Ch. 42 Rumors (Edited)

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(Breanna's POV)

Why are people staring at me, do I really look that awful in this disguise? I walk through the halls to my next class as people point at me and smile. This feels so weird I am not used to all eyes on least at school.

"Hey, it's Breanna did you hear what she did?" I see someone whisper to her friend.

What did I do, did I embarrass myself without even knowing.

I hear footsteps behind me and speed up trying to get to my class, sorry but History waits for nobody.

The footsteps speed up matching mine, a hand touches my shoulder and I yelp in surprise.

"Hey, hows our best model friend doing?" they say.

I glance behind me seeing Becca and Megan. "Hey guys," I yell and hug them, "I haven't seen you two in forever."

"I know right," Becca says, "We need to have another girls night, cause last time it was off the hook."

I smile I needed these two and boy did they come at the right time. "Yep, I don't have work today because I just came back from Germany."

"Yay, we will both clear our schedule for you!" Megan says enthusiastically.

I nod feeling a little better, "Before we head our separate ways, do you guys know why everyone is staring at me."

They look at me astonished, "Don't tell me you don't know."

"Does it look like I do?" I state bluntly.

"It's all over YouTube," they say in unison.

"What!" I shout this is bad.

Megan pulls out her phone showing me the YouTube video of me and Sarah in the bathroom. Oh no, oh no, oh no this is bad hopefully Nadine doesn't see this, she will kill me.

"Oh," I fake a smile, "Well gotta go to class."

I turn around and walk to my class ignoring the stares I was getting from everyone.

History you might find it surprising but Jake is in this class, yep highschool player and bad boy in my advanced History, I was surprised also.

I enter the class and this time there were only a few people there but one of them was Jake. I look at him and we make eye contact, I quickly look away making my way to an open seat. I am not looking at him and I can feel his eyes burning into my soul, with a knowing smirk on his face.

(Jake's POV)

Finally a class with Breanna in it, I usually skip it, it's Advanced History for goodness sake. I like history but not enough to actually sit in a class for an hour and a half.

I stare at Breanna waiting for her to turn around, she seems to notice this but keeps her eyes on the front of the classroom. The class hasn't even started yet, I decide to move up next to her.

In one swift movement, I had all my stuff at the seat behind her and me in it. I will not let her ignore me without a fight so I start calling her name, leaning to the front of the seat so that I would be closer to her head. As I did this I get a whiff of her hair which smells like cocoa butter, just like Anna's. Am I acting like a stalker?

I keep calling her name, seeing the irritated look on her I knew she was gonna snap.

"What!" she yells at me.

"What's up," I smirk nodding my head at her, I know I am such a douche but it's funny seeing her reaction. She acts like another hot head I know, but the only difference between the two is that one is a nerd and the other is a model. Actually, Anna and Breanna are quite similar if I do say so myself, their names, their attitude, and their voice but their looks are quite different.

"So I saw that YouTube video, and let me just say that was hilarious!" I chuckle a little.

She looks at me with a hint of admiration in her eyes, then it turns to a stone cold glare, "Don't talk to me you're annoying."

I stare at her, well that went badly, "So why did you run away from me?"

She pauses, "Umm, I don't know what you're talking about.'

"Common I think you know," I state.

She sighs, "Just please leave me alone, you don't know anything."

"What do I not know?" I ask.

She was about to reply when the teacher walks in, I sigh and stop bugging her for the time being.

"The Constitution of the United States," the teacher starts and that is when I tune out.


"Hey Jake," she says flirtatiously biting her lip.

"Hi...Sarah," I say trying not to laugh.

"So what do you say we ditch school and go to your house," she twirls her hair.

I stare at her and finally, my stifled laughs come out, I laugh until tears prick my eyes.

She looks mad, "What's so funny?"

"You, that's what," I say calming myself down.

"You know what Jake!" she says putting her hands on her hips,

"What?" I ask.

"You will never get to have me, cause I know you want me!" she shouts stomping away.

"Wait, Sarah," I shout catching up with her.

"What?" she asks looking at me expectantly.

I take a deep breath, "I am sorry, I never wanted you cause I don't do leftovers."

She screams and runs into the bathroom, should I feel bad she was getting on my nerves so I tried to end us. Even though there was no us.

I see Jason walking towards me, and cuss under my breath.

"Jake?" he asks.

"Ya Jason," I answer.

"What did you do to my sister?" he sounded calm but his eyes tell a different story.

"Nothing bro," I fake a smile.

"This doesn't look like nothing!" he shows me his phone and on it, I see a picture of Sarah crying.

Now I feel bad, "Sorry bro, she just kept throwing herself at me and I honor the bro code, I don't like her like that," I state.

"Can you at least say sorry?" he asks rubbing his hands over his face.

"Ya, I guess," I say knowing that I am not going to.

The bell rings and I walk out of school and head home. I have had enough BS today at least I don't have work, I would have loved to see Anna but I am not in the mood for anything.

I enter my house, head upstairs to my bed and faceplant into it. I think I am just gonna go to sleep who cares about homework.


Jake is catching on to Breanna's secret. Will he find out?

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