Ch. 29 First Class (Edited)

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Thank you for 1k reads, here is a chapter 2 days early just because. I am also gonna go back edit, and name my Chapters. I will name this one right now tho.

(Jake's POV)

I wake up ready to go, to the airport. I am sad my family couldn't come but I get to go on a trip with fricken Anna Halls. I am not gonna lie she is my celebrity crush, but now that I am around her I am acting so much more nervous and quiet than usual.

But I am still a little shaken up from a few nights ago when I saw Ashton with her. I came to her house to give her the jacket and shoes she left at the shoot. But it didn't even matter, she acted like she didn't want me there and then left with Ashton to God knows where.

Why does Ashton seem to be everywhere, and with every girl. Maybe he and Anna are just friends....who am I kidding the look in her eyes when she saw Ashton, was one of a million words, maybe I don't have a chance.

When he took her and left there was a feeling, of I don't know desire, anger, and jealousy. I never want to feel that way again.

If Anna and Ashton ever become a couple I have to make sure I don't go and beat him up. He's an acquaintance and ya know bros before hoes. Even though Ashton probably knew that I liked her and when I finally have a chance to talk to her and maybe have a relationship with her Ashton swoops in and steals it. I can probably contain my anger, just bottle it up and sleep with as many girls I can, to remind myself that I can get anyone.....except Anna.

But let's think positive, this trip is a chance for me to make my mark, and get her to be interested in me. I just have to be cocky and an asshole....girls usually fall for that. But Ashton isn't cocky and annoying, maybe I should just be normal, ya I will just stick with that it's easier.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear my mom calling me, "Jake, come down with your stuff so you can actually be on time."

I walk downstairs and my little brother Danny comes and jumps into my arms. I pat his head and put my fist out, "Hey Danny what's up?"

"Nottin, awe you gonna be gon for long?" he asks while bumping his fist into mine.

"Not to long ok bud, just don't miss me too much," I say smiling at him.

He smiles back running back to the table. I walk over to my mom and give her a hug, she smiles. "Hey, Jake make sure to be safe, have fun, and most importantly wear protection."

I crinkle my nose at her directness, "Umm, ok mom."

"Oh and speaking of protection, how about that girl you brought home with you a few weeks ago?"

"You mean Breanna the nerd?" I ask, why would she be important.

"Ya, Breanna I really like her, you should bring her again," she smiles kissing my forehead, "Bye, and be safe."

"Ok, mom I will," I smile taking my stuff and heading outside.

Speaking of Breanna she has become so sassy and direct to me. She only cleaned my house once, that cheeky need of a bi-...

I hear a honk, as I look up, I see a black limo waiting for me....fancy. I enter the vehicle and sit down, seeing nobody is coming I spread my legs out, plug in my headphones and stare out the window the whole ride.

(A/N You guys are lucky this chapter was posted because I almost just choking on a piece of ice so thank God I didn't die before I could post this.)

"Hey wake up newbie," somebody says while shaking me.

I jolt up wondering where I am then I remember. I look up and see Anna's manager Nadine looking at me concerned.

"Thank you," I say slowly stepping out of the limo.

As soon as I step out I regret it cause all I see are flashing lights and screaming people......Paparazzi. I always thought they would be cool but looks like they are just as annoying as celebs make them out to be. I wince as the flashes get closer to my face and the people start yelling at me.

"Are you the new model in replace of Max!"

"Are you and Anna going to date, or are you dating already!"

"Where is Anna?!"

I ignore them and quickly walk into the building, I get my bags checked and my passport. I stare at my plane ticket wondering where to go.

As I walk to the section I notice that my ticket says First Class. First Class! I am rich but not rich enough to buy first class tickets, I can get priority tickets but not first class. This means I can lounge on the plane, and won't get crowded in a three-seated row.

I smile to myself and see that my plane is already ready, I get on and locate myself in the first class section. Let's just say it's better than I expected, I have to sit next to someone and I will make that person Anna.

I sit down and put my bag on the seat next to me. People start filing into the First Class section and soon all the seats were taken except the one next to mine. The only person that wasn't here was Anna and I am next to the only seat left, I quickly move my bags from the seat and wait patiently for her.

(Breanna's POV)

I am so glad to get out of this airport alive, I felt like I was suffocating because of all the Paparazzi.

I look at my watch....15 minutes late! But they cant leave without me right...RIGHT! Well, I'm not sticking around to find out.

I run to my flight and make it just on time for me to get my seat in First Class before the plane took off.

As I walk into the First Class section I look around for seats. Then my eyes finally land on the one next to Jake. He seems to have the only seat open next to him, so I just roll my eyes and sit down. The smirk on his face growing wider as I buckle my seatbelt.

This is going to be a long ride.

Thank you for I don't have a picture.

No picture today just a chapter because I am feeling salty.

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