Bonus Chapter: Jake Ending Ch. 1

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(Breanna POV)


"Ya can you come over," I say.

"Sure," he says.

I called Jake and repeated the same calling process.

By no time they were both in my house eager to hear what I had to say.

They are both sitting on the couch glaring at each other.

"Why did you invite this guy," Jake sneers out nodding at Ashton.

Ashton doesn't reply and ignores Jake.

"I'm talking to you," Jake raises his voice a little.

"What's wrong with you Jake?" I ask, he seems more hot headed than usual.

He scoffs, "Just say what you want to say Breanna!"

"Don't yell at her, she called you out here to tell you something, so be decent human and don't yell at her," Ashton states pointing a finger at Jake's chest.

That's when Jake broke out, I don't know what it was but you could see the steam coming out of his ears. He pounced on Ashton punching him straight in the face, I just stare at them in disbelief as they fight, somehow Ashton ends up pinning Jake down and punching him a few times. Then Jake breaks free and they start struggling again.

I finally get tired of the fighting, I get up from my seat and they both stop in there tracks and stare at me. I walk up to them both and raise my hands and bring them down.

Silence fills the air, they both look at me astonished, "Jake stop being immature, I'm trying to tell the both of you something and you keep starting fights!" I yell, "You Ashton you were ok, but violence doesn't solve violence."

"I am so sor-" I cut Jake off.

"I know you're sorry Jake, sometimes you just don't know when to calm down..." I shake my head.

Ashton rubs his cheek intently listening to every word I say. He seems to be confused as to what message I was trying to pull across.

I sigh, "First of all let me start by saying thank you...thank both for being different types of support in my life. One of you isn't as difficult as the other, but you've both done something for me in some way."

Ashton smiles while Jake lets out a small grunt, but I could tell that's not exactly what they wanted to hear.

"As I have been isolating myself from the two of you and thinking about what/who my decision should be I realized something," I proceed, "Both of you have been with me through many hard times, Jake when I was kidnapped you were there for me, Ashton, in the woods...even though you got me into that honestly took care of me like a brother would."

Ashton frowns, after hearing the word brother, he knew where this was going.

I continue, "So thinking over all of this...Ashton, I really am sorry, but in my head you have been perfect, the kiss, the date, everything. You are everything I thought I wanted in a man and more, I like you...but now I realize maybe more as a supportive figure in my life rather than intimate. In all honesty I don't want everything to be perfect, cause I believe that perfection in a relationship doesn't bring satisfaction. Relationships should be about the moments of hardship and overcoming them together, this builds up trust and everything else. So I've decided to follow my heart and pick you...Jake."

Ashton smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, they are glazed over, "Thank you Breanna for letting me help you on your journey to find love and realize what you want."

I pan over to Jake, who's face had no emotions, he seemed to be recollecting everything that just happened.

Ashton sighs, "Well I guess I'll take my leave...maybe our paths will cross in the future Breanna."

I turn to him, "Let me at least escort you out?"

"No, it's ok, I'd like to put some distance between us, you made your decision and I need to respect it," he implies, "If you continue to stay near me I don't think I'll be able to forget."

"Oh...I understand, maybe in the future...we'll be able to laugh like we had, but this time as friends," I give a small smile.

Ashton gets up, dusting off his shorts and patting Jake on the back, "It was a good run dude, but I guess you won, good luck."

Ashton exits the room quietly, I felt bad, but I couldn't take it back, I needed to follow my heart.

"Jake?" I question, I tap his shoulder slightly.

He turned slowly, his face still expressionless. Suddenly in a quick flash he had lifted me up and was spinning me around.

I laugh ecstatically as he slows down and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Breanna, I didn't know what I would do if you chose Ashton," he explained.

He continues to hold me, and slowly kiss my neck, his hands move from my back and slowly cup my face. He stares into my eyes, I could almost make out every small shade in his blue eyes. As they bore into me with so many intense emotions.

"I love you," he says breathlessly.

Before I respond he quickly closes the gap between are faces and connects our lips. I reacted almost automatically, moving my head to the rhythm and kissing him back. The passion and connection between the two of us during that moment seemed unbreakable. Time had stopped and everything but him became irrelevant, yes...this is what I want.

I smile and pull away, "I guess now I'm your girlfriend..."

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, he sits down and places his forehead on mine.

"I'm your boyfriend now, so don't break my heart," he laughs.

He slowly pulls his head away awaiting my response.

I smile, "Wouldn't even think about it, you gonna break mine?"

"I could never," a smirk playing onto his lips, "Do I really look like a heartbreaker?"

I stick out my tongue, "I don't know, let me ask the girls at school."

He laughs, "They are nothing compared to you."

I take my finger and tap his bottom lip, "You don't think I knew that already."


Hey y'all I know its been a year, and even with all this quarantine stuff I am totally and utterly swamped with homework. I'm procrastinating right now and getting this done instead. I'll continue to revise these bonus chapter because they are long overdue. I will also move them over my Author Note comments. Hope everyone is well, and even if this gets no views I just want to go through with my promise.

As Always:
('• ω •') ♡

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