Ch. 41 Some Bark Most Bite (Edited)

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(Breanna's POV)
Why did I even leave, it's not like he knows who I am. He is probably going to make fun of me for this.

I stare at myself in the mirror...I am so tired of this illusion, the braces, glasses, contacts, and everything. It's slowly eating me out and I am starting to believe this is who I am.

Maybe I should just quit school and start homeschooling, that sounds better than this constant hell.

A tear slowly falls down my cheek, someone enters the bathroom and I quickly wipe it away.

I look at the door to see none other than Sarah Posten with the same bitchy look on her face as she usually does. She walks up to me and smirks.

"You didn't really think Jake liked you huh?" she chuckles.

I made no attempt to stop her from talking so she continued, "Jake likes actual girls, not hobo dwarf looking girls, and you classify as the latter."

I silently take her last sentence staring at her wide-eyed. This is when I started to get angry, I don't usually get angry but she has ticked me off so much today that my blood is starting to boil.

"So how about you stay away because a dwa-..."

"Bitch I dare you," I say looking into her eyes, "Say it, see where that gets you."

She looks taken aback, I step forward towards her challenging her with my eyes, you can tell she is intimidated. But Sarah shakes her head all forms of surprise and fear leaving her expression.

"I don't care, it's not like you can do anything you're a nerd," she scoffs.

I fake a smile, "And it's not like YOU can do anything you're a slut."

She now looks angry, to think I made her angry just by calling her a slut. I feel like I have been on the wrong end of her shenanigans for too long and I am now going to get it through her thick skull that I am tired of her bullshit.

"Well, at least I get a lot of dick," she smirks.

I sigh, "Honey, that's not something to be proud of."

At this time a few other girls had entered the bathroom watching us, the more we argued the more girls that came.

"Well, your so ugly that you make onions cry," she retorts.

"Wow, you seem so proud of that one," I smirk, two things people should know about me, I don't take shit, but when people give me shit they are going to get shit back. This girl doesn't even know what she is getting herself into, I am not only a model, I have a lot of other skills other than looking pretty.

"You didn't say anything back so I win," she smiles.

"Think again bitch," I say, "Just to know I am not calling you a slut or anything, but your private parts are more like public parts."

She shakes in anger her eyes furious, "Well you look like Rachel Maddow had sex with Denice the Menace."

"That's all your going to do comment on my looks," I say, "Well if we are going to talk about looks than I might as well start on you, you look like you collect men's nuts for winter."

"Well, your so fat that when you stepped on a scale it said to be continued," Sarah smirked.

"Ok, let me finish this off," I say confident in myself, "Your so slutty that when they sang you nursery rhymes as a baby they sang, Twinkle twinkle little slut name one guy you haven't fucked."

Now her face was all red, "Well...I...I don't care just know that Jake will never like you!"

She storms out of the bathroom pushing through the crowds of people gathered at the door and the girls inside. I hadn't even noticed that they were here, I looked around at them as silence engulfed the bathroom. The only sound you can hear is the sound of the bathroom door finally closing. As soon as the noise stops all the girls cheer me on saying, "You rock girl!" "Tell that bitch off!" and "Finally someone put her in her place!" I smile at myself knowing that I beat her, good thing that didn't turn into a fist fight or I would have ripped her apart.

I leave the bathroom with a smile on my face, I start walking to class....actually I started running to class, I was 15 minutes late. The crowds departed and all the kids proceeded to the classes they didn't care about. I, on the other hand, had to care, just because I already have a job doesn't mean I don't want a good education.

As I ran through the halls I bumped into Jake, I looked up to see him staring at me. I say sorry and hastily walk around him making sure to say sorry again. I can hear him calling my name but I know he is just going to boss me around and tell me to do stuff for him.

I walk into Advanced Trigonometry to see everybody staring at me, the teacher looked pissed.....this is going to be a long day.

(Jake's POV)

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel bad for Breanna? Why have I been asking myself so many questions lately? At this point I question humanity...

Breanna is starting to envelop my mind. As I walk through the halls to get to class it is quite crowded and everyone is very talkative. I linger around to hear what everyone is talking about, "Did you hear what Breanna did?" someone says. Now I am quite intrigued by this subject of conversation. I stick with the two girls who were talking making sure they didn't notice me lingering around them. "I heard she beat Sarah and after Sarah was the one walking out." the other one says. "Finally that bitch Sarah got what she deserved," someone near me says, at least I am not the only one who does not like Sarah.

"I got it on video," a girl exclaims, "I'm going to post it on YouTube, it's going to get so many views."

As soon as she said that there is a vibration in my pocket. As I pick up my phone others start ringing, people start checking there phones and I look at mine. Damn seems like Breanna is some bark and most bite, I smile watching Sarah's bitchy expression as Breanna roasts her. I look at the views to see 600, the numbers growing rapidly even though it was posted 5 minutes ago.

I head to class, wondering what today has got in store for me.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter my sister finally got off the computer and I can quickly type now.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter my sister finally got off the computer and I can quickly type now

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