutes I knew she wasn't going to. Maybe I was too forward and she felt overwhelmed, or she just doesn't know what to say or do.

While thinking I find myself heading upstairs to her room, I hear her talking on the door to the left so I head over to it. I was about to knock and enter but I hear her voice...laughing. Is she really laughing at what I said, maybe she thought it was just a joke.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere," she says then pauses.

I stare at the door, I guess she doesn't feel the same way I do, I know I didn't exactly tell her that I like her but she should of at least had a slight recognization of my feelings.

"Just come over, right now," she replies to whoever. I then hear her get out of her bed I move farther away from the door to make it seem like I wasn't eavesdropping. She opens the door about to walk out but I am standing in her way.

"How long have you been there?" she asks me skeptically.

I dodge the question, "It's ok, I came up here to say that I am leaving."

I walk away quietly cursing as I go downstairs. I hear her sigh also and close her door, I head down the stairs and out the door. Saying goodbye to Walter as I walk through the gate. I enter my car about to exit the driveway when a car enters the driveway, must be the guy Breanna is going on a date with. As we pass each other I look into the car expecting to see some 10-star model or something, but the person I see surprises me.

Ashton Drey, I knew him and Breanna were a partial thing before but I thought she just forgot about him...turns out I was wrong.

We pass each other and I turn the corner, this is when I realize Breanna and I are kind of the same. I am a player, at least I used to is Breanna but she isn't the same player as me. I am a player that plays with girls minds and bodies. Sounds a little bad, but it's true I make sure I or the girl doesn't get attached. But Breanna she plays with boys hearts, she makes them attached and makes it seem like she is attached to you too, but then she moves on. The worst part is that she affiliates you with her personality, no intimacy just personality.

Now that I know this I have shut down every single feeling I have ever felt for her, my brain now has its own personal alarm to look out for Breanna and her addictingly dangerous manner.

There is a small hurtful pang in my chest as I think about these things, how the player just got played. After all this I made the decision to get drunk off my ass and drink the pain away, I know I am such a pansy but I feel like total shit and this is the only thing that will probably make it better.

I stop by Jason's house, Jason always has parties...almost every day of every week. He is quite the party animal, and his sister Sarah is the hoe of the party. But I guess that's just the Posten family.

I slam the door of my Mustang shut and enter the party heading to the kitchen to get a beer.

"Sup Jake, haven't seen you at one of these parties for weeks," Darren says taking a swig of alcohol.

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