Ch. 35 ESCAPE! (Edited)

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Happy Halloween! Here is a late gift from me to you readers that are probably don't have anymore since I haven't been updating frequently. That's Jordan.....ya.

(Breanna's POV)
"What do you want?" I asked staring at the wall in front of me.

"Just to have a good day, okay don't worry I won't hurt you," he said twirling my hair.

"You're already hurting me by touching me so please let go," I pull my hair away from him.

"Don't worry I bet it doesn't hurt," he smiles and lets it go.

Something about this guy just ticks me off I can't really stand him but for some reason, I have no choice. Why do I have to be here, why can't this just be a normal day, I mean for once can something go my way.

"So are we going to get started or are you just going to sit here," I say glaring at him.

"As you wish my lady," he claps his hands and calls for someone.

She arrives panting looking distraught but Jordan seems not to notice. He asked her to fetch the limo so that we can leave.

She nods in agreement and quickly hurries away, I look at him wondering if he saw the troubled look on her face but it seems he wasn't paying attention.

Soon the limo was outside and we leave the library quickly, I feel as if this day will not be as straightforward as it might seem.

I enter the car, Jordan enters after me, we sit across from each other my legs crossed and my face looking out the window.

To be honest, this is quite awkward I don't know this guy but he seems to know me. Where is everyone? Are they looking for me? Will they never find me? Anyway, it's okay this is just for one day.

"So where would you like to go first?" He asks winking at me, "I scheduled a few things later so the first half of the day is all your decision."

I was about to make a smart remark but I decided against it. He looked at me impatiently, I stare at him thinking of what I should say.

"Well, I haven't been around Germany much how about you show me around," I fake a smile.

"That's actually a pretty good idea," he says, "I thought you were going to reply with some kind of smart remark but thankfully you didn't."

He opens the small window to the driver's seat and whispers to the driver then we start speeding away.

(Jake's POV)

She hasn't come back yet, is there something wrong? Is she in trouble? Why am I getting worried? Nadine said she was safe, I should trust her.

I just finished dress rehearsal, and I am now just sitting down waiting for Anna to show up. But she hasn't come back for about 5 hours now.

I need an escape, something to take my mind off Anna something like...a girl.

Just in time, some girl taps me on the shoulder. She was rehearsing with us, I think she's a German model, she speaks with a thick accent.

"Hi my name is Violis," she pulls out her hand and offers it to me.

I smile in return perfect girl to take my mind off Anna, "Hi I'm Jake," I say taking her hand and kissing it.

She giggles, what, I know how to respect the ladies.

"So would you like to get out of here and maybe go to my place?" she asks touching my arm.

"Sure," I say, "But first let's get something to eat because I'm starving."

We head out, Violis's hand in mine. Now my mind was far off of Anna. Now I am thinking of what's going to come ahead with this girl named Violis.

(Breanna's POV)

"Well that was fun," he says.

I nod in agreement it actually was pretty fun, right now we are back in the limo. We went sightseeing and I saw a bunch of cool buildings, stores, and places. Soon after we went to get ice cream, and while we were eating I decided to have a little fun and throw some ice cream at him. After that, it turned into a full-fledged War. Let's just say we are both sticky and are in great need of a shower.

We stare at each other, then we laugh.

Right now his hair is all tousled and everywhere. It seems to be able to stand up on its own because of the ice cream. But I can't speak for myself when I say we probably both look crazy.

"Well since we're done with your plans time to go on with mine," his smile disappears and a smirk is now plastered on his face.

Oh God, what have I gotten myself into, I will have to be very careful from this point on. Something about his face tells me that what he has planned isn't going to be good.

He opens the small window to the driver's seat and whispers something the driver just like last time, the driver nods and we speed away...once again.

Jordan sits back down and notices my distraught look, he smiles, "Don't worry it won't be that bad."

I look out the window, hopefully, it won't be.

We finally reach our destination when the limo came to a screeching halt. I look out the window to see a building I can't see what's in it but seems to be vacant.

I look at Jordan expecting of him telling me where we are, and what we are doing here. But he seems to ignore me and walks out of the limo.

I don't know if I should walk out with him, I'm kind of scared. I need to find a way to escape, escape from whatever he is planning because I can tell from the look in his eyes that this is something I do not want to do.

Suddenly the door opens and Jordan appears. "Aren't you going to step out," he says stretching out his hand to me.

I am hesitant in taking it, I know I shouldn't but I did.

That was the mistake I made that day, and a mistake I will never make again.

Thanks for reading this spooky chapter. Jake is cheating on his friend Anna even though they are not dating... I am disappointed. Why did I make this book like this I feel like I'm going to lose readers because of it but don't worry it will get better soon and the cliche stuff you guys are looking for. Will probably appear soon.

My outfit for Halloween, which is a holiday I don't celebrate

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My outfit for Halloween, which is a holiday I don't celebrate.

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